Semester Refresh

Gain new skills and fresh motivation for work, school and life.
What does the day look like?
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2023
11:30 a.m. to noon: Check-in/Lunch
Noon to 12:55 p.m.: Opening and Sources of Strength
1-1:35 p.m.: Breakout Session 1
1:45-2:20 p.m.: Breakout Session 2
2:30-3:05 p.m.: Breakout Session 3
3:15-4:30 p.m.: Student Panel/Closing/Prizes
Why Should I Attend?
- Kickstart your spring semester by accessing resources to gain new skills and fresh motivation!
- Have a busy schedule? Learn tips and tricks to balance school, work, life, and make the most of your time.
- Reconnect with campus and community and meet with likeminded students.
- Free lunch!
Sessions Offered in Semester Refresh 2023
- Beyond Goal Setting: How to take action when pursuing your goals - Learn tools to plan next best steps and create clear action plans to actively pursue your goals.
- Beating the Winter Blues - Explore the different activities, events, and community groups you can get involved with and connected to here on campus and in the Moscow community.
- On the Write Track: What the Writing Center Can Do for You - Meet the Writing Center staff and learn when and how to use Writing Center services.
- Library Resources to Save You Time, Energy, and Money - Learn about all the Library has to offer and the ways that it's resources can support you in your academic and personal lives.
- Mindfulness for Very Busy People - Learn and try out simple, proven strategies to calm your stress and boost your clarity.
- Budgeting & Financial Literacy - Learn financial basics and connect with resources both on and off campus.
- Getting to Know the Center for Disability Access and Resources - CDAR provides equitable access to university programs for students with a permanent or temporary disability--learn more about how they can help you!
- Getting a Handle on Time Management - Learn what makes an effective schedule and several methods to try out.