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Agriculture and Cropping Systems

Soil health, water quality and crop productivity are major concerns to those feeding the world. University of Idaho Extension programs support small grains and alternative crops. These are key to the economy of Nez Perce County and north central Idaho.

Small Grain and Legumes

Pests and Pesticides

University of Idaho educates applicators on pesticides and their alternatives. UI Extension promotes the safety of users, the public and the environment.

Presentation & Handout Archive

Upcoming classes, workshops and seminars are listed on our Calendar, News & Events page.

North Idaho Cereal Schools — Lewiston

Procrastinator’s Clinic — Lewiston 2016

North Idaho Forage School — Sandpoint 2016

Falling Numbers Update 2016

Ventenata Update — Potlatch 2015

For more information contact

Douglas Finkelnburg

Area Extension Educator — Cropping Systems

Partners in Agriculture

University of Idaho research and Extension funding comes from federal and state sources, plus grants from public and private companies.


University of Idaho Extension, Nez Perce County

Mailing Address:
1239 Idaho St
Lewiston, ID 83501

Phone: 208-799-3096



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