Research and Extension
The Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences beef production program serves Idaho’s No. 2 agricultural commodity: beef cattle and calves. Idaho ranks 13th in the U.S. for cattle and calves inventory, with more than 2.1 million animals raised by 7,500 beef cattle operations.
AVFS conducts research and provides educational programs in health, production, range cow, integrated resource and sustainable management, as well as cow-calf nutrition and feedlot nutrition.
The dairy production program serves Idaho’s No. 1 agricultural commodity. The Idaho dairy industry ranks third in the nation with international exports valued at more than $350 million.
AVFS conducts research and provides Extension programs in the areas of nutrition, lactation and reproductive physiology, herd health, milk quality, safety, breeding and genetics. Strong cooperative programs exist with allied industry and cooperator herds across the state. Excellent relationships exist with the United Dairymen of Idaho and association support is substantial.
The meat and milk quality program serves Idaho’s combined livestock and dairy production industries, including beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and swine. Animal and plant agriculture generates $26.4 billion in total sales, 18% of Idaho’s state economy
AVFS conducts research and provides educational programs in the areas of muscle biology, animal growth factors, meat quality, safety, consistency factors, HACCP procedures and live animal and carcass evaluation. Cooperative programming is conducted with the feedlot industry and the packing and processing industry.
The sheep and goat production program serves the diverse needs of producers in Idaho through research and Extension programs. In 2017, sheep and goats contributed more than $42 million to Idaho’s economy with an inventory of more than 38,000 animals.
AVFS conducts research and provides educational programs in the areas of range, flock, nutrition and health management. Additional topics include reproductive physiology, sustainable management and production practices.
AVFS maintains relationships with the United States Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois and the USDA Animal Disease Research Unit in Pullman, Washington.