Meet the Ombuds

The university ombuds is trained in conflict resolution, mediation and leadership guidance.
David Talbot is a Vandal alumnus and longtime mediator.
David has 25 years of experience in conflict resolution, 18 of those as an ombuds with The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc., The World Bank, and The World Food Program. He is an adjunct professor at Pepperdine Caruso, School of Law, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. He also served as mediator for the City of Vancouver, Washington, and California Academy of Mediation Professionals.
David earned his bachelor's degree from Utah State University, a Juris Doctor from the University of Idaho and a master’s in dispute resolution from Pepperdine University.
He is available to all students and employees and splits his time between Boise and Moscow. He can be contacted at