The future of sustainable products.
Sustainability. Innovation. Green building. For people with careers in renewable materials, these aren’t just buzz words; these are words to live by.
In this program, you will learn how to design, develop and promote products made from wood and other materials. You will gain a multi-disciplinary foundation with knowledge in targeted areas such as wood chemistry and technology, product design and construction, building materials and marketing, and other related areas.
Depending on your career goals, you can choose one of the following tracks: construction and design, business management, materials acquisition and supply, bio-based materials, or bio-energy.
This program could be a good fit if you:
- Want a dynamic, relevant and active career
- Are concerned about the world’s natural resources
- Like science, math and technology
- Can think outside the box
- Want to be a leader in the movement toward sustainable materials
With this degree, you could become a/an:
- Product designer
- Green builder/developer
- Purchaser/supplier of renewable materials
- Business manager
- Consultant
- Specialist in bio-energy/bio-based materials
- Marketing specialist for forest products
- Timber sales manager
- Production and operations manager
- Structural product designer
- Building contractor
- Truss designer
- Manufacturing operation manager

Fisheries Science, B.S.