Past Series
Learn more about ECHO Idaho’s retired series, including information on previous panelists and how to access past session recordings.
Credit is not available for past session recordings, unless otherwise indicated.
Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
March 22, 2023 – Sept. 13, 2023

Description: New approaches in screening for and treating substance use disorders in adolescents.
Primary Audience: Behavioral health workforce (PhD, LCSW, LCPC, LMSW, LPC, CADC, etc.) and others who work in the treatment or adolescent behavioral health field, such as physicians, recovery coaches, and case managers.
- Cate Heil, MD, Full Circle Health, Boise, Primary Care Psychiatry Fellowship
- Jason Zelus, LCSW, Executive Director of Zelus Recovery
- Kaitlin Killingsworth, CPRC, Certified Peer Recovery Coach, Brick House Recovery
- Ruth York, MPH, Executive Director of Families and Youth of Idaho
- Ryan Billington, MD, Board-certified Psychiatrist, Clinical Instructor at University of Washington Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Adolescent Substance Use Disorder playlist.
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Jan. 25, 2023 – May 24, 2023

Description: Emerging practices to identify, treat and manage brain health and other dementia-related concerns.
Primary Audience: Health care professionals and practitioners, including physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, licenses practical nurses, certified nurse assistants, social workers, and other front-line staff at assisted living, skilled nursing, and long-term care facilities, community care and service organizations involved in brain health and dementia care and services.
- Dane Kaster, PharmD, BCPS, Pharmacist, Boise VA Medical Center
- John Wolfe, PhD, Neuropsychologist, North Idaho Memory Clinic
- Oni Kinberg, LCSW, MSSW, Director of Social Work, Idaho State Veterans Home
- Reiko Emtman, MD, Geriatric Psychiatrist, Boise VA Medical Center
- Richard Howard, MS, Caregiver
- Susan Melchiore, MD, Geriatrician, North Idaho Memory Clinic
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias playlist.
COVID-19 and Other Current Infections
March 24, 2020 – Dec. 6, 2022

Description: At the beginning of the pandemic, this was the latest and most dependable information about mainstream infectious diseases, including COVID-19, Mpox, influenza and more.
Audience: Primary care providers (MD, DO, PA, NP, RN, PharmD), healthcare administrators, and public health professionals.
- Ann Lima, MD, MPH, Broad Spectrum Family Medicine Physician, Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics
- Cathy Oliphant, PharmD, Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Idaho State University, Clinical Pharmacist in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine, St. Luke’s Health System
- Megan Dunay, MD, MPH, Geriatrics and Palliative Care Physician, Medical Director, Idaho State Veteran's Home, Medical Director, Keystone Health, Associate Medical Director, Keystone Hospice
- Paula Carvalho, MD, Pulmonary and Critical Care Physician, Boise VA Medical Center
- Sky Blue, MD, Infectious Disease Physician, Co-Founder of Sawtooth Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the COVID-19 and Other Current Infections playlist.
COVID-19 Safety for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care
Nov. 3, 2020 – Aug. 24, 2021

Description: This series unites you virtually with peers and experts to learn current best practices and help to tackle the distinct emotional, physical and operational challenges that COVID-19 introduces in post-acute and long-term care settings.
Primary Audience: Clinicians who work with geriatric populations, including those in skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, critical access hospitals and swing beds, health centers, hospice, and home health/home care.
- Jennifer Ustianov, MS, BSN, RN, Improvement Coach, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
- Mary Egeland, LNHA, Administrator, Royal Plaza Health and Rehabilitation
- Megan Dunay, MD, MPH, Geriatrics and Palliative Care Physician, Medical Director, Idaho State Veteran's Home, Medical Director, Keystone Health, Associate Medical Director, Keystone Hospice
- Oni Kinberg, LCSW, MSSW, Director of Social Work, Idaho State Veterans Home
- Robert Vande Merwe, LNHA, MBA, Executive Director, Idaho Health Care Association
- Tina Loch, RN, COVID-19 Infection Prevention Long-Term Care Specialist Healthcare Associate, Epidemiology Section, Bureau of Communicable Disease Prevention, Division of Public Health
- Troy Henderson, RN, DNS, Director of Nursing Services, Idaho State Veterans Home
Past session recordings are not available for this series.
Geriatric Care
Jan. 10, 2023 – May 23, 2023

Description: Up-to-date skills and knowledge training to improve quality of life and well-being of geriatric patients.
Primary Audience: Primary care providers (MD, DO, PA, NP, RN, etc.), other clinicians, and behavioral health specialists.
- Amanda Craig, OTR/L, CBIS, Occupational Therapist and Owner, Ada Therapy Services, PLLC
- Elizabeth Armstrong, PT, DPT, Physical Therapist, Saint Alphonsus Rehabilitation Services (STARS)
- Julie Brown, PharmD, Geriatric Clinical Pharmacist, Owner of ClinRx and Connect Pharmaceuticals LTC
- Megan Dunay, MD, MPH, Geriatrics and Palliative Care Physician, Medical Director, Idaho State Veteran's Home, Medical Director, Keystone Health, Associate Medical Director, Keystone Hospice
- Sheila Weaver, LCSW, ACADC, Lead Navigator and Program Coordinator, Family Caregiver Navigator, Center for the Study of Aging, Boise State University, Therapist, Trivium Life Services
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Geriatric Care playlist.
Infectious Diseases in the News
April 18, 2023 – Nov. 7, 2023

Description: The most up-to-date information about emerging infectious disease topics, such as COVID-19, measles, and more.
Primary Audience: Primary care providers (MD, DO, PA, NP, RN, PharmD), healthcare administrators, and public health professionals.
- Cathy Oliphant, PharmD, Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Administrative Sciences, College of Pharmacy, Idaho State University, Clinical Pharmacist in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine, St. Luke’s Health System
- Christine Hahn, MD, Idaho State Epidemiologist, Medical Director, Division of Public Health, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
- Liz Schackmann, MD, Hospitalist, Boise VA Medical Center, Acting Instructor, University of Washington, School of Medicine
- Sky Blue, MD, Infectious Disease Physician, Co-Founder of Sawtooth Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
- Verena Wolf, MPH, Epidemiologist and Post-graduate Research Assistant, Sawtooth Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Infectious Diseases in the News playlist.
K12 Youth Suicide Prevention
January 17, 2024 - May 1, 2024

Description: Learn about various approaches and resources to help identify risk and protective factors, which help to increase a person’s willingness and ability to intervene with a student at risk of suicide.
Primary Audience: school-based professionals, which includes school counselors, social workers, psychologists, nurses, and administrators.
- Angie Delio, LCSW, Behavioral Health Director, Marimn Health
- Katie Francis, Ed.S., Strategy & Development Director, Idaho Resilience Project
- Andrea Geraghty, LCSW, Supervisor of Social Work and Community Mental Health Partnerships, Boise School District
- Gretchen Gudmundsen, PhD, Psychologist, St. Luke’s Children’s Center for Neurobehavioral Medicine, Boise
- Aimee Hurst, LPC, EdS, School Counselor and Past President of the Idaho School Counselor Association
- Cathie Jonakin, RN, School Nurse, Boise School District (retired)
- Jo Seiders, LCSW, CDE, Past president of the Idaho Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho's YouTube channel in the K12 Youth Suicide Prevention playlist.
Liver Disease and Viral Hepatitis – Community of Practice
January 17, 2024 – August 21, 2024

Description: This series connected participants with an interdisciplinary panel of experts in hepatology, pharmacology, family medicine, and behavioral health to help advance patient care and work to reduce the impacts of chronic liver disease and hepatitis. Each session created a collaborative space for healthcare professionals to ask questions and discuss treatment options for patients.
Primary Audience: Primary care providers, including MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, RNs, and PharmDs.
- Anushka Burde, PharmD, AAHIVP, BCACP, HIV and Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Idaho State University
- Christopher Link, MD, AAHIVS, Family Medicine Physician, Clinical Faculty, Full Circle Health
- Glenda Carr, PharmD, Clinical Associate Professor, Idaho State University
- Richard Gilroy, MD, FRACP, Hepatologist, St. Luke’s Health System, Medical Director of Hepatology & Liver Transplant, Intermountain Healthcare
- Verena Roberts, Ph.D., Psychologist, Director of Behavioral Science, Clinical Professor, Idaho State University
If you’re interested in this topic, go to our Liver Disease and Viral Hepatitis Asynchronous Webinars to access our asynchronous offerings and earn credit. The webinars are available for credit from Jan. 8, 2024 – Aug. 1, 2025.
Pediatric Behavioral Health
May 13, 2021 – Sept. 23, 2021

Description: Learn best practices for treating common mental health conditions in children, including depression, anxiety, trauma, suicide, comorbidity, substance use disorders, and more.
Primary Audience: Primary care providers (MD, DO, PA, NP, RN, etc.), other clinicians, and behavioral health specialists.
- Angela Lindig, BS, Executive Director, Idaho Parents Unlimited
- Christopher Streeter, MD, Medical Director and Pediatric Psychiatrist, St. Luke's Children's Behavioral Health
- Gretchen Gudmundsen, PhD, Psychologist, St. Luke’s Children’s Center for Neurobehavioral Medicine
- Renee Robinson, PharmD, MPH, MSPharm, Associate Professor of Pharmacy, Idaho State University
- Sue Ropski, RN, MS, MPA, NCSN, School Nurse, Meridian Elementary
- Tom Patterson, MD, FAAP, FABP, Pediatrician, Full Circle Health
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Pediatric Behavioral Health playlist.
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder
March 11, 2020 – July 22, 2020 & March 10, 2021 – July 28, 2021

Description: Learn best practices for identifying and treating patients with perinatal substance use disorder.
Primary Audience: Family practice, pediatric, and OB/GYN physicians, NPs, PAs, and nursing staff, and other clinicians, such as social workers, care coordinators, addiction recovery specialists.
- Alyson Smith, MD, Addiction Medicine and Family Medicine, Previously with Boulder Care
- Jerri Woodworth, RNC-OB, Maternal Fetal Medicine Care Coordinator, St. Luke’s Health System
- LaResa Janousek, NNP, NICU, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, St. Luke’s Health System
- Nicole Fox, MD, MPA, Psychiatrist, St. Luke’s Health System
- Rachel Root, PhD, Psychologist, Treasure Valley Psychology
- Radha Sadacharan, MD, MPH, Family Medicine Physician, MOUD Provider, Idaho Department of Corrections
- Stacy Seyb, MD, Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician, St. Luke’s Health System
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Perinatal Substance Use Disorder playlist.
Syphilis in Pregnancy
Aug. 12, 2020 – Sept. 9, 2020

Description: Learn best practices for responding to the rise of syphilis rates during pregnancy in Idaho.
Primary Audience: Family practice, pediatric and OB/GYN physicians, NPs, PAs, nursing staff, and other clinicians, such as social workers and care coordinators.
- Joseph Hilinski, MD, Pediatric Infectious Disease, St. Luke’s Health System
- Lindsay Haskell, MPH, Epidemiology, Idaho Central District Health Department
- Meena S. Ramchandani, MD, MPH, Infectious Disease, University of Washington STD Prevention Training Center
- Toni Carles, NP, Regional Administration and Education, Allies Linked for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS (a.l.p.h.a.)
- Stacy Seyb, MD, Maternal Fetal Medicine, St. Luke’s Health System
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Syphilis in Pregnancy playlist.
Veteran Care for Substance Use Disorders
March 12, 2024 – August 27, 2024

Description: A virtual platform for clinicians and public health professionals to understand how substance use is affecting the Veteran population across the state of Idaho, and how to address it.
Primary Audience: Primary care providers (MD, DO, PA, NP, RN), counselors, social workers, public health professionals, and community organizations
- Andria Hollingshead, LIMHP, LDC, LMHC, SUDP, Counselor, Spokane VA Medical Center (retired)
- Christopher Stoehner, AEMT, Peer Support Specialist, Idaho Backcountry Veterans
- Kirk Stadelmeyer, LCSW, ACADC, SUD Outpatient Program Manager, Boise VA Medical Center
- Nari Hsiu, DO, Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine Specialist, Boise VA Medical Center
- Sarah Samson, LCSW, Therapist Team Coordinator, Trivium Life Services
- Victoria Thompson, LCSW, Suicide Prevention Specialist, Boise VA Medical Center
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Veteran Care for Substance Use Disorders playlist.
Viral Hepatitis and Liver Care
April 12, 2021 – Aug. 28, 2023

Description: Learn best practices and resources for the management of viral hepatitis, including hepatitis C, and liver diseases, including fatty liver disease and cirrhosis.
Primary Audience: Primary care providers, including MDs, DOs, PAs, NPs, RNs, and PharmDs.
- Abby Davids, M.D., MPH, AAHIVS, HIV & Viral Hepatitis Fellowship Director, Full Circle Health
- Anushka Burde, PharmD, AAHIVP, BCACP, HIV and Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Idaho State University
- Elsbeth Jensen-Otsu, M.D., Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist, Boise VA Medical Center
- Lesa Morrison, M.D., Hepatologist and Gastroenterologist, Boise VA Medical Center
- Winslow Gerrish, Ph.D., Director of Behavioral Sciences, Research, and Grants, Full Circle Health
Access past session recordings on ECHO Idaho’s YouTube channel in the Viral Hepatitis and Liver Care playlist. If you’re interested in earning credit, go to our Liver Disease and Viral Hepatitis Asynchronous Webinars. Available for credit from Jan. 8, 2024 – Jan. 8, 2027.