John Chapman

John S. Chapman first met Dr. Boyd Martin during his freshman year at the University of Idaho in 1954. Dr. Martin was John S. Chapman’s Political Science advisor and teacher. Mr. Chapman quickly became close to Dr. Martin and Grace Martin. They were mentors, friends and later like close family spending major holidays together. While studying at University of Idaho, Mr. Chapman would often go to the Martins' house for group discussions on world affairs, and benefited well from the one on one teaching that the Martins generously offered. In 1958, Mr. Chapman graduated from the University of Idaho and went on to law school at Stanford. After he received his Law Degree, Mr. Chapman became the Martins' attorney. Mr. Chapman had formed a lifelong bond with the Martins and they continued to work together on global issues for the remainder of the Martins' lives. In 1964, the Martins and Mr. Chapman went on a USAID sponsored trip to Ecuador representing the state of Idaho. After returning, they formed the non-profit group Partners of the Americas (originally called Partners of the Alliance) in 1966 and raised another $60,000 for the Ecuadorian project.
John S. Chapman worked with Dr. Martin in continuing the vision of forming the Martin Institute at the University of Idaho to encourage the study of prevention of war. Dr. Martin believed that every dime should be used to study war. Because of this passion for world understanding and peace studies, Dr. Martin and his attorney Mr. Chapman created the Martin Institute in 1978. John S. Chapman now continues the dream and passion that Dr. Martin started and is the chairman of the Martin Institute Board. John S. Chapman, like his mentor and dear friend, is dedicated to continuing the mission to prevent war. He advises students to study world affairs and foreign languages. Above all, he emphasizes the importance of global communication. Along with his many accomplishments in politics, law, education, art, serving in the military, and involvement in community activities, Mr. Chapman is an active student of global affairs and peace and a contributor to anything and everything in connection with the two. From a long history of Mr. Chapman’s national and international recognition for his work perhaps being selected as Boise’s Young Man of the Year in 1965 was the best tribute to his overall dedication to peace. John S. Chapman is an inspiration to the young students of today, encouraging the development of ideas and knowledge to take action and make the world a more connected and peaceful place.
Mr. Chapman passed away in July 2013.
By Rachel Dodge