Request A Vandal Card
What is a Vandal Card?
The Vandal Card is your official University of Idaho ID card. It is issued to students, staff, faculty, and affiliated persons. Vandal Cards are used for door access on campus, dining plans, and admittance to athletic events. New Students and Staff should select I need my first Vandal Card. after clicking the Request A Vandal Card link above.
Request a Lost Card Replacement
Purchase a Replacement Card
*Use this link ONLY if you have LOST A CARD
Photo Requirements
Vandal Card Photos must meet the following requirements:
- A flat, light-colored background, such as a wall
- No sunglasses, hats or non-religious head wear
- No side-angle shots
- Must be looking at camera
- No gestures or anything else obscuring your face
- Photo must be unedited
- Do not crop the photo. We will do this for you.
- Face must be evenly lit. No shadows on face.
- Must be recent
- No photos of photos
- File must be JPG format

TIP: If you are having trouble identifying what is appropriate for a Vandal Card photo, use US passport or Driver's License photos as a reference!