Mathematics Assistance Center
Welcome to the Math Assistance Center (MAC) Lab! We are located in Brink across from the ISUB food court. Our tutors and instructors are ready to help you succeed.
Fostering Belonging in the Classroom
About the Mathematics Assistance Center (MAC)
The Mathematics Assistance Center (MAC) is staffed with undergraduate tutors, graduate Teaching Assistants, and faculty, to help students in math courses solve problems and understand vital concepts. No appointment is necessary for help with coursework in: Math 108, 143, 144, 160, 170, 175, and 275. Drop in anytime during MAC lab hours.
To schedule an in-lab, proctored knowledge check for a class, please make an appointment through WCO.
The MAC Approach to Learning
Our introductory math courses (108, 143, 144) are designed to help students focus on learning foundational concepts that will be used in future math and STEM courses.
Our calculus courses (160, 170, 175, 275) are designed to help students focus on studying and describing changes, a concept that is useful throughout their STEM education and careers.
Being successful in these courses goes beyond the mathematical content. Our goal in the MAC is to help students construct the habits of mind of successful and independent mathematical learners.
The assistance provided in the MAC is meant to help students: improve their problem-solving abilities, learn how to make logical and verbal arguments, practice the writing and communication of mathematics through multiple representations, focus on why mathematics works in addition to procedural competence, and experience the collaborative nature of mathematical learning.
The newly-redesigned Mathematics Assistance Center is meant to be a welcoming environment where students can come to work together with classmates, ask questions and work with tutors, or just come alone and study. Students can use our tutoring resources as much or as little as they want while they are in the center.