Research is the primary activity of the institute. Aquaculture Research Institute (ARI) conducts original research and facilitates research by faculty in colleges and departments at the University of Idaho, including fish and wildlife sciences, animal and veterinary science, engineering and business.
ARI research activities are funded by external grants and contracts. Strong and active cooperative agreements with USDA Agriculture Research Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and the University of Chile are critical elements of external funding and growth of ARI research capacities.
Key to ARI’s success is the application of cutting edge science, particularly in molecular biology, to practical issues in conservation biology of salmonids and aquaculture. ARI is deeply involved in resource-based issues that are extremely important to Idaho, such as endangered aquatic species.
Research focus areas are population genetics, genomics, proteomics, selective breeding, nutrition and feeding of fish, engineering of aquaculture systems and fish health management.
ARI Overview
Learn about ARI’s research strengths and its impact on global aquaculture