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Campus Resources

Academic Support Programs
Idaho Student Union Building 306
ASP consists of two support programs for students:
Student Support Services--a federally funded TRIO program that provides support for first-generation college students and some students with financial need
Tutoring and Learning Services--provides free tutoring for all students on campus, Academic Coaching, and Supplemental Instruction for certain courses
Career Services
Idaho Student Union Building 334
Career Services helps students with job and internship placement, CV review, career exploration advising, and many other helpful career development resources.
Counseling & Testing Center (CTC)
Continuing Education Building, 3rd Floor
Personal and group counseling for full-time students, testing for learning disabilities, stress/anxiety management program.
Dean of Students
TLC 232
Information on Greek and residence life, national student exchange, veteran’s advisor, student affairs information and much more.
Financial Aid
Pitman Center 118
The Financial Aid office handles all financial aid questions. Every student has access to a financial aid advisor, assigned based on the first letter of the student's last name.
Honors Program
Idaho Student Union Building 315
OIT (Office of Information Technology) Help Desk
TLC Room 128
208-885-4357 (HELP)
Hours: Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
ITS works with students, faculty and staff to provide technical assistance with computer technology.
Pitman Center Labs Computer lab in the basement of the Bruce M. Pitman Center
Library Labs On the 1st and 4th floors of the Library
Math Center/Polya
Brink Hall 300
From their website click Polya Math Center link, click on the link specific to your math course and you’ll find tutor information (these are private tutors who charge for the service).
Nutrition Counseling
Free cooking classes at the Student Recreation Center.
QuickCare Walk-In Clinic
2500 W. A Street Suite 101
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registrar's Office
Pitman Center 119
Information on registration status and catalog language, etc.
Statistics Assistance Center
Idaho Student Union Building 329
Tutoring and help with statistics coursework.
Student Accounts
Pitman Center 125
Financial information for students.
Student Health Center
Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed on U of I-recognized holidays
University Psychiatrist
208-885-6716 to schedule an appointment
Women’s Center
Memorial Gym Room 109
The Women’s Mentoring Program provides undergraduate level women of all years with a unique opportunity to create mentoring relationships with experienced students, staff and faculty on campus.
Writing Center
Idaho Student Union Building 323
During a writing conference, tutors help students clarify their thinking and develop their ideas. Tutors also help students find strategies for improving organization, grammar and punctuation.

Contact Us

Physical Address:
Idaho Student Union Building 306

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive
MS 2436
Moscow, ID 83844-2436

Phone: 208-885-1021

Fax: 208-885-9494
