Meet U of I’s Climate Change Experts
Media: For assistance in scheduling U of I experts for interviews, contact Kyle Pfannenstiel at 208-329-8947 or
Romauld Afatchao
Clinical Professor and Associate Director: Martin Institute and Program in International Studies
Expertise: Climate change policy; national adaption plans; impact of climate change on smallholder agriculture
Richard Allen
Professor: Department of Soil and Water Systems

Expertise: Impacts of climate change on irrigation water requirements and evapotranspiration, crop phenology; crop models used in climate change studies
Timothy Bartholomaus
Assistant Professor: Department of Earth and Spatial Sciences
Expertise: Glacier change; glacier flow; ice sheets; ice/ocean interactions; glacier hydrology; geophysics; Greenland; Alaska
Luigi Boschetti
Professor of Remote Sensing
CNR 203E
Expertise: Global long term fire monitoring; climatic drivers of global fire regimes; and fire end greenhouse gas emission inventories
Christopher C. Caudill
Associate Professor: Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
Expertise: Thermal ecology of fishes; climate impacts on fish and wildlife populations; bioenergetics; prespawn mortality and disease in salmon in relation to temperature; work with regional agencies on fish migration issues including effects of water temperature; thermal refuges on salmon migration; and genetic responses of rainbow trout to changing climate and environments
Stephen Cook
Professor: Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology
Expertise: Climate change impacts on forest insects and high elevation forests.
Sanford Eigenbrode
University Distinguished Professor: Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology
Expertise: Climate change and agriculture; interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary applied climate change research; climate change and insect pests
Bruce Haglund
Distinguished Professor: Department of Architecture
Expertise: Effect of climate change on buildings and cities; modeling building performance under different climate scenarios; design and planning to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions; and carbon sequestration in mass timber buildings
Kristin Haltinner
Associate Professor: Department of Culture, Society and Justice
Expertise: Climate change skepticism and denial; climate change and human populations; role of identity, ideology, politics and culture on human behaviors that drive climate change
Grant Harley
Associate Professor: Department of Earth and Spatial Sciences
Expertise: Dendrochronology (tree-ring science); climate impacts on drought, tropical cyclones, wildfire, hydrology and vegetation
Dylan Hedden-Nicely
Associate Professor, Director of Native American Law Program: College of Law
Expertise: Climate change and water rights and indigenous rights; interrelationship of law and science
Jeffrey A. Hicke
Professor: Department of Earth and Spatial Sciences
Expertise: Climate change impacts on plants, animals, carbon cycle, forests, forest disturbances, insect outbreaks; climate change assessments for the IPCC, US, Idaho, City of Moscow.
Xiao Hu
Associate Professor: Department of Architecture
Expertise: urban design and planning under climate change; sustainable design strategies for urban and rural communities; urban policies and governance on climate change; socially and culturally sustainable development, worked globally including in east Asia and Middle-east on urban development for climate adaption.
Tara Hudiburg
Associate Professor: Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences
Expertise: Carbon cycle science; biogeochemistry; land use change; disturbance regimes; mitigation; North American Carbon Program; AmeriFlux; ecosystem modeling; review editor for the 2018 State of the Carbon Cycle Report
Erin James
Associate Professor: Department of English
Expertise: Cultural aspects of climate change; climate change in fiction and film; the role stories and story-telling play in mitigating climate change; co-PI of the Confluence Lab, which studies climate change in Idaho
Jodi Johnson-Maynard
Professor and Department Head: Department of Soil and Water Systems

Brian Kennedy
Professor: Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
Expertise: Bioenergetics of fish and implications of thermal stress and adaptation
Jennifer Ladino
Professor: Department of English
Expertise: Emotions about climate change, including fear, anxiety, nostalgia, solastalgia, resilience and ecological grief; apocalyptic and climate change fiction and film; public memory and tourism in the U.S. West; co-PI of the Confluence Lab, which studies climate change in Idaho
Katherine Lee
Assistant Professor: Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Expertise: Natural resource management; environmental policy; social-ecological systems; bioeconomic modeling; member of working group on climate change in Idaho
Edwin Lewis
Professor and Department Head: Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology
Expertise: Impact of climate change on agriculture and public health, especially concerning pest populations
Timothy E. Link
Professor of Hydrology: Department of Forest, Rangeland and Fire Sciences
Expertise: Snow hydrology; watershed hydrology; ecohydrology; climate change indicators in Idaho; works with regional agencies and stakeholders on the potential effects of climate change on hydrological systems
Ryan Long
Associate Professor: Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
Expertise: Effects of climatic variation on behavior and physiology of mammals
Timothy Prather
Professor: Department of Plant Sciences
Expertise: Plant community susceptibility to invasion models that include climate related variables
Russell Qualls
Associate Professor and Idaho State Climatologist: Department of Biological Engineering
Expertise: Climate variability and change; climate impacts on mountain snowpack and evapotranspiration; satellite remote sensing of snow; consults with state and federal agencies on climatic impacts on hydrology
Dilshani Sarathchandra
Associate Professor: Department of Culture, Society and Justice
Expertise: climate change denial; climate communication; risk perception; trust
Scott Slovic
Professor: Department of English
Expertise: Climate change communication; climate literature; climate change pedagogy in the humanities; perception of hyperobjects and slow violence
Lee Vierling
Professor and Department Head: Department of Natural Resources and Society
Expertise: Vegetation response to climate change; land use, ecosystem carbon allocation and climate change; satellite imagery and vegetation productivity related to climate; fossil evidence of past climate histories.
Elowyn Yager
Professor: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director of Center for Ecohydraulics Research
Expertise: Effects of climate change on river morphology and stability, sediment transport and aquatic habitat