Daniel Strawn
Daniel Strawn
Professor — Environmental Soil Chemistry
Ag Science, Room 117
Department of Soil and Water Systems
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2340
Moscow, ID 83844-2340
My program is focused on gaining a better understanding of reaction processes in the environment to gain new insights into contaminant and nutrient speciation, reaction pathways and mineralogy.
Ph.D., University of Delaware, 1999
B.S., University of California, Davis, 1994
- SOIL 422: Environmental Soil Chemistry
- SOIL 501: Seminar
Soil Chemistry, 5th edition (pdf)
- Keywords (xlsx) for each chapter. Students may find this helpful for studying.
- Erratum (pdf) contains corrections to errors, please notify me if you find additional errors.
- Kinetics and mechanisms of contaminant and nutrient sorption and desorption in soils and soil minerals
- Sorption mechanisms of trace elements using spectroscopic and microscopic methods
- Fundamental reaction processes that inorganic chemicals undergo in the soil and environment
- Strawn, D. G. (2018) Review of interactions between phosphorus and arsenic in soils from four case studies. Geochemical Transactions, 19:10.
- Page-Dumroese, D. S., M. R. Ott, D. G. Strawn & J. M. Tirocke (2018) Using Organic Amendments to Restore Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of a Mine Site in Northeastern Oregon, USA. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 34, 43-55.
- Norby, J., D. Strawn & E. Brooks (2018) Filter Membrane Effects on Water-Extractable Phosphorus Concentrations from Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 47, 378-382.
- Ippolito, J. A., C. M. Berry, D. G. Strawn, J. M. Novak, J. Levine & A. Harley (2017) Biochars Reduce Mine Land Soil Bioavailable Metals. Journal of Environmental Quality, 46, 411-419.
- Johnson-Maynard, J. L. & D. G. Strawn (2016) Linking Physical and Biogeochemical Properties and Processes in the Drilosphere. Soil Science, 181, 126-132.
Chapters and textbook (most recent two)
- McDaniel, P.M. D.G. Strawn. 2016. Anaerobic Processes. Encyclopedia of Soil Science.
- Strawn, D.G., H. Bohn. G. O’Connor. 2015. Soil Chemistry. John Wiley and Sons, West Sussex, UK. 375 pages.
I am a professor of environmental soil chemistry at the University of Idaho where I conduct research to elucidate reactions and chemical species in soil, plant and water systems. I have conducted research on soil-plant relationships, soil water chemistry, soil mineralogy, lake sediment chemistry, stream-hyporheic zone exchange, water treatment reactors, mixed flow reactors and bioavailability of contaminants.
I have more than 20 years of experience analyzing surface properties on natural and synthesized minerals and characterizing soil-water interface chemistry. This includes conducting research at large national research facilities (e.g., Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory) to measure molecular speciation in samples from natural systems. I conduct research in several different environments and processes, including water treatment technologies, characterization of chemicals in streams, soils and plants.
Numerous publications and patent applications have resulted from collaborative research. I served as the chair of the Soil Chemistry Division of the Soil Science Society of America. I have published 47 research papers and the 2015 textbook Soil Chemistry.
- Marion L. and Chystie M. Jackson Award, 2011. Distributed by the Soil Science Society of America for mid-career accomplishments in research and teaching in soil chemistry and mineralogy.
- Outstanding Reviewer Recognition Award, 2011. Journal of Environmental Quality.
- Harrison Prescott Eddy Medal, 2009. The Water Environment Federation: A technical and educational organization with 36,000 individual members and 75 affiliated Member Associations representing water quality professionals around the world awarded the Harrison Prescott Eddy Medal to the University of Idaho researchers working on the water treatment technology for a vital contribution to the knowledge and fundamental principles of water treatment.
- Outstanding Reviewer Recognition Award, 2004. Journal of Environmental Quality.
- Presidential Early Career Award for Scientist and Engineers, 2001. USDA awardee.