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Justice Department and U.S. Army Internment Camps and Detention Stations in the U.S. during World War II

1Names of the INS camps vary somewhat depending on what source is consulted; no one reference lists them all.

2References: Brown is FVB to SG, July 29, 1943, together with FVB to FFT, July 29, 1943; E291, 1000/F, RG85, NARA I; Clark is Paul Frederick Clark, "Those Other Camps: An Oral History Analysis of Japanese Alien Enemy Internment during World War II" (master's thesis, California State University, Fullerton, 1980); Christgau is John Christgau, "Enemies:" World War II Alien Internment (Ames: Iowa State University, 1985); Harrison is EGH, Administrative Letter No. 150 to the INS, E291, 1000/K(4), September 20, 1943; RG85, NARA I.; Kashima is Tetsuden Kashima, Judgment without Trial: Japanese American Imprisonment during World War II (Seattle: University of Washington, 2003); Mangione is Jerre Mangione, An Ethnic at Large: A Memoir of America in the Thirties and Forties (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1978); NARA is Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service, Civilian Alien Enemies In Custody - February 29, 1944, June 30, 1944, and December 31, 1944; all E271, Box 2, RG85, NARA I; Niiya is Brian Niiya, ed., Japanese American History: An A-to-Z Reference from 1868 to the Present (New York: Facts on File, 1993); Saiki is Patsy Sumie Saiki, Ganbare! An Example of Japanese Spirit (Honolulu: Kisaku, 1982); Wegars is Priscilla Wegars, Golden State Meets Gem State: Californians at Idaho's Kooskia Internment Camp, 1943-1945 (Moscow, ID: Kooskia Internment Camp Project, 2002), which erroneously states that both doctors were German; Weglyn is Michi Weglyn, Years of Infamy: The Untold Story of America's Concentration Camps (New York: William Morrow, 1976).

3Old Raton Ranch Camp, New Mexico, is sometimes confused with nearby Fort Stanton, and one government document refers to it as "Old Raton Ranch Camp, Fort Stanton, NM," "[Inventory of] Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service," "Part III, "Records of Enemy Alien Internment Facilities," October 11, 1989, no. 306, p. 71, NARA I. However, Clark, "Those Other Camps," 69, clearly states that "Old Raton Ranch Camp [was] near [emphasis added] Fort Stanton."

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