The Evolution of Active Learning
A Demand for Flexible Spaces
A Demand for Flexible Spaces
Presented by Cassidy Hall, College of Education.
Cassidy Hall
Interim Director, Doceo Center for Innovation + Learning
Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
Presented with support of the Classroom Strategic Planning Work Group
While the Classroom Strategic Planning Workgroup was noticing an increased demand for both classroom technology and flexible spaces with moveable furniture, the Doceo Center for Innovation + Learning was experiencing a demand for its lab space by faculty seeking to innovate their active learning style courses. A collaborative effort between the two groups was born to attempt to make these spaces a reality on campus. The new College of Education building will fulfill a need for both types of spaces when it reopens in the fall of 2016. This presentation will describe the formation of an active learning discussion circle and how the planning of these spaces evolved.
Cassidy Hall is the interim director and technology integration specialist for the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences’ Doceo Center for Innovation + Learning, as well as a clinical assistant professor of learning technologies in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Hall travels throughout the state to provide professional development focused on technology integration to K-12 teachers and leads the Doceo Center’s efforts to supporting technology integration for on-campus faculty. After earning a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism from West Virginia University, she pursued teaching certification and taught high school English for nine years. Hall received a Master’s of Education in School Library and Information Technologies from Mansfield University in Pennsylvania.
* The Doceo Center is located on the “O” level (basement) of the Bruce M. Pitman Center, near the student computer lab.