05.04 - Insurance for (Camp) Activity Program Participants
- Position: Risk Manager
- Email: risk@uidaho.edu
Last updated: March 09, 2009
A. Policy. All UI units conducting camps or day activities for non UI students must obtain “accident medical” insurance for participants. Coverage is arranged through the Department of Risk Management (Risk) and premiums are paid from the registration fees or program-funding sources. This “accident medical” insurance provides limited benefits that are secondary to any other personal medical benefits in force for the covered participant. The policy is intended to provide coverage for minor medical expenses arising from camp activities. [ed. 12-13]
The unit sponsoring a program must notify Risk in advance of the event or camp, to request a risk review of activities, report the budget to be charged for the premium, and obtain participant waivers. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring unit to immediately report serious injuries to Risk and to file all claims with Risk within 48 hours of injury. Claims for expenses incurred in connection with a covered accident or illness are filed through Risk.
The insurance will pay claims for a covered accident or illness up to the benefits of the policy. The insurance benefits are $5,000 for any one injury and $1,000 for illness that begins during the camp and is related to camp activities. The participant’s own health insurance will be billed first for any claims. The “accident medical” insurance covers group travel to and from the sponsored activity. It is required that such a group be accompanied by an adult leader. Pre-existing medical conditions and side trips for the purpose of sightseeing or amusement are EXCLUDED. The day the majority of campers arrive must be included as a camper day and the appropriate premium submitted.
B. Process/Procedure
B-1. Before the activity. The unit needs to request a risk assessment and develop a current waiver with Risk by contacting Risk Email. After a risk assessment has been completed, the unit is responsible for completing the activity insurance request, and obtaining a waiver from each participant. For specific instructions on procedure and information on premiums, see D below.
B-2. After the activity. Within one week of the end of camp, the unit is responsible for reporting all claims, filling out a completed activity report, and paying for coverage used. For specific instructions on procedure and information on premiums, see D below.
B-3. Claims. The unit sponsoring the event must document all accidents or illnesses using the university accident/incident form AND a camp accident medical form. The university incident form can be obtained at the Risk website (see D below) for incidents that require medical attention. Camp participants should not use the Student Health Center. In emergencies, call 911. Program directors shall direct camp participants to process any personal medical benefits first.
In addition to the university accident/incident report, program directors must complete camp accident medical forms in full and file along with copies of medical bills. It is the responsibility of the program director to see that the forms are completed and sent within 48 hours to Risk. When a camp participant receives medical treatment, the program director or another UI staff member must attest that the individual is a program registrant and determine whether or not the participant has other insurance coverage. The program director must sign the claim form, verifying the claim arose from camp activities, in the verification and assignment section. For specific instructions on procedure, see D below.
C. Contact Information.. Problems or questions concerning the requirements for insurance coverage for activity participants, costs of insurance, insurance coverage, waivers, and risk assessments, or for information regarding filing of claims, please contact the Risk Management Office at (208) 885-7177, Risk Email or by fax at (208) 885-9490.
D. Forms and Examples. For instructions and examples of completed forms, visit Risk Management: Camp Insurance and search worksheets by category.