40.10 – University Space
- Position: Director, Facilities
- Email: facilities@uidaho.edu
Last updated: March 22, 2017
A. Definitions.
A-1. Unit: refers to primary management units within the University of Idaho (University), including recognized colleges, administrative units, and recognized University Centers located remotely from the main Moscow campus. [rev. 3-17]
A-2. President: refers to the President of the University of Idaho, or his/her designee, having final authority over space policies, procedures, and allocations at university sites statewide. [add. 3-17]
A-3. Space Advisory Council (SAC). The SAC is a group established with the goal of providing advisory input regarding the development and implementation of University of Idaho space related policies and processes and to serve as an impartial reviewer for resolution of space issues not resolved through the routine policies and processes. SAC membership will be determined by the President and will normally include representative stakeholders from entities such as Executive leadership, Staff Council, Faculty Senate, ASUI, and Facilities. [add. 3-17]
B. Policy
B-1. Policy Statement. All University owned or operated buildings, space, and land, regardless of fund source or location, or use by a particular Unit, are assets of the University as a whole, and are subject to assignment or reassignment to meet the overall needs and best interest of the University. Long-range planning for optimum use of these valuable University assets is a continuing process. Policies and procedures that guide space assignment and reassignment are the responsibility of the President. Unless otherwise specified by the President, space assigned to a Unit may be reassigned by the Unit leader or reallocated within and among internal divisions or departments of the Unit to meet its goals and purposes, consistent with accreditation needs of the University and University space and facilities policies. Any reassignment of space between one Unit and another is subject to prior approval by the President and may necessitate input from the SAC. [rev. 3-17]
In the event University controlled space is inadequate or unavailable, University program space needs may be addressed through leasing property not owned or otherwise controlled by the University. All lease agreements must be signed by the Vice President for Infrastructure or designee, and where required, must be authorized by the Board of Regents for the University prior to execution. Prior to submission to the Vice President or Board of Regents, the University Real Estate Officer is assigned responsibility to review, process, and coordinate all University leasing activity and ensure adequacy of leasing terms and compliance with University policies. Proposals for leasing must be consistent with University program priorities and budgetary confirmation of the financially responsible party within the University, and shall be approved by the responsible Unit administrator (e.g. dean, appropriate VP) prior to initiation of lease negotiations by the Real Estate Officer. [rev. 3-17]
Assignment of campus space is documented and maintained by the Facilities department. Units are to notify Facilities when changing space allocation and/or room uses within the Unit and complete an annual space audit to confirm space allocation and room usage. [add. 3-17]
C. Procedure.
C-1. Requesting Campus Space. Units desiring additional existing University space are to complete and submit a University Space Request Form, found at http://www.uidaho.edu/infrastructure/facilities/aes. [ed. 3-17]