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6990 - Contagious or Infectious Disease Emergency Response


  • Position: President
  • Email:

Last updated: July 01, 2022

A. Scope. This policy applies to all University of Idaho students and employees.

B. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University is able to respond quickly and effectively to protect the UI community and the interests of the institution in the event of a public health emergency caused by a contagious or infectious-contagious or infectious disease outbreak.

C. Definitions

C-1. Contagious or infectious disease: A disease which may be transmitted from one person or an animal to another person either by direct contact or through an intermediate host, vector, inanimate object, or other means which may result in infection, illness, disability or death.

C-2. Outbreak: An unusual rise in the incidence of a disease. An outbreak may consist of a single case.

C-3. Public health emergency: For the purposes of this policy, a contagious or infectious disease outbreak is determined to be a public health emergency by local, state, or federal health authorities or other appropriate governmental authority.

D. Policy

D-1. Applicability. In the event of a contagious or infectious disease outbreak, the president will consult with local, state, or federal health authorities as appropriate. If the outbreak is determined by the appropriate governmental authority to be a public health emergency, the president may take action under the provisions of D-2. In the absence of a declaration of public health emergency, and if necessary to protect the UI community and the interests of the institution, the president may, after consultation with public health authorities, Faculty Senate leadership and Staff Council leadership, take action under the provisions of D-2.

D-2. Emergency actions

a. Temporary closures. Pursuant to RGP I.E.5, the president may submit a request to the Executive Director of the State Board of Education to seek approval to close the University as a whole or any of its buildings or campuses.

b. Temporary limitations or cancellations. Pursuant to RGP I.E.5., the president may implement measures required to prevent the spread of contagious or infectious disease, including limiting programs or activities.

c. Temporary policies and procedures. To the extent necessary to implement or enforce the University’s response to a public health emergency caused by a contagious or infectious disease outbreak, the University may establish temporary policies and procedures which may be inconsistent with existing policies and procedures. Prior to final implementation, the administration shall seek the input of affected constituencies, Staff Council leadership, and Faculty Senate leadership as appropriate and reasonable under the circumstances. Any such policy or procedure must be approved by the president or designee and published online, with a notice published in the Register as soon as reasonably practical.

D-3. Termination. If there is a declaration of public health emergency by local, state, or federal authorities, temporary policies and procedures enacted under D-2.c of this policy will remain in effect only for so long as the declaration of public health emergency remains in effect, unless the president determines that it is necessary for the health and safety of the University community for the temporary policies and procedures to remain in effect, in which case the actions will remain in effect for up to 180 days. Actions taken under this policy in the absence of a declaration of public health emergency will remain in effect for up to 180 days.

a. At any time prior to the expiration of 180 days, the president, in consultation with Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and public health authorities, may terminate the temporary actions if deemed no longer necessary.

b. Actions taken under D-2.c may be granted a one-time 180-day renewal by the president. Prior to renewing the actions, the president shall seek input from Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and public health authorities.

D-4. Infectious Disease Response Protocol. The Infectious Disease Response Team shall draft and publish an Infectious Disease Response Protocol to develop and implement specific strategies for response to and prevention of infectious diseases in the University of Idaho community. This protocol shall be reviewed by the team on an annual basis and updated as necessary.

E. Effective date. This policy shall be effective as of the date of final approval.

Version History

Amended July 2022. Revised to align with revisions to SBOE policy I.E.5. Revised section D-3 regarding termination of temporary policies and procedures. Added requirement for Infectious Disease Response Protocol.

Adopted September 2020.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
