Student Opportunities
Students in our Landscape Architecture Program make profound and positive impacts on their communities through service-learning and outreach projects in the region and beyond.
They have the opportunity to build their professional capacities and portfolios through:
- Study abroad programs like the Italy Landscape Architecture Program, which gives students opportunities for growth and the immersion in the local culture and designed landscapes
- Participation in annual design competitions
- Internships and jobs in landscape architecture firms placed locally and nationally
- Membership to the ASLA American Association of Landscape Architects and affiliation to our SCASLA Student Chapter
- Travel to urban centers like Boise; Spokane and Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon. While visiting landscape architecture firms and witnessing landscape and environmental design, students make connections with leaders in the industry and learn about opportunities in their field.
Internships and Job Opportunities
All students in the U of I Landscape Architecture Program find internships and jobs in the fields of landscape architecture, environmental design, landscape planning and management, and urban design. Over 95% of the students that graduated from our program in the last five years were employed in the field immediately after graduation.

"I recently finished my internship at The Land Group and was hired for a full-time position! I am so excited! I am so thankful for everything the Landscape Architecture Program has taught me. Compared to my fellow interns I was more advanced in most applications, reading and comprehension of professional writings, construction documents and workflow. During my time at the University and the comprehensive program I learned I attended lessons covering all fields: from applications to proper layout, practical design, big picture thinking, trial and error, process analysis, personal growth and so much more. I really appreciate the time and all the effort you guys put into my education! Because of it I got a job, at an amazing company where I work for something I am excited and passionate about."
-Kira Wise. Graduate from BSLA in 2022, since then employed at The Land Group

"Over the 2020 summer I was fortunate to get an internship at Architects West out of Coeur d’Alene. While I got to be involved in a couple different projects, I worked on a pro-bono project for a non-profit organization called Children’s Village. Using the experience gained from classes, I set out to create a graphic composite of various design options for the children’s bike trail/sensory garden they wanted to implement. I then moved into an inventory and analysis using graphics software to better understand all the site features. Next, I designed multiple options for the layout of the bike trail and a the sensory garden layout. After meeting with the client to show them design options, I received very positive feedback.
I am extremely grateful to have been offered this opportunity to truly see all that I’ve learned in the University of Idaho’s Landscape Architecture Program the last two years. I feel that the summer between my junior and senior years was the perfect timing of this internship. By that point I had a solid foundation in Landscape Architecture theory and software knowledge, while the internship gave me practice in design as well as exposure to the a professional firm."
-Sara von Borstel Sept 25, 2020

Organizations and Clubs
Find a community and develop your skills by participating in one or more of the active student organizations and associations affiliated to our program that are listed below:
The SCASLA - Student Chapter of the American Association of Landscape Architects
Offers opportunities to learn more about the landscape architecture profession through on-campus meetings and activities, guest speaking events and field trips to industry firms. SCASLA combines the interests and desires towards fulfilling educational and social needs as well as broadening the understanding of the profession.
Advisor: Roberto Capecci
American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)
The mission of ASLA is empowering our members to design a sustainable and equitable world through landscape architecture. ASLA is committed to learning, constant improvement, and achieving the best outcomes for members in all endeavors. Mission-driven in service to members, the profession, and the public good.
Idaho-Montana Chapter of ASLA
The Landscape Architecture Program at the University of Idaho enjoys the support and mentorship of landscape architecture professionals throughout the region, who are members of the Idaho-Montana Chapter. The Chapters mission is to lead, to educate, and to participate in careful stewardship, wise planning and artful design of our cultural and natural environments.
Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)
The Landscape Architecture Program at the University of Idaho is a member of CELA - Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture. Students present annually their projects and research at the CELA conference. CELA is composed of all the programs of higher learning in landscape architecture in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. CELA publishes the highest quality research conducted in the profession through its refereed publication, Landscape Journal.