Educational Programs and Workshops
Idaho’s family forest landowners have diverse goals for their property. One common goal is to be good stewards.
Our educational programs and workshops are designed to increase the knowledge base that Idaho’s forestland owners and managers use to plan and implement natural resource management activities.
Find educational programs that help forestland owners and managers strengthen forest stewardship skills. Learn how to become an Idaho Master Forest Steward. Locate events that offer continuing education and certification credits for:
- Idaho Department of Agriculture pesticide recertification
- Idaho Pro-Logger program
- Society of American Foresters Certified Forester program
- Idaho schoolteachers (through the University of Idaho)
Check our calendar for specific dates.
Strengthening Forest Stewardship Skills events are designed to help family forest owners and those who work with them strengthen their forest stewardship skills. Below is a list of the upcoming University of Idaho Extension Forestry stewardship programs. Events details will be added as they are finalized. Check this page for updates or check the University of Idaho Extension calendar for more offerings.
2025 Program Calendar | PDF
*All programs are Pacific Standard Time unless otherwise noted.
Identifying Idaho's Trees
Registration Brochure | PDF
Register Online
St. Maries
- Thursday, March 13 (1-3 p.m.)
Coeur d'Alene
- Saturday, April 26 (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
- Wednesday, May 15 (5:30-7:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, Sept. 3 (5:30-7:30 p.m.)
Landscaping for Fire Prevention
Registration Brochure | PDF
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St. Maries
- Thursday, March 27 (1-4 p.m.)
- Thursday, May 22 (5:30-7:30 p.m.)
Backyard Forests
Registration Brochure | PDF
Register Online
- May, Date/Time TBA
Map and Compass for Forestry
Registration Brochure | PDF
Register Online
- Saturday, March 22 (9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
Family Forest Landowners and Managers Conference
Register Today Online
- Sunday, March 23 (8 a.m.) to Tuesday, March 25 (4:30 p.m.)
Best Western Plus University Inn
1516 Pullman Rd, Moscow
Successful Tree Planting
Registration Brochure | PDF
Register Online
- Friday, March 28 (1-5 p.m.)
Women in the Woods
Canceled: Women in the Woods Workshop and Field Day are canceled. We hope to bring this program back in the future! Please contact Isabella Valdez ( or Audra Cochran ( with questions.
Forestry Career Fair
- Monday, April 7
10 Acres and a Dream
Registration Brochure | PDF
Register Online
- Saturday, April 19 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
Forest Owner Field Day
- Friday, May 2 (time/venue TBA)
Valley County
- Thursday, June 26 (time/venue TBA)
Latah County
- Late spring/summer (date/venue TBA)
Forest Edibles and Foraging
- Friday, May 16
Chainsaw Basics
St. Maries
- Saturday, June 21 (time TBA)
Benewah County Fairgrounds
John Denny Building
- May/June (date/time TBA)
- Friday, June 20 (time TBA)
Registration not yet available
- Friday, June 6
Pitkin Forest Nursery
1025 Plant Science Rd
Moscow, ID 83843
- Date/time TBA
Eastern Idaho
- Date/time TBA
Pruning to Restore White Pine
Register Online
- Friday, June 13
Thinning and Pruning Field Day
Register Online
Bonners Ferry
- Saturday, June 14
Measuring Your Trees
Register Online
- Saturday, July 19 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Natural Resources Camp
Register Today Online
- Saturday, June 19-24
Restoring Idaho Streams
St. Maries
- Friday, July 25
Forest Insects and Disease Field Day
Register Online
Bonners Ferry
- Friday, Aug. 1
Where the Forest Meets the Range
North Central Idaho
- Aug. (date TBA)
Turning Idaho Trees into Wreaths
New Meadows
- Saturday, Nov. 15
- Saturday, Nov. 22
- Saturday, Nov. 29
AM session (10 a.m. to Noon)
PM session (1-3 p.m.)
- Monday, Dec. 1
St. Maries
- Thursday, Dec. 4
Idaho Master Forest Stewards receive over 70 hours of training, much of which consists of selected existing UI Extension programs many Idaho forest owners may have already completed (credit is given for previous attendance). Training includes several of the workshops listed in the Strengthening Forest Stewardship Skills calendar, indicated by (IMFS) at the end of the event description. But the program also includes new indoor and outdoor educational experiences designed to take participants to the next level of managing their forest and helping other forest owners to do the same. These one-day “IMFS core session(s)” are held at forested sites throughout northern Idaho to expose participants to a range of forest ecosystems.
Learn more about becoming a certified Idaho Master Forest Steward at the University of Idaho Extension Forestry Panhandle website or by calling Chris Schnepf at the University of Idaho Extension office in Kootenai County at 208-292-1288.
The Logger Education to Advance Professionalism (LEAP) program is a nationally acclaimed University of Idaho Extension program. It began at the request of loggers who want to improve their skills, document and market their services and communicate more effectively with family forest owners and managers. Credits are available to participants to fulfill continuing education requirements of the Idaho Pro-Logger Program.
LEAP 2025
Registration is available online or by mail.
- Moscow, April 22-24
University of Idaho
Seed Potato Germplasm Laboratory (NW of Kibbie Dome. S of U of I Beef Center)
753 Perimeter Dr., Moscow, ID 83844
- Coeur d'Alene, April 29-May 1
Associated Logging Contractors
10589 US-95, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814
LEAP Update is an annual opportunity for loggers to build on LEAP with in-depth training on forestry topics. The program also helps loggers meet Idaho Pro-Logger BMP training and continuing education requirements. For more information on the Idaho Pro-Logger program and credit requirements, contact the Associated Logging Contractors of Idaho (ALC) at 208-667-6473.
LEAP Update 2025
Register online now!
- Lewiston, Tuesday, March 4
8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (check-in opens 7:15 a.m.)
Lewis-Clark State College
Williams Conference Center, Room 801-899
4th St, Lewiston, ID 83501
- St. Maries, Wednesday, March 5
8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (check-in opens 7:15 a.m.)
Elks Lodge
628 Main Avenue, St. Maries, ID 83861
- Sandpoint, Thursday, March 6
8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (check-in opens 7:15 a.m.)
Ponderay Events Center
401 Bonner Mall Way, Suite E, Ponderay, ID 83852