10.41 - Surplus Property Inventory & Disposal Procedures
- Position: Director, Facilities
- Email: facilities@uidaho.edu
Last updated: April 29, 2009
A. Policy. Property held by the University of Idaho is owned by the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho ("University property”). The University of Idaho Surplus Property program is consistent with the State of Idaho program for all excess state-owned property. (For more information visit State of Idaho Board of Examiners Surplus Property website.) The University’s program is also a key element of the UI’s solid waste/waste minimization program that assists and promotes the campus sustainability program. All University personnel must comply with this policy and the Board of Regents policy to dispose of surplus property. (See Governing Policies and Procedures, Idaho State Board of Education and Board of Regents of the University of Idaho, section V.I.1.d.) [ed. 3-09]
A-1. Except as provided in A-2, the University’s Department of Surplus Property is the final destination for surplus University property, this includes all property donated or purchased by the University, from all sources of funding, once such item(s) are no longer used by the acquiring unit. Upon receipt of this property and the Surplus Property Transfer form, Surplus is assigned these items and becomes the property manager for these UI properties.
A-2. University units may sell or give property held by that unit to another University unit without going through Surplus. Units who sell or give surplus property to another University unit must first contact Asset Accounting and complete the required form to ensure accurate and consistent tracking of the property. Upon completion of this form, the new operating unit is assigned this/these item/items, and becomes the property manager for said UI properties. Contact information for Asset Accounting is 885-4070, FAX 885-0691, or email at Inventory Email. [ed. 4-09]
A-3. Under no circumstances may any unit of the University sell or give University property to any outside, third party entity (whether public or private, or whether for or not for profit), or an individual. [These sales or transfers must go through the UI Surplus Property program.]
A-4. Surplus property generally is first offered to other University units, then to other public entities and nonprofit organizations (see Section B-44 for more details) State guidelines require that after receiving surplus property items of value from a managing unit that these items be offered to other UI units first; then they will be offered to city, county, or state agencies, local school districts and other nonprofit organizations, either via our website at Surplus Property or through general or targeted sales advertisements. If we have no takers from these groups, then all items are offered at general public sales on a first come/first served basis for whatever price the item brings. Items sold above a set base amount return a percentage of the sale price back to the prior managing unit. [ed. 11-10]
If those attempts are unsuccessful, items are then offered to the general public via public sales and sealed bid auctions.
A-5. Proceeds of Sale Distributed. A portion of the sale proceeds from surplus property is returned to the original managing unit, if the property sells above a set base price. The current distribution scale can be found by following the link to the Surplus Property home page.
B. Procedures. Surplus Property maintains records of all property received. These records reflect tag number, budget code for the delivering unit, item description, location, and final disposition. Below are the steps for disposal of surplus property:
B-1. Delivery of Surplus Property. University property remains the responsibility of the managing unit until Surplus takes physical possession of that property. Disposing of property by placing it in hallways, stairwells, loading docks, or outside of a building is prohibited. Any theft, damage, or accident caused by this type of action is the managing unit’s responsibility. Keep all surplus property secure from harm until items can be delivered to Surplus. Units must notify Surplus using the Surplus Property Transfer Form, available. at the Surplus Property website. Electronic transfer of this form is preferred via email to Surplus Email. Hardcopy forms may be sent via FAX at 208-885-5811. If you have questions email or call at 208-885-2091.
Units are responsible for making arrangements to transfer their surplus property to Surplus. Depending on schedule and work load, Surplus may be able to assist in picking up smaller items and equipment on occasion. Surplus can only accept delivery of items on Tuesday through Friday of a normal work week. No deliveries are accepted on Mondays or on other major sale or auction days. Units must confirm delivery dates with Surplus. Managing units may contact Surplus for information regarding moving contractors. Moving contractors often are scheduled weeks in advance, plan accordingly to have surplused items removed to accommodate schedules or deadlines, the managing unit may have. [ed. 11-10]
B-2. Item(s) Tagged as Surplus. Surplus will notify Asset Accounting of all items received. Only items verified as received by Surplus will be placed in "SURPLUS” status by Asset Accounting and then transferred to the Surplus Property inventory account. Additionally, Surplus will provide Asset Accounting with notice of final disposition of surplus items. All units will receive a completed/signed Surplus Property Transfer form from Surplus Property, upon receipt of an item from the managing unit. This form must be kept for one (1) year as documentation for the yearly "state required” property inventory procedure. [See APM 10.40 for more information.]
B-3. Surplus Sales. PrePrice sales of surplus items are held weekly for University units and the public. Other types of sales, such as auctions and sealed bid sales will be held as necessary, but the primary method for reducing surplus property inventory will be the PrePrice Sale. The PrePrice Sale day is Monday from 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. [Note: Surplus is closed for sales on all other days to handle inventory, stocking, and other operational duties. No deliveries are allowed on Mondays so that staff can accommodate our purchasing customers. Other types of sales and exceptions to the Pre Price Sale day will be posted on our Surplus Property website. Please check it often for various sale listings. Holidays and University closings are automatic exceptions to the PrePrice Sale day schedule.] NOTICE: All items sold at Campus Surplus are designated "as is/where is” with absolutely no warranty or expectations attached or implied to these goods. No Refunds or Returns are accepted. An item that is not purchased may be disposed of by Surplus in the most appropriate manner, and with first consideration given to recycling the item.
B-4. Surplus Items Advertised. Because of the large number of items received daily, it is impractical to advertise all of the items available at Surplus Property. Unusual, popular, or more interesting surplus items may be advertised. We encourage prospective buyers to visit our warehouse on PrePrice Sale days or browse the web pages on a frequent basis.
B-5. Donation of Surplus Items. Only surplus property that is defined as "nominal value” as defined in Article III. A. 2. of the Idaho Board of Examiners surplus property policy may be donated to legitimate charitable organizations. If Surplus deems that an item is of "nominal” value, and a managing unit wishes these items to be donated to a particular charitable organization, Surplus Property will make the administrative arrangements for the donation at no cost to the managing unit. Transportation, shipping, and handling costs though are either born by the managing unit or the organization being donated too. Before Surplus can donate any items to a charitable organization, the organization must provide a copy of its charitable organization permit as per Internal Revenue Service code. [ed. 3-09, 11-10]
C. Information. Any questions regarding the disposal of surplus property should be addressed to Surplus Property, at (208) 885-2091 or email your questions to Surplus Email.