The Paul G. Windley Faculty Excellence and Development Award
This $1,000 award recognizes three consecutive years of excellence in faculty scholarship and provides support for continuing scholarly activities in written research and dissemination.
This award is generously donated by Charla Windley and her children in loving memory of her late husband and Dean of the College of Art & Architecture Paul Windley. It is an especially appropriate recognition of Dean Windley’s commitment to written scholarship and dissemination as well as his many years of service to the college.
2022 Recipient | Dwaine Carver
Public Works: Infrastructure, Percent-for-Art, and Public Space
As the discourse and practice of public infrastructure development in the United States expands to include ecological systems, social justice, and new conceptions of public space, municipalities seeking public works improvements are leveraging arts and cultural programs to execute the next generation of infrastructure projects. Percent-for-art programs and ordinances, designating a percentage of public-funded project budgets to include public art, are significant and effective tools for municipalities to integrate art and design professionals into public infrastructure improvement projects. The integration of architects, landscape architects, urban designers and artists with city engineers and managers into interdisciplinary project design teams has arguably become one of the most effective uses of percent-for-art funds within municipal public works and a catalyst for design innovations in infrastructure addressing sustainability, ecosystem health, and social equity.
Research on these new infrastructure models led to the co-authorship of The Boise Public Works Arts Master Plan, a 10-year arts and culture planning document commissioned by Boise Public Works and Boise Arts and History departments. The document identifies strategic opportunities within future public infrastructure projects in the City of Boise to integrate art and design professionals into design and construction teams, addressing each of the public works department programs: air quality, storm and wastewater renewal, material conservation, reuse, recycling and upcycling, and a unique geothermal water system.
This award funds a presentation of The Boise Public Works Arts Plan at EDRA 53, the annual Environmental Design Research Association conference. The award also contributes to continuing research surveying key public infrastructure and percent-for-arts collaborations, projects that establish interdisciplinary design teams; critically engage their communities; develop new public space typologies; and expand social, cultural, and educational programming.

Johanna Gosse - 2021
The award supported archival research and travel necessary to produce and disseminate Gosse’s research. It was especially auspicious for Gosse to receive this award on the tail end of the pandemic, when it could help fund her travel to Ray Johnson c/o, a major exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago for which she was commissioned to author four catalogue essays.
Dan Cronan - 2020
The award supported the creation of outreach tools for Cronan's ongoing efforts to utilize a GeoDesign framework to understand current and past biophysical and social issues, critical uncertainties and plausible solutions for Idaho’s Magic Valley.
Xiao Hu
The 2019 award supported research on spatial planning and design in Idaho resort towns. The findings will contribute to sustainable development of tourism in rural and economically weak areas of the state.
Raffaella Sini
Sini’s award funded the use of an art-device to gather community representations and perceptions of place. Moving beyond conventional cognitive maps and selective interviews, Sini worked towards an assembly of 20 dioramas, each one designed by a student to capture and convey a familiar landscape and its values.
Anne Marshall
Marshall's award funded research for a scholarly book on the process of creating the Museum at Warm Springs on the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation in Oregon. The book will explore the challenges around designing culturally-appropriate architectures that meet the needs of contemporary indigenous communities.
Minyoung Cerruti, PhD
“Stress, Blood Donation, and Environmental Stimuli"
The main goal of this study is to understand how physical environment can influence the blood donation experience of young adults in relation to their levels of stress.
Randall Teal
In September 2008 I used the Windley Award to support a presentation I gave in Grenoble, France on Architectural Ambiance. As a result of this opportunity, I was able to publish an extended version of the presentation as an article in the Journal of Art and Design Education; further, the travels associated with this presentation led directly to a subsequent article published in, arguably, the top journal in the field of architecture, the Journal of Architectural Education.
Xiao Hu, PhD
My first winning topic was to study refugee housing at Boise. The title is “The Path to a Better Integration: Idaho Refugee’s Housing Situation in Their Early Resettlements.”
My second topic was to study international students’ learning style in architecture. The title is “Cross-cultural learning in studios: how international students study architecture in the US.”
Matthew Brehm
The operating title for my current research is “Drawing as Learning.” A slightly more descriptive explanation: I’m focused cognition and learning theory, as well as analysis and pedagogy regarding the use of hand drawing as a primary means of learning. With the ever-increasing ubiquity of digital tools in education, the use of hand drawing has diminished. Nonetheless, and for a variety of reasons, drawing by hand from direct observation remains an essential method for learning about the world, and perhaps the single most critical skill for designers to acquire.
Gary Austin
The Windley Award was used as evidence that the College of Art and Architecture had confidence in my ability to conduct research and write, when I submitted a book proposal to Taylor & Francis Publishers (Routledge). Secondly, I used the funding provided by the award to travel to Denver, Colorado to document a case student project (Stapleton) that I subsequently included in the book that was published. The Windley Award contributed greatly to the recent publication of my book, “Green Infrastructure for Landscape Planning,” and to a conference presentation and an article in the Spaces and Flows Journal.
1. One award will be granted each year.
2. Awarded funds may be used for a range of research and scholarly expenses including but not limited to travel, materials and supplies, equipment and student wages, etc.
3. The award cannot be accepted as salary enhancement.
4. The budget will be subject to approval by the Dean of the College of Art & Architecture.
5. Selected by program heads and Charla Windley.
1. Each applicant must be a tenure track faculty, tenured faculty or have been a non-tenure track (full or part-time) faculty for at least two (2) consecutive years in the College of Art & Architecture. In all cases the applicant must be under contract with the University of Idaho.
2. The applicant should demonstrate a record of excellence in written scholarship for at least two (2) consecutive years.
3. The applicant should demonstrate how the award will enhance a research project as well as outline possibilities for its dissemination. Priority will be given to proposals which lead to publishable works.
4. Priority will also be given to those scholarly activities reflective of Paul’s areas of interest, i.e. linking architecture to the social sciences, small towns, aging issues, research methods, and ways in which the built environments affects quality of life dimensions, (e.g., psychological and physical well-being).
5. The successful applicant should be willing to deliver a public “Windley Lecture” summarizing the scholarly activity and allow the lecture to be part of a lecture series publication if that occurs.
6. A recipient may receive the award more than once. However, a recipient may not receive it more than twice in a five (5) year period.
1. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a sample of written scholarship (e.g., publication in academic journals or conference proceedings, book or book chapter, or referred paper) and a brief proposal (500 words) describing how the award would support future scholarly activity.
2. Applications will be reviewed by the College of Art & Architecture Executive Committee. Charla Windley will be given the opportunity to participate in the review process and will give the award to the selected applicant.
3. The committee will forward recommendations to the Dean for consideration and final determination.