Application to Third Year
The BIAD is a four-year CIDA accredited degree. The third-year review process takes place between the second and third years to ensure that students are prepared to advance in the curriculum.
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On or before Monday, March 31, 2025
Eligibility Requirements
- Successfully completed IAD, ARCH and ART courses required for first-year and second-year sequences
- Earned a grade of C or higher in all IAD and ARCH studios
- Successfully completed a minimum of 48 credit hours by the end of the second year
- Earned a minimum institutional 2.5 GPA
Portfolio Requirements
All students who have completed the pre‐professional program or equivalent and are applying for admission to the professional program must submit a portfolio of interior architecture and design, architectural graphics and design, art, and other relevant design work.
- Present your portfolio as a professionally designed digital file of up to 20 pages, 8 ½ x 11 page size. The portfolio will be uploaded as a PDF file of 10MB or less.
- Include examples of at least seven different projects of original work from required pre‐professional program courses in Interior Architecture & Design, Architecture and Art (i.e. IAD 151, IAD 152, , IAD 231, IAD 281, IAD 282, ARCH 154, ARCH 253, ARCH/IAD 254, ARCH 243, ART 100, ART 121 and electives). Transfer students must be present work from equivalent courses. The portfolio must include IAD projects.
- Projects should be clearly labeled to indicate name of course, instructor, project title and your role in the project (if a team project). Students are encouraged to provide concise and well-written explanations of projects, addressing design philosophy and demonstrating critical thought and reflection. Use professional language and speak to the issues/ideas.
- Be mindful of images selected! Images should be of high resolution and quality, sized for appropriate visibility and clarity so the committee can evaluate competencies.
- Submissions will be evaluated based on quality of the work and the presentation of the work through portfolio design. See below for detailed evaluation criteria.
- Meets requirements stated above (work from approved courses, sample projects, narrative, image quality, size and formatting, etc)
- Written Communication (Design philosophy and vision, project description, design challenge, concept, goals, etc.)
- Design Process Drawings (ideation sketches, diagrams, etc.)
- Design Documentation Drawings (floor plans, interior elevations, sections, site, perspectives, etc.)
- Evidence of Analog and Digital Applications
- Presentation Quality (development, execution, and presentation of individual examples and of portfolio)
- Evidence of Critical Thinking and Inquiry (design analysis, synthesis, strategy, graphic visual connections, etc.)
- Concept Development and Creative Application in interior design, art, architecture.
- Application of Art and Design Theories (elements and principles, foundational art and design theories, history, etc.)
- 2D Space Planning (2‐D Interior spatial development, wayfinding, programming, identity and functionality, etc.)
- 3D Spatial Development (3‐D spatial development, volume, aesthetics, creativity, etc.)
- Human‐Centered Design (human factors, environmental factors, anthropometrics, accessibility, security, diversity, etc.)
- Finish Materials and Furnishings
Optional Statement
You may include a one-page personal statement to be considered by the review committee. The document should explain any exceptional circumstances for unmet requirements and explain your plan to meet them before third year.
Please note the following:
Registering for third year studios: You will not be able to enroll in IAD 351 or IAD 344 until you have been admitted into the Third Year Professional Program. You will be notified by email to your U of I email address early June. In order to satisfy financial aid requirements for full‐time status, it is recommended that you register for additional coursework to fulfill the number of credits required and change the courses once admitted to the third year.
Bootcamp: Students planning to participate in Summer Design Boot Camp between first and second year should complete the second-year application in May, and then submit a third-year application and portfolio by August (last week of Design Boot Camp). Admission reviews will be done shortly after, and notification sent to students before the second week of August.
Computer requirement: Please note that students are required to have their own computers in the studio starting with the second-year professional program. An update to the software, memory and potentially your computer may be advisable as you begin your third or fourth year. Check the university catalog for further details on completing your Interior Architecture & Design degree.
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