Our People
Frank Wilhelm, Ph.D.
Professor of Limnology, Department Head of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, Associate Director, Center for Research on Invasive Species
Fishery Sciences
Kenneth Cain, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Aquaculture and Fish Health
Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
Christopher Caudill, Ph.D.
Professor of Fisheries
Matt Falcy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biometrics and Assistant Unit Leader, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Brian Kennedy, Ph.D.
Professor of Fishery Biology and Ecology
Michael Quist, Ph.D.
Professor of Fisheries Management and Assistant Unit Leader, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Dennis Scarnecchia, Ph.D.
Professor of Fisheries Science and Management
Brian Small, Ph.D.
Professor of Fish Physiology, Director of the Aquaculture Research Institute
Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station
208-837-9096 ext. 1108
Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
Wildlife Sciences
David Ausband, Ph.D.
Assistant Unit Leader, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Jocelyn Aycrigg, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor
Courtney Conway, Ph.D.
Professor of Wildlife Sciences, and Unit Leader of the Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Matt Falcy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biometrics and Assistant Unit Leader, Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Tracey N. Johnson, Ph.D.
Director of Research, Rinker Rock Creek Ranch Associate Professor, Department of Fish & Wildlife Sciences
Ryan Long, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Wildlife Sciences
Simona Picardi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology & Management
Janet Rachlow, Ph.D.
Professor of Wildlife Ecology
Kerri Vierling, Ph.D.
Director of CNR Graduate Studies, Professor of Wildlife Resources
Lisette Waits, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Resources
Emeritus Faculty
Brian Dennis, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Wildlife Resources and Statistical Science
Edward O. (Oz) Garton, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Alan Kolok, Ph.D.
Professor of Ecotoxicology; Director Emeritus, Idaho Water Resources Research Institute
Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Staff
Jen R. Adams Ph.D.
Research Support Scientist
Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences
Graduate Students
Arthaud, David |
arth9137@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Christopher Caudill |
Burnet, Sarah Halley |
shburnet@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Frank Wilhelm |
Cerreta, Ariana
acerreta@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources David Ausband |
Chase, Anna |
chas6758@vandals.uidaho.edu M.S. Environmental Science Christopher Caudill |
Foster, Samuel Thomas |
fost3215@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Matt Falcy |
Cox, Megan |
mhcox@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Jie Ma and Kenneth Cain |
Frawley, Susan Elizabeth |
fraw5877@vandals.uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Michael Quist |
Frazee, Brianna
brazee@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Michael Quist |
Garrett, Molly Jacquelyn |
garr0808@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Lisette Waits |
Ghere, Courtnie |
cghere@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Michael Quist |
Gosselin, Elyce |
engosselin@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Lisette Waits |
Heishman, Joshua
jheishman@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Matt Falcy |
Hilger, Amy |
ahilger@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Ryan Long |
Huggler, Katey |
hugg7910@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Ryan Long |
Keery, Lorina Ann |
keer9638@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Sophie Gilbert |
Keo, Aldwin
akeo@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Christopher Caudill |
Ketchen, Zane |
ketchen@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Water Resources Christopher Caudill |
Locatelli, Anthony |
alocatelli@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
Lopez, Katrina
katrinalopez@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Ryan Long |
Macias, Cameron Lyndsey |
maci2896@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Lisette Waits |
Marciniak, Bryce |
bmarciniak@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Michael Quist |
Martin, Emily |
emilymartin@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
Masingale, Jonathan Alan |
masi5704@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Christopher Caudill / Brian Small |
Maxwell, Ryan |
rmaxwell@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Jie Ma and Kenneth Cain |
May, Amanda
amay@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Ryan Long |
McCahon, Shelby
smccahon@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
McIntire, Sarah |
mcin9006@vandals.uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Tracey Johnson |
McKibben, Fiona
fmckibben@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Janet Rachlow and Leona Svancara |
Morris, Alice |
alicemorris@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
Myrsell, Veronica
veronicam@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Kenneth Cain |
Paprocki, Neil |
papr4009@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
Petersen, Kathleen
kathleenp@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Dave Ausband |
Santiago Plata, Victor Manuel |
sant9899@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Lisette Waits |
Sawyer, Kimberly A |
ksawyer@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
Stacy, Elise
estacy@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Lisette Waits |
Stewart, Kim |
stew7536@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D. NR-NSF LSAMP Sophie Gilbert |
Styhl, Ty |
tys@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Biology-COS Courtney Conway |
Townsend, Kassandra
ktownsend@uidaho.edu Ph.D. Natural Resources Kerri Vierling |
Voss, Nick |
Winkel, Brianna
wink1429@vandals.uidaho.edu Ph.D.. Natural Resources David Ausband / Matt Falcy |
Wray, Reese
rwray@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |
Vosbigian, Ryan
rvosbigian@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Matt Falcy |
Yost, Cydney
cyost@uidaho.edu M.S. Natural Resources Courtney Conway |