Our People
Xiaoli Etienne
Professor & Idaho Wheat Commission Endowed Chair in Commodity Risk Management
View ProfileJessica Windh
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist — Rangeland & Natural Resource Economic
View ProfileXiaoli Etienne
Professor & Idaho Wheat Commission Endowed Chair in Commodity Risk Management
Ag Science, Room 25
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2334
Moscow, ID 83844-2334
Xiaoli Etienne’s work seeks to identify core risks in the agricultural and energy sectors and offer solutions to address these risks.
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2013
M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2009
B.A., Renmin University of China, 2007
Languages other than English spoken
- Chinese
Xiaoxue "Rita" Du
Assistant Professor
Ag Science, Room 39D
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2334
Moscow, ID 83844-2334
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 2017
M.S., University of Idaho, 2012
B.M., Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, 2006
- AgEc 481: Agricultural Markets in a Global Economy
- AgEc 533: International Trade and Policy
Language spoken other than English:
- Mandarin
Reed Findlay
Extension Educator — Crops & Horticulture
Bingham/Bannock, Room 412
University of Idaho Extension, Bingham County
412 W. Pacific Street
Blackfoot, Idaho 83221
Reed Findlay serves as a crops and horticulture Extension educator and county chair in Bannock and Bingham counties.
M.S., Brigham Young University, 1993
B.S., Brigham Young University, 1990
Languages other than English spoken
- Spanish
Patrick Hatzenbuehler
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist
Room 63
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
315 Falls Avenue, Evergreen Bldg.
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Patrick performs evidence-based research and extension work on agricultural commodity markets with a focus on market structure and conditions for crops grown in Idaho.
Ph.D., Purdue University, 2016
M.S., Louisiana State University, 2010
A.B., Georgetown University, 2006
Steven Hines
Extension Educator — Crops
University of Idaho Extension, Jerome County
600 2nd Ave W.
Jerome, ID 83338
Steven Hines is the crop educator for Jerome and Twin Falls counties. He works in the areas of forages, cereals, cover crops, farm management and farm succession.
M.S., University of Idaho, 1996
B.S., University of Idaho, 1992
Norm Ruhoff
Clinical Associate Professor
Ag Science, Room 39B
Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2334
Moscow, ID 83844-2334
M.S., University of Idaho, 1988
B.S., University of Idaho, 1983
- AGEC 278: Farm & Agribusiness Management
- AGEC 289: Agricultural Markets & Prices
- AGEC 468: Commodity Merchandising
- AGEC 489: Futures & Options Markets
- AGEC 489L: Applied Commodity Market Analysis
Hernan Tejeda
Associate Professor & Extension Specialist
Room B48 or in Moscow: Ag Science, Room 37
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
315 Falls Avenue, Evergreen Bldg.
Twin Falls ID 83301
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 2010
M.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 2000
B.S.I.E., Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, 1990
Brett Wilder
Assistant Professor & Area Extension Educator — Farm Business Management
Room C1
Caldwell Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
1904 E. Chicago St., Suite AB
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
M.S., University of Idaho, 2019
B.S., University of Idaho, 2017
- AGEC 469: Risk Management: Commodity Trading
Carmen Willmore
Extension Educator — Livestock & 4-H
University of Idaho Extension, Bingham County
412 W Pacific St.
Blackfoot ID 83221
Carmen provides educational opportunities related to livestock and 4-H youth development.
M.S., University of Nebraska — Lincoln, 2015
B.S., Iowa State University, 2013
Jessica Windh
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist — Rangeland & Natural Resource Economic
Evergreen Building, B-50
Twin Falls Research and Extension Center
University of Idaho
315 Falls Avenue, Evergreen Bldg.
Twin Falls, ID 83301
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2023
M.S., University of Wyoming, 2019
B.S., University of Wyoming, 2016