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Physical Address: Brink Hall 300
Mailing Address: 875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1103 Moscow, ID 83844-1103
Phone: 208-885-6742
Fax: 208-885-5843
Email: mathstat@uidaho.edu
Web: Department of Mathematics and Statistical Science
Nate Altenhofen Wants his Numbers to Make Sports Headlines
D.C. Internship Is Integral in Smith’s Education
NASA Scholarship Winner Encourages Neurodivergent Students
U of I Leads Systemic Sustainability Research Efforts
Mathematician Esteban Hernandez-Vargas builds mathematical models to stymie infections
A Bachelor of Science in mathematics or statistical science introduces you to the excitement of mathematical ideas.
See our undergraduate degree options
Our M.A.T., M.S., and Ph.D. in mathematics and statistical science prepares students for a career in teaching, research, and various technical fields.
Explore our graduate program
ACT, SAT, AP? What does it mean? Always check with your advisor - but here are some resources to get you started!
Find out about the exam
There are research opportunities for undergraduate students to be involved with faculty members.
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We conduct research in the several areas.
Explore our research areas
The Mathematics Assistance Center, the Statistical Assistance Center, and the Statistical Consulting Center.
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