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U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. Login to SlateConnect.

English Translations of Transcripts

The following will apply:

  • All translations must be prepared using the same format as the original document.

  • All information must be translated.

  • The translation must be verbatim (literal).

  • No interpretation or evaluation of information should be included, for example, converting number grades to letter grades.

  • The translation must be typed, signed, and dated by the translator and must list contact information for the translator including address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address if available.

  • Each applicant is responsible for any altered documents submitted; the applicant will be denied admission and the issuing board or institution will be notified.

The University of Idaho reserves the right to request professional credential evaluation by a third, independent party.

If you are residing in the United States, you may contact the consulate or embassy of the document’s issuing country or a certified translation service.

Office of Graduate Admissions

Physical Address:

820 Idaho Avenue
Morrill Hall, Room 205
Moscow, ID 83843

Mailing Address:

University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3019
Moscow, ID 83844-3019