Growing vegetables can be very rewarding as you experience eating the fruits of your labors. Many vegetables do very well in Idaho climates and with the right care, will produce very well.
Dry bean

Dry beans can be easily grown if given the basic necessities. They like warm weather and long days and can be very fun to grow in the home garden.
General care
- Beans in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Dry beans and peas, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing beans, Utah State University
- How to harvest dry beans, Utah State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, beans, Washington State University
- Plant disease: beans, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: beans, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, beans, Washington State University
Edamame (soy)

Edamame or immature soy beans, are becoming very popular as a health super food, but did you know you can grow them at home? Edamame requires a long growing season before you can harvest the tender pods and enjoy them. These plants can also get very large, so plan accordingly.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Edamame, Washington State University (PDF)
- Edamame in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- What is edamame and should i grow it?, Utah State University
Soils and fertility

Peas are a cool season crop that grow great in the cooler regions of Idaho all summer and grow as a spring or fall crop in warmer regions of Idaho. Varieties can be chosen for color, fragrance or taste.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Dry beans and peas, Utah State University (PDF)
- Grow your own beans and peas, PNW495
- How to grow peas in the fall (video)
- How to plant peas (video)
- Peas, Utah State University
- Peas in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- The potential of amaranth as a new crop for Nevada, University of Nevada
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: pea, Washington State University
- Plant disease: pea, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: pea, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: pea, Washington State University
String bean

String beans come in many different types and even different colors. A very versatile plant, you can grow them almost anywhere. If you have a small yard, consider training them up a post or arch to save space.
General care
- Beans in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing beans, Utah State University
- Grow your own beans and peas
- How to plant beans (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, beans, Washington State University
- Plant disease: beans, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: beans, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, beans, Washington State University
View ProfileBroccoli
View ProfileBrussels Sprouts
View ProfileCauliflower
View ProfileHop
View ProfileNasturtium
View ProfileArtichoke

Artichokes are one of the more unique vegetables you could grow in your garden. They are sensitive so must be protected in cooler weather. With large, spikey leaves and their large heart, artichokes are certainly eye-catching in the garden.
General care
- Artichoke in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing artichokes, Utah State University
- Peel off the layers of growing artichoke, Oregon State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Broccoli is a nutrient rich and fun looking vegetable. Be sure to know your climate and plant inside ahead of time attempting to reach maturity before the hottest days of summer as the broccoli will turn to beautiful yellow flowers rather than the vegetable you wanted.
General care
- Broccoli in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing broccoli, Utah State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: broccoli, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: broccoli, Washington State University
- Crop pests: broccoli, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: broccoli, Washington State University
Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are in the cabbage family and each little sprout can look like a miniature cabbage. Brussels sprouts need a long growing season, so look for varieties requiring a slightly shorter season than most. Brussels sprouts can be very fun to grow in the home garden as they grow tall stalks with little sprouts all up and down the main stem.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: Brussels sprouts, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: Brussels sprouts, Washington State University
- Crop pests: Brussels sprouts, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: Brussels sprouts, Washington State University

A close cousin to broccoli, cauliflower requires a similar cool climate and requirements of broccoli. Cauliflower comes in many colors and has a very mild taste compared to most other brassica vegetables.
General care
- Cauliflower, Oregon State University
- Cauliflower, Utah State University
- Cauliflower in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Do you have tips for growing cauliflower and celery?, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: cauliflower, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: cauliflower, Washington State University
- Crop pests: cauliflower, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: cauliflower, Washington State University

Hops vines are very hardy and a fun addition to the home garden. They can be grown for home brewing or simply for aesthetic. The vines become very tall, up to 25 feet long, and very heavy, so be sure you have a trellising system that can handle the full weight and length of the vine.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing Hops, Utah State University
- Growing hops in the home garden, Oregon State University (PDF)
- Hops in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Nasturtium typically known for its bright flowers is also entirely edible as a salad green. Add its octagon looking leaves to your salad for a little kick or add its brightly colored blossoms to many dishes for color and flavor. Nasturtium is a voracious plant that will do well most places.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Herb gardening: nasturtium, University of Illinois
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Plant disease: nasturtium, PNW handbooks
View ProfileCucumber
View ProfileEggplant
View ProfileGourd
View ProfileGround cherry
View ProfileHoneydew
View ProfileOkra
View ProfilePepper
View ProfilePumpkin
View ProfileSummer squash
View ProfileTomatillo
View ProfileTomato
View ProfileWatermelon
View ProfileWinter squash
View ProfileCantaloupe

This small, orange-meat melon grows very well in Idaho and loves the sandy, well-drained soil of certain regions of Idaho. Seeds should be started indoors for the greatest success.
General care
- Cantaloupe (muskmelon) in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing cantaloupe, Utah State University
- Melon — harvest and handling, Utah State University (PDF)
- Melons — cantaloupe, muskmelon, honeydew, Crenshaw, casaba, etc., Oregon State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Cucumbers are a favorite home garden plant, from gherkins to pickles to sumptuous sandwich cucumbers. Cucumbers can tolerate many different growing conditions but are very sensitive to frost. Consider growing them on a trellis system in small or confined garden spaces.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Cucumbers, Utah State University
- Cucumber in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Garden notes: cucumbers, Utah State University (PDF)
- How to build tomato and cucumber trellises (video)
- How to train cucumbers to a trellis 1 (video)
- How to train cucumbers to a trellis 2 (video)
- How to train cucumbers to a trellis 3 (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: cucumber, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: cucumber, Washington State University
- Crop pests: cucumber, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: cucumber, Washington State University

Eggplant is a bright, colorful, fun vegetable to add to your garden. There are many varieties adapted to different growing environments. They are very sensitive to frost and like lots of sunshine.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Eggplant in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Growing eggplants, Utah State University
- How to grow eggplant (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: eggplant, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: eggplant, Washington State University

Gourds come in many shapes and sizes and can be grown for many different uses. They require a very long growing season with lots of sun. They need a long season to ripen and develop that tough skin characteristic to gourds.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- So many gourds, so little time, Utah State University (PDF)
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Summer and winter squash, Utah State University
Soils and fertility
- See pumpkin
Ground cherry

Ground cherries are closely related to tomatillos but have a fruity taste. Some varieties have been compared in taste to strawberries or pineapple. They can be used as a fruit or vegetable.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Ground cherries, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Growing tomatillos and ground cherries in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Smooth ground cherry, PennState
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Honeydew melons are small with a sweet green meat. Plant seeds outdoors when temperatures are cooler but use frost protection to prevent tender shoots from becoming damaged.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Honeydew and other winter melons in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Melon — Harvest and Handling, Utah State University (PDF)
- Melons — cantaloupe, muskmelon, honeydew, Crenshaw, casaba, etc., Oregon State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Okra is small, spiny and fuzzy vegetable full of seeds and a gelatinous goo. Loved for its texture and flavor when added to southern dishes, many love to grow okra in the home garden. Okra will need special care in cooler regions of Idaho to extend the growing season long enough.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Okra, Oregon State University
- Okra in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Peppers come in thousands of different varieties and are used all over the world in different ways. Whether you are looking for a sweet, snacking pepper, a pretty-colored bell pepper to spruce up or stir fry, or you'd like to experiment growing some of the hottest peppers known to man, you will enjoy growing peppers in your home garden. Peppers are well adapted to Idaho climates, especially combined with some season Extension techniques and most varieties will perform well across the state.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to transplant peppers into the garden (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Pumpkins are one of the oldest known native vegetables to the Americas and have been a symbol of prosperity to Americans for many years. They are grown to be eaten, baked into pies and other goods or carved with scary faces to decorate in the fall. Some may even try to grow a prize-winning giant pumpkin.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Pumpkins, Utah State University
- Pumpkins in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Pump up your pumpkins to giant size, Oregon State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: pumpkin, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: pumpkin, Washington State University
- Crop pests: pumpkin, PNW handbooks
- How to control squash bugs with water (video)
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: pumpkin, Washington State University
Summer squash

Summer squash are squash that are generally harvested throughout the summer when they are smaller and more tender. They mature more quickly than winter squash and pumpkins and have different flavor, texture and uses.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to manage zucchini plants (video)
- How to win blue ribbons with your summer squash (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Summer and winter squash, Utah State University
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: squash, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Crop pests: squash, PNW handbooks
- How to control squash bugs with water (video)
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University

This unique fruit grown on a vine in little husks is popular mostly in Mexican cuisine. Tomatillos can grow almost anywhere, in fact, become quite weedy when not carefully controlled. They need rich soil, plenty of spacing for the large vining plants and are intolerant of frost.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing tomatillos and ground cherries in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Tomatillo, University of Kentucky (PDF)
- Tomatillos, Texas A&M University (PDF)
- Tomatillos in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
Soils and fertility

Almost everyone would love to grow the perfect giant, red, plump and juicy tomato in their own garden. There are many different methods for doing so, including those for limited space and soil.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing tomatoes in cool, short-season locations, BUL864
- How to build tomato and cucumber trellises (video)
- How to transplant tomatoes into the garden (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Tomatoes, Utah State University
- Tomatoes in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
Soils and fertility
- Compendium of tomato diseases and pests, APS Publications
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: tomato, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Compendium of tomato diseases and pests, APS Publications
- Crop pests: tomato, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University

Watermelon is a juicy sweet vegetable that is popular all over America, and you can grow watermelon in Idaho too.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Melon — harvest and handling, Utah State University (PDF)
- Melons — cantaloupe, muskmelon, honeydew, Crenshaw, casaba, etc., Oregon State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Watermelon, Utah State University
- Watermelon in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: watermelon, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
Winter squash

Winter squash, including pumpkins, are a delicious and colorful fun vegetable for the garden. They need a long growing season and frost protection in the fall while they ripen.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Summer and winter squash, Utah State University
- Summer and winter squash in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: squash, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: Washington State University
- Crop pests: squash, PNW handbooks
- How to control squash bugs with water (video)
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: Washington State University

Also called “pigweed” in Idaho and generally considered a weed, Amaranth has culinary significance in some cultures who enjoy its quinoa-like seeds and plump stems. Use caution when growing amaranth that you don’t let it become a weed for you or your neighbors. Consider growing quinoa as an alternative.
General care
- Adopting quinoa in southeastern Idaho, BUL902
- Amaranth (grain) growing guide, GrowVeg
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- The potential of amaranth as a new crop for Nevada, University of Nevada
Soils and fertility

Technically a grain, corn is ironically a favorite vegetable of Americans. Corn grows very well in the backyard and several different plantings can give you corn throughout most of the later summer. Be careful to select varieties that do well together as combining certain varieties, such as an Indian corn with a sweet corn, can give you a less desirable product.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to plant corn
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Sweet corn, Utah State University
- Sweet corn in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- The potential of amaranth as a new crop for Nevada, University of Nevada
Soils and fertility

Quinoa is quickly becoming one of the most popular grains in America. But did you know that you can grow this grain right here in Idaho? Make sure to select varieties suited to your area and soil type.
General care
- Adopting quinoa in southeastern Idaho, BUL902
- Amaranth (grain) growing guide, GrowVeg
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing quinoa in Washington state, Washington State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- The potential of amaranth as a new crop for Nevada, University of Nevada
Soils and fertility
View ProfileAsparagus
View ProfileBok choy
View ProfileCabbage
View ProfileCelery
View ProfileChard
View ProfileChive
View ProfileCollard
View ProfileCress
View ProfileEndive
View ProfileFennel
View ProfileKale
View ProfileLeek
View ProfileLettuce
View ProfileNasturtium
View ProfileNew Zealand spinach
View ProfileRhubarb
View ProfileScallion
View ProfileSorrel
View ProfileSpinach
View ProfileTatsoi
View ProfileArugula

This fun-looking salad additive can grow in a variety of conditions and can be a fun addition to your garden. Can be grown in partial shade and may do best if planted in late summer or early fall as a fall crop.
General care
- Arugula, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: Washington State University

Asparagus is a unique, but tasty plant in which you eat the tender first sprigs that come up in the spring. Asparagus is very versatile and can grow almost anywhere. It does like the cool temperatures and once the heat of the summer begins, it will bolt and won’t be worth eating anymore.
General care
- Asparagus in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing asparagus, Utah State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Crop pests: asparagus, PNW handbook
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
Bok choy

Bok choy, sometimes called Chinese cabbage, is a tender, moist alternative for cabbage or other greens. It produces a bulb-type part of the plant at the bottom with dark green leaves at the top. Bok choy can grow in many conditions but is sensitive to frost.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing Chinese cabbage, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University

One of the most used vegetables around the world, many varieties of cabbage can be grown right here in Idaho. Cabbage prefers cooler weather but enjoys our long summer days to reach a large full size. Keep them well watered and fertilized all summer long.
General care
- Cabbage in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing cabbage, Utah State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Plant disease, PNW handbook

Celery is grown both as a seasoning and as a low-calorie healthy snack. Celery prefers cooler temperatures and be sure to give it plenty of water to avoid bitterness.
General care
- Celery, Utah State University
- Celery in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Similar to spinach leaves, but much larger and with stems in many bright colors, chard is a fun and tasty addition to the garden. Chard does well in long, hot Idaho summer days. Can be enjoyed fresh, steamed or boiled or substituted for spinach.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to plant chard
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Swiss chard, Utah State University
- Swiss chard in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: chard, Washington State University
- Plant disease: swiss chard, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: chard, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: chard, Washington State University

Chive stems are a tasty addition to many meals. Narrow green stems supporting purple fluffy flowers add color and texture to the garden. Chives thrive in almost any condition and can be grown indoors or outdoors.
General care
- Chives in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing chives, Utah State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: understanding the laws
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: chive, PNW handbook

A group of looser-leafed brassica greens, collards are a popular served as a side dish. They grow in many conditions and are not difficult to maintain.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing collards and kale in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University

Small, tender green leaves with unique shamrock-like shape often grow right in the water. This plant requires special growing conditions and plenty of water, but is a delicious addition to a salad or side dish.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Garden cress, Utah State University
- Garden cress in the garden Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University

A green, leafy vegetable similar to lettuce, endive can be a fun substitute. Leaves can become bitter in high heat or with lack of water. Sow the plant early to avoid the hottest part of summer. A second planting may be possible in fall in some areas.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing chicory, Utah State University
- Growing lettuce, endive and radicchio in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Known for its plump bulb and feathery leaves, fennel is grown as a vegetable (bulb) and as an herb or spice (leaves and seeds). Fennel can also be grown for the pure aesthetic of its unique form. Fennel adds a licorice like flavor to dishes when cooked.
General care
- Common fennel, Washington State University
- Fennel, Utah State University
- Fennel in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Quickly becoming a popular salad green, kale is a fun, interesting looking plant to try in your garden. Kale will grow in the spring or the fall and will do well most places in Idaho.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing collards and kale in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Kale, Utah State University
- Kale in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Plant disease: kale, PNW handbooks

Many prefer to use leeks in place of onions in their cooking for their more sophisticated and delicate taste. Leeks are easy to grow, if you remember to give them plenty of water. They are very hardy and prefer cooler weather. Harvest them the year they are planted or wait until the second year.
General care
- All about leeks, Washington State University
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Leeks, Utah State University
- Leeks, Washington State University
- Leeks in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops, BUL955
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: leek, PNW handbooks

An incredibly large variety of lettuces can be grown just about anywhere. They thrive in cooler temperatures (though they are susceptible to frost) and the heat of summer will make them bolt and leave you with bitter leaves. Look for varieties suited to your water availability and soil type. Consider a second planting in fall.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Lettuce, Utah State University
- Lettuce in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Plant disease: lettuce, PNW handbooks

Nasturtium typically known for its bright flowers is also entirely edible as a salad green. Add its octagon looking leaves to your salad for a little kick or add its brightly colored blossoms to many dishes for color and flavor. Nasturtium is a voracious plant that will do well most places.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Herb gardening: nasturtium, University of Illinois
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Plant disease: nasturtium, PNW handbooks
New Zealand spinach

An alternative to traditional spinach, New Zealand spinach is much less likely to bolt in the garden on a hot summer day. It is an edible close relative to marigolds.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- New Zealand spinach, Utah State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Rhubarb is a hardy plant that can be successful almost anywhere. These bright red stems are popular in baking dishes, especially paired with strawberries. Rhubarb is characterized by the stringy texture of the stems and its tart taste, but do not eat the leaves.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Rhubarb in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Scallions are long necked onions with a small or skinny bulb, usually used for their greens or called green onions. Scallions grow quite well in Idaho conditions and can be harvested throughout late summer and fall.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing scallions in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops, BUL955
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University
- Plant disease: onion, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: onion, PNW handbook
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University

Sorrel is a leafy green plant looking somewhat similar to spinach. It can be used as a salad green and has a slight citrus taste to it. Use caution when planting sorrel as some varieties are noxious weeds and any variety can become weedy.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing sorrel in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Spinach is a small plant with delicious tender leaves. Growing spinach can be as easy as planting a few seeds in a window pot. These tender little leaves like the cooler weather of Idaho springs and falls. Consider planting early in spring, then replanting as fall starts.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing spinach, Utah State University
- How to plant spinach (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: spinach, Washington State University

Tatsoi is a new vegetable to the Americas and is similar to bok choy. It grows very similarly to bok choy though it will grow a shorter clump of leaves that can be harvested and used in place of cabbage or bok choy.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing Chinese cabbage, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
View ProfileCarrot
View ProfileFennel
View ProfileGarlic
View ProfileGinger
View ProfileHorseradish
View ProfileKohlrabi
View ProfileLeek
View ProfileOnion
View ProfileParsnip
View ProfilePotato
View ProfileRadish
View ProfileRutabaga
View ProfileScallion
View ProfileShallot
View ProfileSweet Potato
View ProfileTurmeric
View ProfileTurnip
View ProfileBeet

Beets come in many sizes and colors and grow almost anywhere. Enjoyed for their bulbous root and their greens, this plant is a great started plant for any aspiring gardener. Beets like cool weather and should be planted in early spring or fall.
General care
- Beets in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing beets, Utah State University
- Growing the chenopod (beet) Family, Washington State University
- How to plant beets (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Carrots like to be grown in cool conditions with well-drained soil. Carrots are a healthy snack that are fun to grow.
General care
- Carrots, Utah State University
- Carrots in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Growing carrots in home gardens, Washington State University (PDF)
- How to plant carrots (video)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University
- Plant disease: carrot, PNW handbooks

Known for its plump bulb and feathery leaves, fennel is grown as a vegetable (bulb) and as an herb or spice (leaves and seeds). Fennel can also be grown for the pure aesthetic of its unique form. Fennel adds a licorice like flavor to dishes when cooked.
General care
- Common fennel, Washington State University
- Fennel, Utah State University
- Fennel in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Garlic can be grown in most places in Idaho. Plant garlic in fall and harvest bulbs in mid-summer.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Garlic in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Growing garlic, Utah State University
- How to plant and grow garlic (video)
- How to harvest garlic (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: understanding the laws
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: chive, PNW handbook
- Crop pests: garlic, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of plant problems: garlic, Washington State University

Ginger is a well-known spice, but did you know you could grow it yourself? Ginger is cultivated for the root with its sharp and sweet taste. It needs a long season, eight to 10 months, so you will need to start it indoors and protect it from frost or dig it before a freeze. Ginger can be kept indoors in a pot during the winter.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing ginger at home, North Carolina State University
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Horseradish is known for its sharp tasting root has an unassuming pile of green leaves on top. Leaves can be used to spice up a salad too. Horseradish needs a long growing season but will come back year after year.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Horseradish, Utah State University
- Horseradish in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Kohlrabi is a small bulb like vegetable closely related to cabbage. It grows quickly and easily in many conditions. It is enjoyed freshly sliced or cooked into dishes in place of cabbage.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing kohlrabi, Utah State University
- Kohlrabi in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Many prefer to use leeks in place of onions in their cooking for their more sophisticated and delicate taste. Leeks are easy to grow, if you remember to give them plenty of water. They are very hardy and prefer cooler weather. Harvest them the year they are planted or wait until the second year.
General care
- All about leeks, Washington State University
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Leeks, Utah State University
- Leeks, Washington State University
- Leeks in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops, BUL955
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: leek, PNW handbooks

Onions have been cultivated for centuries and do very well in Idaho conditions. You can plant onions from seed very early in the year or from sets when sowing the rest of your garden. Choose long day varieties suited for Idaho summers and enjoy growing your own onions.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing onions, Utah State University
- Growing onions in the home garden, University of Minnesota
- How to harvest onions (video)
- How to plant onion sets (video)
- Onions in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops, BUL955
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University
- Plant disease: onion, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: onion, PNW handbook
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University

Parsnip is a carrot like root with white meat. Also related to parsley, the greens can have a similar look. When left in the ground until the first frost, the root will become sweeter.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Parsnips, Utah State University
- Parsnips in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

The most famous vegetable from the great state of Idaho. Potatoes come in brown, red, purple and yellow varieties. Select a variety that suits your culinary needs, waxy or mealy.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to harvest potatoes (video)
- How to make potato hills (video)
- How to plant potatoes (video)
- Potatoes, Utah State University
- Potatoes in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Potato production in the home garden, CIS1000
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: potato, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: potato, Washington State University
- Crop pests: potato, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: potato, Washington State University

Americans have enjoyed this small, bright, crisp root for many years. They grow best in cool weather and can be grown in the spring or fall. Many varieties can be found including different colors and shapes.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to plant radishes (video)
- Radishes, Utah State University
- Radishes in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility

Rutabaga is a root similar to a turnip but much larger and requiring a longer growing season. Rutabaga like to grow in cool weather, just like it’s other cousins in the cabbage family. Rutabaga will store well for much of the winter in a cellar situation.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Rutabagas and turnips, Utah State University
- Rutabaga and turnips in the garden, Utah state University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: turnip and rutabaga, PNW handbooks

Scallions are long necked onions with a small or skinny bulb, usually used for their greens or called green onions. Scallions grow quite well in Idaho conditions and can be harvested throughout late summer and fall.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing scallions in home gardens, University of Minnesota
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops, BUL955
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University
- Plant disease: onion, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: onion, PNW handbook
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University

Shallots are a small, elongated onion. Valued for their uniqueness and flavor in the culinary world. Shallots can be grown just as onions are in Idaho conditions.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing onions, Utah State University
- Growing onions in the home garden, University of Minnesota
- How to harvest onions (video)
- How to plant onion sets (video)
- Onions in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Beware signs of white rot in garlic and other allium crops, BUL955
- Idaho plant quarantines and the home garden: Understanding the laws, CIS1183
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University
- Plant disease: onion, PNW handbooks
- Crop pests: shallots, PNW handbook
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems: onion, Washington State University
Sweet Potato

Living in the potato state and sick of regular potatoes? Why not try growing sweet potatoes. They need conditions similar to what potatoes need and can be very happy in the hope garden.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- How to start and grow sweet potatoes, Utah State University (video)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Sweet potatoes, Utah State University
- Sweet potatoes in the garden, Utah State University (PDF)
Soils and fertility

Turmeric is a root used as a spice and as a super food. They need a long growing season but can be started indoors then transferred outdoors.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Turmeric, University of Florida
Soils and fertility

A very traditional garden vegetable, turnips can still be found in gardens today. They like cooler weather and should be planted early then harvested early before they become woody and bitter in flavor.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Rutabagas and turnips, Utah State University
- Rutabaga and turnips in the garden, Utah state University (PDF)
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Management of vegetable diseases in home gardens, CIS993
- Plant disease: turnip and rutabaga, PNW handbooks
View ProfileSunflower
View ProfileFungus

There can be great adventure and great risk with growing mushrooms in the home garden. There are many different varieties of mushrooms that are adapted to nearly every climate in the world. Great care must be taken that spores or starts are purchased from a legitimate, reputable source. Always use care that you are harvesting only what you planted and when eating.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Growing mushrooms commercially — Risks and opportunities, CIS1077
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
Soils and fertility
- Crop pests: mushroom, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University

Grown for their beauty and for their seeds, sunflowers always add a spot of bright color to the garden. Many varieties of sunflowers will do well in Idaho. If growing giant sunflowers for seeds, consider starting seeds indoors earlier in the season.
General care
- Choosing and growing adapted vegetable varieties, BUL863
- Designing an edible landscape in Idaho, BUL921
- Short-season vegetable gardening, PNW497
- Spring vegetable planting guide for Idaho, BUL965
- Start seeds indoors with success, CIS1209
- Sunflowers, University of Minnesota
Soils and fertility
- Crop pests: sunflower, PNW handbooks
- Photo gallery of vegetable problems, Washington State University