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Physical Address:
675 W. 6th Street
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 1139
Moscow, ID 83844-1139

Phone: 208-885-5776



Publications (listed chronologically)

Idaho State-level Forest Inventory Report (April 2022). Download Factsheet 14

Idaho County-level Forest Inventory Reports (April 2022). Download Factsheet 15

U.S. Forest Carbon Market Primer (March 2022). Download Factsheet 12

U.S. Tribal Forest Carbon Offset Projects Factsheet (March 2022). Download Factsheet 13

The Power Act: Lessons from the Past (October 2021). Download Issue Brief No. 25

Economic Contributions of the US Beef Industry (2021).Report to the Beef Research Council.

The multi-regional impact of the CIS Taranto investment project using the multi-regional input-output model for Italy (August 2021). Report to the Italian governmental Mission Structure Investitalia.

Northwest In Transition: The Simpson Plan (August 2021). Download Issue Brief No. 24

Hunting Access In Idaho 2021 (January 2021). Download Issue Brief No. 23

The Impact of Collaboration on the Pace and Scale of Restoration in Idaho (September 2020). Download PAG Report No. 41

Survey of Idaho Log and Chip Truck Drivers (September 2019). Download Issue Brief No. 22

Analysis of a Single Payment Program for Public Lands Counties in Idaho: Scenarios and Implications (September 2019).Download PAG Report No. 40

Endowment Lands Contributions to Idaho’s Economy (December 2018). Download PAG Report No. 39

Idaho’s Family Forest Owners: 2016 Survey Results (April 2018). Download Report No. 38

Idaho at a Glance, summary report

Maintenance of Non-Motorized Trails on National Forests in Idaho: Funding Background and Opportunities for State Assistance (September 2017). Download Issue Brief No. 21

State Funding for Wildfire Suppression in the Western U.S. (August 2017). Download Report No. 37

Review of Idaho's Forest Legacy Program (March 2017). Download Issue Brief No. 20

Recreation Access and Leasing of State Endowment Lands (September 2016). Download Issue Brief No. 19

Preliminary Estimates of the Economic Effects of Stream Restoration on the Big Wood River Valley, Idaho (August 2016). Download Issue Brief No. 18

Financial Performance of Idaho's Endowment Rangelands (March 2016). Download Issue Brief No. 17 

Policies Affecting Implementation of Landscape-scale Treatments on National Forest System Lands at High Risk of Insect and Disease Mortality(May 2015). Download Report No. 36

Fuel Treatments in Idaho's Forests: Effectiveness, Constraints, and Opportunities (December 2014). Download Report No. 35

Would a transfer of federal lands to the State of Idaho make or lose money? (November 2014). Download Issue Brief No. 16

Sage-grouse Habitat Conservation Policy and the Wildfire Threat in Idaho (June 2014). Download Report No. 34

Idaho—Wood Bioenergy Fact Sheet (January 2014). Download Fact Sheet No. 11

Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Policies in Idaho (December 2013). Download Report No. 33

Wildland Fire Management: Are actively managed forests more resilient than passively managed forests? (October 2013). Download Issue Brief No. 15

2012 Wildfire Statistics (March 2013). Download Fact Sheet No. 10

Fuel Treatments on Rangelands (December 2011). Download Report No. 32 

Federal Land as a Percentage of Total State Land Area (September 2011). Download PAG Fact Sheet No. 8

Secure Rural Schools Program Reauthorization, U.S. Forest Service Timber Sale Program, and Trust Land Management (August 2011). Download Issue Brief No. 14

Idaho’s Endowment Lands: A Matter of Sacred Trust, Second Edition (August 2011) Download Report No. 1

High Forest Mortality and Low Timber Removal Rates in the Western States Promise Hazardous Fuel Accumulations and Big Fires (revised May 2011). Download Fact Sheet No. 4

Accounting for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Wood Bioenergy (September 2010). Download Report No. 31

Wildfire Risk Reduction, Fuels Treatment, and Federal Land Management Planning: Incorporating Risk Analysis into Landscape- and Project-level Planning (July 2010). Download Issue Brief No. 13

Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP): Analysis of Proposed Options for “Matching Payments” for the Collection, Harvest, and Transport of Forest Biomass (March 2010). Download Issue Brief No. 12

Bighorn Sheep and Domestic Sheep: Current Situation in Idaho (January 2010). Download Report No. 30

Public Land Exchanges: Benefits, Challenges, and Potential for Idaho (December 2009). Download PAG Report No. 29

Environmental Benefits of Using Biomass as an Energy Feedstock (February 2009). Download Fact Sheet No. 5

Analysis of Procedures for Residential Real Estate (Cottage Site) Leases on Idaho’s Endowment Lands (October 2008).Download Report No. 28

Off-Highway Vehicle and Snowmobile Management in Idaho (October 2008). Download Report No. 27

Idaho Forest Facts and Forestry Issues (revised September 2008). Download Fact Sheet No. 2

Carbon Sequestration Strategies in the Forest Sector (March 2008)Download Issue Brief No. 11

Trends in U.S. Wildfires and Idaho Forest Fuel Loading (January 2008). Download Fact Sheet No. 3

Timber Harvests and Receipts from National Forest System Lands in Idaho (September 2007). Download Issue Brief No. 10

Idaho's Forest Products Business Sector: Contributions, Challenges, and Opportunities (August 2006). Download Report No. 26

Ecosystem Services and Environmental Market Potentials: Portland Katoomba Conference Notes. (July 2006). Download Issue Brief No. 8

Delisting Endangered Species: Process Analysis and Idaho Case Studies (October 2005). Download Report No. 25

Economic Impact of Salmon and Steelhead Fishing in Idaho: Review of the Idaho Rivers United Report (September 2005). Download Issue Brief No. 6

Forest Fire Smoke Management Policy: Can Prescribed Fire Reduce Subsequent Wildland Fire Emissions? (November 2004). Download Report No. 24

Are Prescribed Burning Projects Feasible in Idaho Wilderness Areas? (July 2004). Download Issue Brief No. 5

Policies for Risk Assessment in Federal Land and Resource Management Decisions (July 2004). Download Issue Brief No. 4

Comparison of Two Forest Certification Systems and Idaho Legal Requirements (December 2003).Download Report No. 23

Superfund Liability Reform in 2002 (September 2003). Download Issue Brief No. 3

The Variable Impact of Dams on Columbia and Snake River Salmon Populations (June 2003). Download Issue Brief No. 2

Forest Resource-Based Economic Development in Idaho: Analysis of Concepts, Resource Management Policies, and Community Effects (May 2003). Download Report No. 22

Endowment Fund Reform and Idaho's State Lands: Evaluating Financial Performance of Forest and Rangeland Assets (December 2001).  Download Report No. 21

Taxing Forest Property: Analysis of Alternative Methods and Impacts in Idaho (October 2001). Download Report No. 20

Softwood Lumber Imports from Canada: An Issue Brief (April 2001). Download Issue Brief No. 1

Toward Sustainable Forest Management: Part II - The Role and Effects of Timber Harvesting in Idaho (December 2000). Download Report No. 19

Toward Sustainable Forest Management: Part I - Certification Programs (December 1999). Download Report No. 18

Public Opinion of Water Quality Issues and Funding Options in Idaho (December 1998). Download Report No. 17

History and Analysis of Federally Administered Lands in Idaho (June 1998). Download Report No. 16

Guidelines for Managing Cattle Grazing in Riparian Areas to Protect Water Quality: Review of Research and Best Management Practices Policy (December 1997). Download Report No. 15

Idaho Water Quality Policy for Nonpoint Source Pollution: A Manual for Decision-Makers (December 1996). Download Report No. 14

Endangered Species Act at the Crossroads: New Directions from Idaho Case Studies (October 1995). Download Report No. 13

Grizzly bear recovery in Idaho (September 1994). Download Report No. 12

Forest Health Conditions in Idaho (December 1993). Download Report No. 11

Analysis of Idaho Roadless Areas and Wilderness Proposals (July 1993). Download Report No. 10

Analysis of Methods for Determining Minimum Instream Flows for Recreation (March 1993). Download Report No. 9

Design of Forest Riparian Buffer Strips for the Protection of Water Quality: Analysis of Scientific Literature (June 1992). Download Report No. 8

(June 1992). Download Report No. 7

Silver Valley Resource Analysis for Pulp and Paper Mill Feasibility (October 1991). Download Report No. 6

State Agency Roles in Idaho Water Quality Policy (Special Report for the Idaho Legislature) (February 1991). Download Report No. 5

Wolf Recovery in Central Idaho: Alternative Strategies and Impacts (February 1991). Download Report No. 4

Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Land Acquisition and Management Program (October 1990). Download Report No. 3

BLM Riparian Policy in Idaho: Analysis of Public Comment on a Proposed Policy Statement (June 1990). Download Report No. 2

Contact Us

Physical Address:
675 W. 6th Street
Moscow, ID

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr. MS 1139
Moscow, ID 83844-1139

Phone: 208-885-5776

