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35.34 - Property and Asset Conservation


  • Position: Environmental Health and Safety Executive Director
  • Email:

Last updated: October 07, 2024

A. Fire and Life Safety. University faculty, staff, students, and visitors are expected to strictly adhere to the policies and procedures adopted by UI to prevent serious injury or loss of life and to minimize damage to property from fire, natural disasters, or other potentially catastrophic causes.

A-1. Fire Safety.

a. Hazardous Materials Use and Storage. Hazardous materials management [See APM 35.40] must conform to applicable regulatory and university requirements, and to minimize the hazard these materials present to building occupants and response personnel during emergencies. Flammable liquids must not be stored near possible ignition sources. Building construction and facilities must be appropriate for the types and amounts of hazardous materials stored and used. Departments are responsible for providing the type and quantity of storage cabinets required to maintain the occupancy classification assigned to their building.

b. Emergency Equipment. Emergency equipment including, but not limited to, fire extinguishers [See APM 35.24], sprinkler heads, alarm pull stations, emergency eyewashes, showers, etc., must remain accessible and unobstructed at all times. Facilities Maintenance & Operation (FMO) personnel are responsible for inspecting this equipment on the university’s Moscow campus and for ensuring it is serviced and kept in good repair. In the case of off-campus locations, facility superintendents are responsible for ensuring that this equipment is inspected and serviced as required. Removing or tampering with fire equipment or fire alarm systems violates regents’ policy. Supervisors must ensure that their personnel are made aware of the locations of this equipment and receive adequate training in its use.

c. Open Burning. Building or setting fires on property owned or controlled by UI without proper authorization is prohibited. Activities conducted on university property that involve open burning (e.g., bonfires, open-pit burning, barbecues other than those using charcoal or gas grills) require both prior authorization of the event by the university and open-burning permits [See APM 35.25] from the City of Moscow. In the case of off-campus locations, authorization of the event must be obtained from the senior administrator at the location as well as the local fire authority.

d. Hot Work. Activities such as welding, torch-cutting, brazing, grinding, or similar activities that can produce sparks, slag, or other ignition sources are classified as hot work and may not be performed outside a designated and approved welding area or shop unless appropriate safeguards are implemented. Checklists that may be used to help ensure conditions are safe to perform hot work may be obtained from the university’s fire safety specialist or a person designated by the fire safety specialist prior to conducting this type of activity. All hot work must abide by procedures and safeguards as defined in NFPA 51B. For more information on hot work requirements, [See APM 35.78], or to obtain applicable checklists, contact the Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Office, (208) 885-6524.

e. Explosives. Except in the case of law enforcement officers engaged in official duties, explosive substances are prohibited on university premises unless the university safety officer approves their use.

f. Electrical Appliances and Cords. Coffee pots, microwaves, glue guns, soldering irons, etc., must be placed on non-combustible surfaces, operated away from combustible materials, and must never be left unattended. Auxiliary space heaters must be equipped with functional safety tip-over switches and be located away from combustible materials and never left unattended when in use. Extension cords are intended for temporary use only and must not be used in place of permanent wiring. Fuse protected power strips may be used on a permanent basis, provided they are appropriate for the application and are plugged directly into an outlet. Only UL listed and approved extension cords and power strips may be used in university buildings and facilities.

g. Decorations and Displays. Materials used for holiday decorations, displays, or other purposes must comply with applicable fire, life safety code, and university requirements.

h. Reporting Fires and Fire Safety Concerns. Fires should be reported immediately to the Moscow Fire Department (9-911) as well as the university safety officer, (208) 885-6524.

i. Smoking. Smoking is generally not allowed in any university facility. [See APM 35.28]  

A-2. Life Safety.

a. Emergency Evacuation. Response to emergencies [See APM 35.21] must be prompt, safe, and knowledgeable in order to ensure that prompt warning is given, persons can exit safely, and help can be obtained quickly.

i) Building administrators are responsible for ensuring that appropriate emergency evacuation procedures [See APM 35.22] are developed and implemented for the buildings and facilities for which they are responsible.

ii) All university employees and students should be aware of emergency evacuation procedures. Failing to vacate buildings promptly when a fire alarm sounds or instructed by authorized personnel violates regents’ policy.

iii) Evacuation routes must be posted in every department.

iv) Emergency evacuation plans should be reviewed every six months and must be reviewed annually. Upon request, EHS will assist administrators in developing and reviewing evacuation procedures to ensure that they meet applicable fire and life safety requirements.

v) Architectural and Engineering Services may be contacted to arrange for the installation of maps, signs, and similar devices that are determined to be necessary to evacuate facilities in a timely manner.

vi) Evacuation and practice drills greatly improve the response of occupants when actual emergencies occur. EHS personnel are responsible for ensuring fire drills are conducted as required in university residence buildings. Building administrators are encouraged to have drills conducted periodically in their facilities and may contact EHS (or the local fire department for off-campus facilities) for assistance.

b. Corridors and Hallways. When buildings must be evacuated during fire or other emergencies, timely movement of people from occupied areas within the building toward a public way is essential. For this reason, corridors, hallways, stairwells, ramps and other dedicated exit and exit access requirements [See APM 35.23] must remain free of obstructions at all times. The basic policy of the university is to maintain the entire width of hallways and corridors, even when it exceeds the legally required minimum width. Items may not be placed in corridors and hallways without first obtaining prior approval of UI Safety Officer [See APM 35.27]. Fire doors cannot be blocked open and must latch automatically when released. The safety officer is authorized to remove obstructions or unsafe items from corridors, hallways and all paths of entry or egress. The University is not responsible for any reasonable damage or loss of property occasioned by such removal, including but not limited to, cutting any chain or cable used to secure the item of concern.

c. Enforcement. Departmental and college administrators are responsible for enforcing life safety policies within their areas of jurisdiction and for calling violations immediately to the attention of the UI safety officer.

d. Reporting Life Safety Concerns. All situations and problems that might pose a serious threat to life safety should be reported immediately to the university safety officer, (208) 885-6524.

A-3. Additional Information. For additional information on fire and life safety issues, contact the EHS Office, (208) 885-6524.

B. Security.

B-1. Building Security. The entire university community, including employees and students, share responsibility for the security of university facilities. The following policies are designed to accommodate building security issues.

a. Building Hours. Campus building’s open hours vary. Considerations such as building use and availability of supervisory personnel affect the hours a building is open and/or the interior areas that are unlocked. Building hours, as well as names and phone numbers of persons to be called in an emergency, should be posted on the exterior door. Open hours other than those posted must be approved in advance through FMO and the EHS Office.

b. Supervisory Personnel. In addition to scheduled hours, most classrooms, laboratories, offices, workrooms, and similar areas are kept open only when adequate supervisory personnel are available. To facilitate student access, approved extended open hours are maintained for some classrooms and workrooms, computer labs, studios, and common study areas.

c. Scheduled Hours. To prevent unauthorized access to buildings or areas during the hours that they are secured, facilities will be locked at the posted closing times and unlocked at the posted opening times.

d. Key Access. Staff or students authorized to enter buildings or areas during locked periods are to be provided keys or other entry authorization. Persons authorized to enter secured facilities are responsible to re-secure all areas that they have entered. Special entry requirements may be coordinated through FMO with proper supervisory approval.

e. Security Watch. Police officers and campus security services personnel should report any hazardous situations to FMO and the EHS Office and should be aware of any unauthorized building access and report it to the appropriate personnel.

f. Reporting Hazards. Any member of the university community who observes a situation that is clearly and imminently hazardous to persons or property should immediately contact emergency response personnel, dial 9-911.

g. Identification Required. Persons working in, studying in, or using university buildings are required to present identification to police officers, campus security services, or other appropriate university administrators when requested.

B-2. Campus Security. Campus security is provided through police services as well as non-police services.

a. Police Services. Police services are provided by the Moscow Police Department (MPD) under a contract between UI and the city. The MPD enforces applicable laws and ordinances on the campus, and includes jurisdiction over streets, alleys, and other public areas. The MPD interacts with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.

b. Non-police Services. Other campus security functions, including campus security services, and related activities, are the responsibility of the Office of Risk Management. These operations are supervised by the UI safety officer.

c. Reporting Injuries or Property Loss. All incidents of theft, vandalism, violence, or other criminal activity, actual or suspected, and missing persons should be reported to the MPD by telephone (208) 882-5551. In emergency situations, call 9-911. All incidents of damage, or potential damage, to persons or property due to fire, vandalism, theft, wind, flooding, or other causes must be reported in writing to the Office of Risk Management. All incidents or dangerous conditions that cause or might cause harm to persons should be reported to the Safety Officer (208) 885-6524, or to the Director of Risk Management (208) 885-7177.

B-3. Bomb Threats. It is a violation of university policy, as well as Idaho law, for any person to detonate or threaten to detonate a bomb or explosive device with the intent of causing harm to persons or damage to property, of causing fear of same, or of disrupting normal activities of the university. Bomb threats can occur anywhere, anytime, but are usually received by telephone. Reference [See APM 35.91] for recommended procedures. In addition, Bomb Threat Checklists can be obtained from the Office of Risk Management (208) 885-7177. The immediate response is to gather as much information as possible from the caller and then contact emergency response personnel as soon as possible: Police Department at 9-911 or (208) 882-5551 and the Office of Risk Management (208) 885-7177.

C. Motor Vehicle Safety. University faculty, staff, students, and visitors are expected to strictly adhere to the policies and procedures adopted by the university to minimize damage to property and to prevent serious injury or loss of life when operating a motor vehicle. All university, city and state traffic regulations and rules covering the operation of motor vehicles apply and will be enforced.

C-1. Transportation of Employees On-the-Job.

a. Transportation of employees on the job shall be in equipment that is adequate and properly equipped for that purpose

b. Vehicles used for the transportation of employees shall have properly secured seat belts and shall be provided in each vehicle to accommodate the total number of employees transported, except in the case of emergency situations and conditions. Employees are required to wear seat belts.

c. Employees shall not ride on fenders, bumpers, running boards or tops of tailgates or bed walls.

d. Employee shall not ride in or on any vehicle with legs hanging over the end or sides.

e. In emergency situations, employees must ride as safely as conditions allow.

f. If tools and/or materials are transported in vehicles used for transportation of employees at the same time employees are being transported, the tools and/or materials shall be adequately secured to present no hazard to passengers.

g. No one shall board or leave moving vehicles except those employees whose duties require such, and only after having been properly trained.

h. When a stake bed truck is used to transport employees, it shall be equipped with seats and a tailgate.

i. Only qualified drivers shall be permitted to operate motor vehicles and each shall posses a valid driver’s license.

j. All motor vehicles shall meet the requirements of IDAHO CODE title 49, Chapter 9.

k. All motor vehicles will be maintained in a safe and operable condition at all times, unless disabled and not in use.

C-2. Drug and Alcohol Testing.

a. Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. The UI is required to conduct pre-employment/pre-duty controlled substance testing of each successful applicant for employment in a position which requires the employee to possess a commercial driver's license (CDL). Also required is reasonable suspicion, random, and post-accident alcohol and controlled substance testing of employees who possess or obtain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) as part of their job responsibilities.

b. Covered Employees. An employee covered by the regulations is prohibited from refusing to take a required test. The law also requires UI to impose consequences on covered employees whose test results confirm the presence of the prohibited alcohol concentration levels or the presence of a controlled substance.

C-3. Driver’s Training. All employees whose job description specifies that they drive university vehicles on a regular basis, as part of their regularly assigned duties, are required to take an approved Defensive Driving Course. Approved courses are offered by EHS, for information call (208) 885-6524. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that affected employees attend an approved Defensive Driving Course.

D. Building Code Compliance.

D-1. Building Codes. It is University policy to comply with all applicable building codes. If any conflict arises between applicable codes, the more stringent code takes precedence.

D-2. Building Plans and Construction Activities. Plans for new construction, renovation, remodeling, the installation, or removal of electrical wiring or plumbing, and construction activities must be submitted to Architectural and Engineering Services for review and approval before this type of work can proceed on any university building or facility. Architectural and Engineering Services is responsible for ensuring, where appropriate, that prior to the construction or remodeling of buildings owned or maintained by UI that the construction plans are reviewed and approved by appropriate regulatory agencies.

Version History

Amended October 2024. Minor edit to update owner position title.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
