Water Directory
Kendra Kaiser
Director, Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, Assistant Research Faculty
Mike "Woody" Wood
IWRRI Operations & Outreach Coordinator

Lindsey Beacham
IWRRI Outreach Assistant

University of Idaho Extension Water Outreach
Jim Ekins — Northern Idaho | Christa Howarth — Southern Idaho
College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Patrick Hatzenbuehler
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Twin Falls Research & Extension Center
Office phone: 208-736-3607
Email: phatzenbuehler@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
None listed
water use in agriculture and aquaculture, water rights
Professional Interest
Research activities that investigate the crop planting implications of changes in ground and/or surface water availability due to supply and/or demand changes to the water system in Idaho. Related studies on the follow-on effects of such changes on the agricultural and aligned industries.
Robert Heinse
Soil and Water Systems
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: Not provided
Email: rheinse@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
None listed
Hydrogeophysics, Vadose Zone Hydrology
Professional Interest
None listed
Alexander Karasev
Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-2350
Email: akarasev@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Phytopathological Society
Sustainability Of Crop Production
Professional Interest
Biotic stresses caused by plant pathogens.
Laurel Lynch
Soil and Water Systems
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 970-689-9116
Email: llynch@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Ecological Society of America, American Geophysical Union, European Geophysical Union, Soil
Ecology Society
Watershed Biogeochemistry, Metabolomics
Professional Interest
My background is in ecosystem ecology. My work focuses on how environmental drivers and microbial communities shape the chemistry of dissolved organic carbon as it flows between soil and river systems.
Greg Moller
Soil and Water Systems
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-0401
Email: gmoller@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Water Environment Federation
Water Technology, Water Quality, Aquatic Toxicology, Nutrients, Phosphorus
Professional Interest
Our team focuses on the development of technology innovation for sustainable water systems. Key to our efforts are green chemistry and green engineering approaches. Risk management as well as system resilience and regeneration are drivers in our approach to the grand challenges of clean water.
Jae Ryu
Soil and Water Systems
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Boise
Office phone: 208-332-4402
Email: jryu@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Water Resources Association
Sustainable Water Resources Planning and Management, Drought Monitoring And Forecasting,
Climate Change and Variability, Hydro Modeling, System Dynamics, Water Quality Monitoring,
Remote Sensing, Unmanned Aerial System, STEM Education
Professional Interest
Conjunctive aquifer management along with various management options and technologies, such as water conservation, managed recharge, satellite-based remote sensing, unmanned aerial system (UAS, a.k.a. drone), real-time monitoring is critical to sustain Ag-driven Idaho economy in years to come. Precision agriculture along with efficient irrigation technologies is another avenue to protect water quality standards in Idaho waterways.
Linda Schott
Soil and Water Systems
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
Office phone: 208-736-3629
Email: lschott@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Soil Science Society of America
Water Quality, Soil Health, Cropping Systems, Animal Production Systems, Non-Point Sources
Professional Interest
Linda specializes on addressing the needs of stakeholders in southern Idaho related to the impacts of nutrient and livestock waste management and other land management practices on soil health and water quality.
Olga Walsh
Plant Sciences
College: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-291-6218
Email: owalsh@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
irrigation, precision water management, water quality, water quantity
Professional Interest
Areas of specialization are soil fertility, nutrient management, precision agriculture. I am interested in water/fertilizer interactions and how crops respond to applied nutrients as affected by water. I am interested in evaluating and developing precision irrigation management practices. I am interested in utilizing UAVs and crop sensors for monitoring soil water and crop moisture status and for using precision ag tools for prescribing irrigation.
College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Manoj Shrestha
Politics and Philosophy
College: College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-0530
Email: mks@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
None listed
Water Governance Networks, Collaborative Water Management and Policy, Social-Ecological
Professional Interest
I am interested in the study of water governance and policy networks and the consequences of those networks on outcomes. I apply social network theories and analysis in my research.
Adam M. Sowards
College: College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-0529
Email: asowards@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
None listed
water history, water policy
Professional Interest
I am an environmental historian who focuses on the American West, especially its public lands. Generally, my research and writing has examined how the public and commodity users, scientists and managers, and local and federal policymakers create and contest the public interest in these public lands and waters.
College of Natural Resources
Kenneth Cain
Fish and Wildlife Sciences/Aquaculture Research Institute
College:College of Natural Resources
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-7608
Email: kcain@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Fisheries Society - Fish Health Section, World Aquaculture Society, U.S. Aquaculture Society
Fish Health, Aquaculture, Immunology, Water quality, Fisheries Science
Professional Interest
My interests are primarily in the areas of Fish Health and Disease Management and Sustainable Aquaculture. The need for high quality water for use in aquaculture is directly relevant to Water Resources.
Jan Eitel
Natural Resources and Society
College:College of Natural Resources
Campus: McCall Field Campus
Office phone: 208-596-9277
Email: jeitel@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union
Remote Sensing Of Water Resources
Professional Interest
Remote Sensing Of Water Resources.
Tracey Johnson
Fish and Wildlife Sciences
College:College of Natural Resources
Campus: Boise
Office phone: 208-885-7120
Email: traceyj@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
The Wildlife Society; Society for Range Management
Riparian Ecology
Professional Interest
I am interested in ecological services provided by riparian systems, including wildlife habitat, water quality and quantity, and livestock forage.
Timothy E. Link
Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences
College: College of Natural Resources
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-9465
Email: tlink@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union, International Association of Hydrological Sciences, probably should include Society of American Foresters but don't like paying expensive dues for nothing
Forest hydrology Climate impacts Snow hydrology
Professional Interest
Within U of I, it's primarily training students in physical hydrology to go into agency, industry or NGO positions (or academic positions for PhDs).
Brian Small
Fish and Wildlife Sciences
College: College of Natural Resources
Campus: Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station
Office phone: 208-837-9096
Email: bcsmall@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Fisheries Society; World Aquaculture Society; Idaho Aquaculture Association
Aquaculture; Fisheries Science; Fish Physiology
Professional Interest
My professional interest in water resources focuses on water utilization, quality and availability affecting aquaculture and fisheries ecology and management.
Chloe Wardropper
Natural Resources and Society
College: College of Natural Resources
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-7528
Email: cwardropper@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
International Association for Society and Natural Resources
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources; Watershed Management; Water for Agriculture; Individual and Organizational Decision-Making; Risk Perception
Professional Interest
I study how people and organizations manage water and land under changing conditions.
Frank Wilhelm
Fish and Wildlife Sciences
College: College of Natural Resources
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-882-7218
Email: fwilhelm@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
North American Lakes Management Society, Washington Lakes Protection Association, Society of International Limnologists, Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Water Quality Harmful Algae Blooms Whole-Lake Nutrient Budgets Wind-generated surface currents Macroinvertebrates
Professional Interest
I am interested in understanding the causes of harmful algae blooms and methods to prevent them, hence my interests in whole-lake nutrient budgets and understanding wind-generates surface currents. With roots in invertebrate ecology, I am also interested in their interactions/roles in aquatic ecosystems.
College of Engineering
Amin Mirkouei
Industrial Technology, Mechanical/Biological Engineering
College: College of Engineering
Campus: Idaho Falls
Office phone: 208-757-5420
Email: amirkouei@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
None listed
Water Treatment, Nutrient Removal, Fish Production
Professional Interest
Annual produced waste (both solid and liquid pollutants) from food-animal and aquaculture industry has a negative impact on surface water and ground water that can pose environmental problems. For example, the wastewater discharged from fish hatcheries can contain uneaten fish food, fish feces, nutrients (especially phosphorus), algae, parasites and pathogens, drugs and other chemicals. To address sustainability challenges in Idaho, we aim to conduct life cycle assessment and input-output analysis to find the major pollution sources and find practical solutions to reduce the environmental emissions, such as blended wood-based biochar that has application in water-nutrient recycling at Fish Farms.
James Moberly
Chemical and Materials Engineering
College: College of Engineering
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-7705
Email: Chemical and Materials Engineering
Professional Affiliations
Chemical and Materials Engineering
water treatment, water quality, Energy Water Nexus
Professional Interest
Microorganisms catalyze chemical reactions that can produce valuable products for mankind, for instance, they can produce energy (microbial fuel cells), bioplastics, degrade pollutants, transform and harvest metals (biomining), and can be used in resource recovery (biosorption and biotransformation). Microorganisms that breakdown different types of organic pollution can be introduced into areas as a means to clean up contamination. My research focuses on discovering how microorganisms or their bioproducts can be applied to solve engineering and environmental problems, improve human health, and increase accessibility to high-quality water sources.
Andy Tranmer
Civil and Environmental Engineering
College: College of Engineering
Campus: Boise
Office phone: 208-364-6165
Email: andyt@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Rivers, Geomorphology, Channel evolution, Sediment transport, Riparian vegetation
Professional Interest
Improve understanding of the physical river processes that support aquatic and riparian species. This includes calculation of hydrodynamics, prediction of river channel change through time, and impacts of vegetation as a control on hydraulic and sediment conveyance.
Elowyn Yager
Civil and Environmental Engineering
College: College of Engineering
Campus: Boise
Office phone: 208-885-4935
Email: eyager@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union
Sediment transport Geomorphology Ecohydraulics Post-fire erosion Water quality
Professional Interest
My research focuses on sediment transport, flow hydraulics, and geomorphology. I also study the coupling between physical and ecological processes in river systems.
Office of Research and Economic Development
Alexis Clark
Idaho Geological Survey
College: Office of Research and Economic Development
Campus: Boise
Office phone: 208-364-4599
Email: aclark@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Hydrogeology, groundwater, modeling, water resources, water quality
Professional Interest
IGS conducts research to support Idaho's water resources related to groundwater supply and water quality.
Alan Kolok
Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
College: Office of Research and Economic Development
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-5771
Email: akolok@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Water Quality; Fish as Environmental Sentinels; Citizen Science; Watershed Scale Data Acquisition;
Environmental Epidemiology
Professional Interest
My personal research interests focus on the water/food/public health nexus. I am interested in the relationship between land use and water quality, particularly at the basin-wide scale. In this capacity, my interests also focus upon autonomous water quality sensing, including crowd-sourced research generated by citizen scientists. I am also intrigued by the prospect of linking land use and watershed geography to the incidence of adverse health outcomes.
Office of the President
Katherine Himes
James A. and Louise McClure Center for Public Policy Research
College: Office of the President
Campus: Boise
Office phone: 208-364-4549
Email: katherinehimes@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Water policy Collaborative governance Transboundary water cooperation Foreign policy
International development
Professional Interest
The McClure Center currently is co-facilitating Governor Little's Salmon Workgroup. In addition, the McClure Center engages in broad water policy-related research.
College of Science
Jerry P. Fairley
Geological Sciences
College: Science
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-9259
Email: jfairley@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America, Sigma Xi, Institute for Andean
Studies, International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
Geological Society of America, International Mine Water Association
Hydrogeology, Geothermal Systems, Geostatistics, Modeling, Monitoring and Characterization
Professional Interest
My research focuses on characterizing and modeling complex, strongly heterogeneous
groundwater systems, with particular emphasis on the transport of energy and volatiles (carbon
dioxide, water, etc.). I use low-cost methods to collect large, spatially-distributed datasets for
geostatistical analysis, and use the resulting data to connect field conditions with quantitative
models in a wide variety of groundwater and thermally-driven (e.g., geothermal, nuclear waste
disposal) systems.
Jeff Langman
Geological Sciences
College: Science
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-0310
Email: jlangman@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
American Geophysical Union, Geochemical Society, National Ground Water Association,
Geological Society of America, International Mine Water Association
hydrogeochemistry, water quality, mine water, metal mobility, isotope tracers
Professional Interest
Thomas Ptak
College: Science
Campus: Moscow
Office phone: 208-885-6238
Email: tptak@uidaho.edu
Professional Affiliations
Energy-Water Nexus, Irrigation Modernization
Professional Interest
Research, teaching, outreach