A cut above.
The forest products industry employs thousands of people and brings billions of dollars into the economy. This growing sector needs a workforce trained in the latest technology and best practices for forest operations.
In this program, you will learn to safely operate and maintain forest harvesting equipment in support of sustainable forest management. You’ll put your skills into action in the University of Idaho Experimental Forest, a working forest and natural laboratory.
This program prepares graduates to immediately enter the workforce in roles such as forest operations manager, heavy equipment operator and logger, or to pursue a four-year degree in forestry or a related field.
This degree could be a good fit if you:
- Enjoy working outdoors
- Want to quickly start a career in a growing industry
- Like active, physical work
- Enjoy learning to use new technologies and equipment
- Value natural resources
With this degree you could become a/an:
- Logger
- Forestry Technician
- Procurement Foresters
- Equipment Operators
- Contractors
- Log Scalers

Environmental Science, M.S.