Engineering Student Scholarships
Many students don’t attend college due to lack of financial resources. The University of Idaho awards more than $30 million in scholarships each year, more than any other university in Idaho, yet still the average unmet need for residential students is about $4,500 annually.
To close this gap, the U of I College of Engineering is working toward opening up additional revenue streams to make obtaining a college degree a possibility for more rural Idaho residents.
Your contributions to the scholarship fund have an impact:
- More scholarships awarded than any 4-year public engineering college in Idaho.
- U of I students receive more than $30 million in scholarships annually — more than any other public institution in Idaho.
- 73% of U of I students receive scholarships — more than any other public institution in Idaho.
- Case Story: Titus Hanson wouldn’t be graduating in Mechanical Engineering without help from the Schellenger Scholarship.
- Case Story: Sheila Janssen-Klages, with help of husband Karl Klages ’52 and son Alfred, grows father’s scholarship endowment.

Thank You From Our Students
Our college awards nearly $1M in scholarships each year, and these gifts have a profound impact on our students. But don't take it from us, check out these student stories of thanks!
Accessible Thank You Letters
I do not often find myself using this word, but I cannot think of a better word to describe what a blessing this scholarship is in my life.
Scholarships are sparse for non-traditional students. Finances and financial stress plagues us more than most other students and to say it didn't impact studies would be false.
However, I came back to school for a reason. I have a dream that I will achieve. One that will not only prove to myself that I am capable but one that will benefit generations to come.
Space travel is the next step for mankind, and research in that field is much needed. A Ph.D. in astronautical engineering is my end goal, and should allow me to assist efforts in said area.
As a of right now, I am an undergraduate sophomore, double majoring in mechanical engineering and applied physics. The information is fascinating, and for the first time in my life I am excited about the path I am on.
This scholarship has alleviated my financial worries and is allowing me to not only turn my full attention to school but also purchase much needed tools to assist in my endeavors.
It is difficult to express how grateful I am for this opportunity, and I promise to pay it forward when I am able.
Thank you very, very much,
Abraham Brown
Dear Mrs. Whitehead,
I am writing you today out of appreciation for your family's contribution toward my education. It means the world to me to have financial assistance, especially in trying times like today. I have read about your husband, and he is an inspiration to me. I hope to one day be as great a man as him. Thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
Dear Dr. Gary L. Jackson,
I was overjoyed to learn that I was a recipient of the Mel Jackson Chemical Engineering Scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your generous financial support toward my engineering education.
I'm planning on majoring in Chemical Engineering with a minor in business so that I can get a career in International Relations. It is always extremely comforting knowing I have many people supporting my passion in engineering, especially as a woman. I will actually be the first female engineering in my family.
I know already that this major won't be a breeze, however the struggle is what's exciting because I know my understanding will allow me to give input on solutions in the future, may it be in school or work, that can be impactful.
Thank you for all your support.
Grace James
Dear Mr. Waite,
I am writing to you as the recipient of your "Thorton H. Waite Engineering Scholarship", and I would like to notify you of my deep gratitude. Thank you very much for your generosity! Your contribution towards my education is a great motivator and reminder to do my very best here at the university. [A little bit about me] I am a junior majoring in Computer Science (minoring in Math), and I hope to make the most of my education so that I may find something I love doing. Your Scholarship brings me enormous affirmation, but also inspires me to give back like you in the future. Again, thank you, I really appreciate it.
Miguel Villanueva
Dear Ms. Joyce Gordon
Thank you so much for letting me be a recipient of the Glenn C. Gordon Scholarship Endowment from the College of Engineering this year. This Scholarship has helped me focus on my education with a little less worry about how I will pay for it.
Thank you once again,
Sophia Sivula
Dear Mr. Berlin,
I am immensely grateful for the support provided by your generous scholarship. It means a lot to me and my wife and two kids. My interest in engineering was inspired by working with tools and machinery, and so your background on heavy equipment and construction, along with your prioritization of hands-on design over management in your career are an example I aspire to. As I wrap up my junior year, I am looking ahead at job prospects, and I hope to retain a hands-on aspect to my job, whatever it may be.
Thank you for your inspiring example, and your generosity!
T. Matthew Hurley