Mark Schwarzläender
Mark Schwarzläender
Professor; Associate Director of Center for Research on Invasive Species
Ag Science, Room 237
Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2329
Moscow, ID 83844-2329
Ph.D., University of Kiel, Germany
M.S., University of Kiel, Germany
- ENT 501: Seminar
- Classical biological control of exotic weeds using arthropods and pathogens, post-release target weed and non-target effects assessments, plant invasion mechanisms, bio-geographical comparative studies of invasive plants, herbivore insect-plant interactions, plant-mediated interactions between biological control agents, soil mediated interactions between invasive plants and native vegetation as part of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies.
- Areas of expertise include foreign exploration research, host-specificity testing techniques, insect-plant interaction studies, herbivore insect behavior and plant ecology.
- Gaskin, J.F., Schwarzländer, M., Hinz, H.L., Williams, L. III, Gerber, E., Rector, B.G. and Zhang, D.Y. Genetic identity and diversity of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) in its native and invaded ranges. Journal for Invasive Plant Science and Management. In Press.
- Hinz, H.L., Bouchier, R., and Schwarzländer, M. Lepidium draba L., L. chalepense L., L. appelianum Al-Shehbaz, Hoary Cresses (Brassicaceae). In: Biological Control Programmes in Canada 2001-2012 (Eds: Peter Mason and Dave Gillespie). CABI Publishing. Wallingford. U.K. In Press.
- Gaskin, J.F., Schwarzländer, M., Williams, L. III, Gerber, E. and Hinz, H.L. 2012. Minimal genetic diversity in the facultatively outcrossing perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) invasion. Biological Invasions. 14:1797-1807.
- Hinz, H.L., Schwarzländer, M., McKenney, J.L., Cripps, M.J., Harmon, B.L. and Price, W.J. 2012. Biogeographical comparison of the invasive Lepidium draba in its native, expanded and introduced ranges. Biological Invasions. 14:1999-2016.
- Szűcs, M., Eigenbrode, S.D., Schwarzländer, M. and Schaffner, U. 2012. Hybrid vigor in the biological control agent, Longitarsus jacobaeae. Evolutionary Applications. 5(8):489-497.
- Szűcs, M., Schaffner, U., Price, W.P. and Schwarzländer, M. 2012. Post-introduction evolution in the biological control agent Longitarsus jacobaeae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Evolutionary Applications. 5(8):858-868.
- Puliafico, K.P., Schwarzländer, M., Price, W.J., Harmon, B.L. and Hinz, H.L. 2011. Native and Exotic Grass Competition with Invasive Hoary Cress (Cardaria draba). Invasive Plant Science and Management, 4(1):38-49.
- Szűcs, M., Schwarzländer, M. and Gaskin, J.F. 2011. Reevaluating establishment and potential hybridization of different biotypes of the biological control agent Longitarsus jacobaeae using molecular tools. Biological Control. 58:44-52.
- Van Driesche, R.G, Carruthers, R, Center, T., R., Hoddle, M., Hough-Goldstein, J., Morin, L., Smith, L., Blossey, B., Brancatini, V., Casagrande, R, Causton, C., Coetzee, J. A., Cuda, J., Ding, J., Fowler, S., Frank, H., Fuester,Goolsby, J., Grodowitz, M., Heard, T. A., Hill, M. P., Hoffmann, J., Huber, J., Julien, M., Kario, M., Kenis, M., Medal, J., Messing, R., Miller, R., Moore, A., Neuenschwander, P., Newman, R., Norambuena, H., Palmer, W., Pemberton, R., Perez Panduro, A., Pratt, P., Ramini, S., Rayamajhi, M., Salom, S., Sands, D., Schooler, S., Sheppard, A., Shaw, R., Schwarzländer, M, Tipping, P., van Klinken, R., Wagner, D. 2010. Classical Biological Control for the Protection of Native Ecosystems. Biological Control. 54:S2-S33.
- Cripps, M.G., Hinz, H.L., McKenney, J.L., Price, W.J. and Schwarzländer, M. 2009. No evidence for an ‘evolution of increased competitive ability’ for the invasive Lepidium draba. Basic and Applied Ecology. 10:103-112.