Event Schedule
Thursday, March 27 12:00 - 12:30pm Keynote Presentation
Gary Thompson
Public Relations & Leadership Specialist
College of Natural Resources
McCall Outdoor Science School
Thursday, March 27, 12:45 - 3:30pm Grad Oral Projects in Process
12:45-1:00pm Keeya Beausoleil The Decolon-ice-ation of Glaciology from an Indigenous, Feminist Perspective
1:00-1:15pm Zoe Froh Weaving Culture and Education: Culturally Relevant Practices in Indigenous Early Childhood Classrooms
1:15-1:30pm Chelsea Gaona-Lincoln Maternal Health Dessert: Leaves North Idaho Dry
1:30-1:45pm KaeCee Holden Needs Satisfaction and Burnout in Higher Education Non-Faculty Staff
1:45-2:00pm Nate Moody Adventure Learning Ecosystems: Cultivating Conditions for High Impact Experiential Learning
2:00-2:15pm Seth Oppong The impact of the math coaching cycle on teacher’s efficacy and effective Instruction: Comparative study
2:15-2:30pm Hussain Qazaq Trends of food insecurity in Jordan during the years 2015-2024
2:30-2:45pm Nuhad Raisa Seoty Weight Control Behaviors, Self-Esteem, and Body Shaming among Obese, Overweight, and Normal-Weight Adolescents: A Mixed-Methods Study
2:45-3:00pm Rebecca Sermeno Nurturing Creativity in Early Childhood Science Education: Investigating the Role of Learning Environments
3:00-3:15pm Shauna Williams Who Should Teach Personal Financial Literacy in High Schools? The Role of Career and Technical Education
Thursday, March 27, 3:15 - 3:30pm Undergrad Oral Completed Projects
3:15-3:30pm Madison Ryther Body Composition Outcomes among Premenopausal Women with a Normal-Weight Body Mass Index
Friday, March 28, 12:00 - 1:00pm Poster Presentations
Kenzie Eppey Guatemala Pad Project.UG
Anthony Jasso Gonzalez Colonization Awareness of the Cuetlaxochitl. UG
Kincaid Moberly Accessibility and Inclusion of Students with Disabilities at the U of I. UG
Chen-Yu Liu Preschool teachers’ experiences with Early Learning Standards in promoting children’s physical development. GR
Toni Sabala Inclusion and Accommodations in the General Education Classroom.GR
Deanna Bakken Cultivating Retention: Examining Supervisors’ Support and Agricultural Employees’ Turnover Intentions in a Post-COVID Era. GR
Dariana Brown Increasing Diversity and Retention in Athletic Training: The Role of Mentorship and Targeted Recruitment Programs for Minority Students. GR
Nanci Jenkins Healthcare Providers Experience Before/After the Elimination of Local Labor and Delivery Services: An Empirical Qualitative Study.GR
Ozlem Oner Perceptions of Paraeducators on Their Readiness to Become Special Education Teachers. GR
Friday, March 28, 1:00 – 2:00pm Grad Oral Completed Projects
1:00-1:15pm Ariel Aguiar Bonfim Cruz Patterns of Daily Activity, Sleep, Diet, and Hormonal Fluctuations among Premenopausal Women
1:15-1:30pm Rita Maria Franco Gonzalez Increasing Student Engagement Through Case Studies in Community Nutrition
1:30-1:45pm Kohl Friery A Review of Research and Process of Program Prioritization
1:45-2:00pm Brian Tibayan From Lab to Stage: Applied Theatrical Improvisation as a Pedagogical Approach to Science Communication in the Three Minute Thesis Competition