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95.15 - Campus Law Enforcement and Crime Reporting


  • Position: Public Safety and Security Executive Director
  • Email:

Last updated: October 01, 2018

Preamble: This policy was created to comply with the Jeanne Clery Act which requires the university to disclose policies concerning campus law enforcement, crime reporting and reporting role, if any, for pastoral and professional counselors.

A. Policy.

A-1.  Campus Law Enforcement:  The enforcement authority of security personnel, including their relationship with State and local police agencies and whether those security personnel have the authority to arrest individuals.

A-2.  Crime Reporting:  Accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to campus security and the appropriate police agencies is encouraged.

A-3.  Role of Pastoral and Professional Counselors:  Procedure, if any, that encourages pastoral and professional counselors – if and when they deem appropriate – to inform the persons they are counseling of any procedures to report crimes on a voluntary, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics.

B. Procedures:

B-1.  Campus Law Enforcement Authority (see A-1 above)

a. Police services are provided by Moscow Police Department under a contract between the Regents of the University of Idaho and the City of Moscow. The Moscow Police Department has full police authority to investigate, apprehend and arrest to enforce applicable laws and ordinances on the campus. The Moscow Police have jurisdiction over streets, alleys and other public areas. Fraternities and sororities are located in the City of Moscow and receive police services from the Moscow Police Department. The Moscow Police Department interacts with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. The contract with the City of Moscow for police services provides for the services of nine (9) FTE officers. When spread over 24-hours a day, 365 days a year this staffing level generally allows one or two officers to be on the campus or in adjacent areas of the city at all times, although variations will occur. There is a Police Sub-Station on the Moscow campus, located in the Idaho Student Union Building at 875 S. Line Street.

b.  The University of Idaho Campus Security services are managed through the Department of Public Safety and Security at the University of Idaho. The mission of the University Campus Security is to create a safe, secure campus to provide a safe educational environment through a community approach to security, the promotion of personal safety, and awareness and the deterrence of crime. They strive to preserve this safe and healthy environment through quality training, effective leadership, and collaboration with the Moscow Police Department.

c.   To make the University safer, the non-sworn, unarmed Campus Security team’s core duties are:

i)  Performing regular visible patrols of the facilities to watch for potential safety hazards and crimes;
ii)  Checking to ensure buildings are locked and secured;
iii)  Documenting detected problems;
iv)  Escalating issues to the University staff that has responsibility for the area/facility or to the Moscow Police Department as directed; and
v)  Providing safe walk services by accompanying students, faculty, and/or staff across campus to make sure they can safely traverse the campus without fear of personal harm.

C. Accurate and Prompt Reporting (see A-2 above) [ren. 10-18]

C-1. All students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to promptly and accurately report criminal incidents, accidents, emergencies and non-emergencies. [ren. 10-18]

C-2. If there is an emergency on campus, call 911. For non-emergencies and other reports, call Campus Security at (208) 885-7054 on the 24/7 line, or the Office of Public Safety and Security (contact information below) during campus business hours. [ren. 10-18]

C-3. Per FSH 3220, if the incident also constitutes a violation of the University’s sexual harassment policies, the incident must be reported to the Title IX Coordinator within 24 hours (unless the UI employee with knowledge of the incident is required by law to maintain the confidentiality of the disclosure, such as licensed medical professionals or counselors). [add. 10-18]

C-4. Pastoral and Professional Counselor Reporting (see A-3 above). The University Counseling and Testing Center provides a supportive and confidential environment for students to explore their concerns and learn new skills to deal more effectively with problems that may be interfering with their personal well-being and academic goals. Crisis appointments are also available during normal operating hours, and for after-hours crisis intervention students may call the CTC at (208) 885-6716. Professional counselors at the University are encouraged, if and when they deem appropriate, to inform those they counsel of the procedures for reporting crimes voluntarily for inclusion in the annual security and fire safety report. [ren. 10-18]

D. Contact Information: 

The Office of Public Safety and Security
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 2281
Moscow, ID  83844-2281
Fax:  208-885-7001

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
