Journal Articles
In press
Synder, M, Schumaker NH, Dunham JB, Ebersole JL, Keefer ML, Halama J, Comeleo RL, Leinenbach P, Brookes A, Cope B, Wu J, and Palmer J. In Press. Tough places and safe spaces: can refuges save salmon from a warming climate? Ecosphere
Moser ML, Keefer ML, Corbett SC, Frick KE, Caudill CC, and Tackley SC. 2021. Providing refuges for adult Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus inside fishways. Aquaculture and Fisheries. 6(2):144-150.
Dunkle MR, Dunbeck RA, and Caudill CC. 2021. Fish carcasses alter subyearling Chinook salmon dispersal behavior and density but not growth in experimental mesocosms. Ecosphere. 12(12): e03856.
Seaborn T, Griffith D, Kliskey A, and Caudill CC. 2021. Building a bridge between adaptive capacity and adaptive potential to understand responses to environmental change. Global Change Biology.
Bowerman TE, Keefer ML, and Caudill CC. 2021, Elevated stream temperature, origin, and individual size influence Chinook salmon prespawn mortality across the Columbia River Basin. Fisheries Research. 237:105874.
Keefer ML, Jepson MA, Clabough TS, and Caudill CC. 2021. Technical fishway passage structures provide high passage efficiency and effective passage for adult Pacific salmonids at eight large dams. PLoS One. 16(9):e0256805.
Fuchs NT, Caudill CC, Murdoch AR, and Truscott BL, 2021. Overwintering distribution and post spawn survival of steelhead in the Upper Columbia River Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 41(3):757-774.
Zobott H, Budwig R, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, and Basham W. 2021.Pacific lamprey drag force modeling to optimize fishway design. Journal of Ecohydraulics 6(1):69-81.
Wang H, Seaborn T, Caudill CC, and Link TE. 2021. Modeling tree canopy height using machine learning over mixed vegetation landscapes. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.101:102353.
Synder, M, Schumaker NH, Dunham JB, Keefer ML, Leinenbach P, Brookes A, Palmer J, Wu J, Keenan D, and Ebersole JL. 2020. Assessing contributions of coldwater refuges to reproductive migration corridor conditions for adult Chinook salmon and steelhead trout in the Columbia River, USA. Journal of Ecohydraulics.
Kock, TJ, JW Ferguson, ML Keefer, and CB Schreck. 2020. Review of trap-and-haul for managing Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus Spp..) in impounded river systems. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 31:53-94.
Hess JE, Smith JJ, Timoshevskaya N, Baker C, Caudill CC, Graves D, Keefer ML, Kinziger AP, Moser ML, Porter LL, Silver G, Whitlock SL, and Narum SR. 2020. Genomic islands of divergence infer a phenotypic landscape in Pacific lamprey. Molecular Ecology. 29(20):3841-3856.
Okasaki, C, Keefer ML, Westley PAH, and Berdahl, AM. 2020. Collective navigation can facilitate fish passage through human-made barriers by homeward migrating Pacific salmon. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287:20202137.
Dunkle MR, Lampman RT Jackson AD, and Caudill CC. 2020. Factors affecting the fate of Pacific lamprey carcasses and resource transport to riparian and stream macrohabitats. Freshwater Biology. 65(8):1429-1439.
Keefer ML, Naughton GP, Clabough TS, Knoff MJ, Blubaugh TJ, Morasch MR, Green PG, and Caudill CC. 2020. Tissue toxicants and prespawn mortality in Willamette River Chinook Salmon. Environmental Biology of Fishes 103:175-183.
Moser ML, Corbett SC, Keefer ML, Frick KE, Lopez-johnston S, and Caudill CC. 2019. Novel fishway entrance modifications for Pacific lamprey. Journal of Ecohydraulics 4:71 84. DOI:10.108/24705357.2019.1604090
Fuchs NT, and Caudill CC. 2019. Classifying and inferring behaviors using real-time acceleration biotelemetry in reproductive steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Ecology and Evolution 00:1-15. DOI:10.1002ece3.5634.
Weigel DE, Koch I, Monzyk F, Sharpe C, Narum S, and Caudill CC. 2019. Evaluation of a trap-and-transport program for a threatened population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Conservation Genetics 20:1195-1199. DOI:10.1007/s10592-019-01200-5
Keefe RE, Wempe AM, Becker RM, Zimbelman, Nagler ES, Gilbert SL, and Caudill CC. 2019. Positioning methods and the use of location and activity data in forests. Forests 10:458. DOI:10.3390/fl0050458.
Snyder MN, Schumaker NH, Ebersole JL, Dunham JB, Comeleo RL, Keefer ML, Leinenbach P, Brookes A, Cope B, Wu J, Palmer J, and Keenan D. 2019. Individual based modeling of fish migration in a 2-D river system: model description and case study. Landscape Ecology 34:737-754.
Weigel DE, Adams JR, Jepson MA, Waits LP, and Caudill CC. 2019. Introgressive hybridization between native and non-local steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) of hatchery origin. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:292-302.
Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, T Bowerman, and Caudill CC. 2019. Temperature and depth profiles of Chinook salmon and the energetic costs of their long-distance homing migrations. Journal of Thermal Biology 79: 155-165.
Erdman CS, Caudill CC, Naughton GP, and Jepson, MA. 2018. Release of hatchery adult steelhead for angler opportunity increases potential for interactions with endemic steelhead. Ecosphere 9: 1-19.
Keefer ML, Blubaugh TJ, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Naughton GP, and Caudill CC. 2018. Coho salmon colonization of Oregon's upper Willamette River basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:1153-1166.
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Knoff MJ, Blubaugh TJ, Sharpe C, and Caudill CC. 2018. Reservoir provides cool-water refuge for adult Chinook salmon in a trap-and-haul reintroduction program. Marine and Freshwater Research 69:1995-2007.
Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Johnson EL, Peery CA, and Caudill CC. 2018. Thermal exposure of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead: Diverse behavioral strategies in a large and warming river system. PLoS ONE 13(9):E0204274.
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Knoff MJ, Blubaugh TJ, and Caudill CC. 2018. Tag effects on prespawn mortality of Chinook salmon: a field experiment using passive integrated transponder tags, radio transmitters, and untagged controls. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:96-103.
Bowerman T, Roumasset A, Keefer ML, Sharpe CS, and Caudill CC. 2018. Prespawn mortality of female Chinook salmon increases with water temperature and percent hatchery origin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:31-42.
Keefer ML, Jepson MA, Clabough TS, Johnson EL, Narum SR, Hess JE, and Caudill CC. 2018. Sea-to-sea survival of late-run adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Columbia and Snake rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:331-341.
Crozier LG, Bowerman TE, Burke BJ, Keefer ML, and Caudill CC. 2017. High-stakes steeplechase: a behavior-based model to predict individual travel times through diverse migration segments. Ecosphere 8:1-25.
Kirk MA, Caudill CC, James CS, and Tonina D. 2017. Context-dependent responses to turbulence for an anguilliform swimming fish, Pacific lamprey, during passage of an experimental vertical-slot weir. Ecological Engineering 106:296-307.
Bowerman TE, Pinson-Dumm A, Peery CA, and Caudill CC. 2017. Reproductive energy expenditure and changes in body morphology for a population of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha with a long distance migration. Journal of Fish Biology 90:1960-1979.
Kirk MA, and Caudill CC. 2017. Network analyses reveal intra- and interspecific differences in behavior when passing a complex migration obstacle. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:836-845.
Keefer ML, Jepson MA, Naughton GP, Blubaugh TJ, Clabough TS, and Caudill CC. 2017. Condition-dependent en route migration mortality of adult Chinook salmon in the Willamette River main stem. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:370-379.
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Boggs CT, Johnson PN, and Nagy WT. 2017. Inter-observer bias in fish classification and enumeration using Dual-frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON): a Pacific lamprey case study. Northwest Science 91:41-53.
Kirk MA, Caudill CC, Tonina D., and Syms JC. 2016. Effects of water velocity, turbulence and obstacle length on the swimming capabilities of adult Pacific lamprey. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23:356-366.
Bowerman T, Keefer ML, and Caudill CC. 2016. Pacific salmon prespawn mortality: patterns, methods, and study design considerations. Fisheries 41:12 738-749
Keefer ML, and Caudill CC. 2016. Estimating thermal exposure of adult summer steelhead and fall Chinook salmon migrating in a warm impounded river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:599-611
Bourret SL, Caudill CC, and Keefer ML. 2016. Diversity of Juvenile Chinook salmon life history pathways. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 26:375-403-
Benda SE, Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Kent ML, and Shreck CB. 2015. Cool, pathogen-free refuge lowers pathogen-associated prespawn mortality of Willamette River Chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:1159-1172.
Kirk MA, Caudill CC, Johnson EL, Keefer ML and Clabough TS. 2015. Characterization of adult Pacific lamprey swimming behavior in relation to environmental conditions within large-dam fishways. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:998-1012.
McIlraith BJ, Caudill CC, Kennedy BP, Peery CA, and Keefer ML. 2015. Seasonal migration behaviors and distribution of adult Pacific lampreys in unimpounded reaches of the Snake River Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:123-134.
Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Naughton GP, Blubaugh TJ, Joosten DC, and Caudill CC. 2015. Thermal exposure of adult Chinook salmon in the Willamette River basin. Journal of Thermal Biology 48:11-20
Hess JE, CC Caudill, ML Keefer, BJ McIlratih, ML Moser, and SR Narum. 2014. Genes predict long distance migration and large body size in a migratory fish, Pacific lamprey. Evolutionary Applications 7:1192-1208
Bourret SL, BP Kennedy, CC Caudill, and PM Chittaro. 2014. Using otolith chemical and structural analysis to investigate reservoir habitat use by juvenile Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Journal of Fish Biology 85:1507-1525
Keefer ML, CC Caudill and ML Moser. 2014. Fishway Bottleneck Relief Models: a Case Study using Radio-Tagged Pacific Lampreys. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:1049-1060
Caudill, CC, MA Jepson, SR Lee, TL Dick, GP Naughton, and ML Keefer. 2014. A field test of eugenol-based anesthesia versus fish restraint in migrating adult Chinook salmon and steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:856-863
Keefer ML, and CC Caudill. 2014. Homing and straying by anadromous salmonids: a review of mechanisms and rates. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 24:333-368
Zabel RW, Burke BJ, Moser ML, Caudill CC. 2014. Modeling temporal phenomena in variable environments with parametric models: An application to migrating salmon. Ecological Modelling 273: 23–30
Moser ML, Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Burke BJ. 2013. Migratory behavior of adult Pacific lamprey and evidence for effects of individual temperament on migration rate. Pages 130-149 in H. Ueda, and K. Tsukamoto, editors. Physiology and ecology of fish migration. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Naughton GP, Burke BJ, Peery CP. 2013. Indirect Effects of Impoundment on Migrating Fish: Temperature Gradients in Fish Ladders Slow Dam Passage by Adult Chinook Salmon and Steelhead. PLOS ONE 8:1-13
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Johnson EL, Peery CA, Higgs MD, Moser ML. 2013. Fishway passage bottleneck identification and prioritization: a case study of Pacific lamprey at Bonneville Dam . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1551-1565
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Moser ML. 2013. Context-dependent diel behavior of upstream-migrating anadromous fishes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 96:691-700
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Helms C, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2013. High-head dams affect downstream fish passage timing and survival in the Middle Fork Willamette River. River Research and Applications 29:483-492
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2013. Factors affecting dam passage and upstream distribution of adult Pacific lamprey in the interior Columbia River basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 22:1-10
Keefer ML, Stansell RJ, Tackley SC, Nagy WT, Gibbons KM, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2012. Use of radiotelemetry and direct observations to evaluate sea lion predation on adult Pacific salmonids at Bonneville Dam. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1236-1251
Clabough TS, Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Johnson EL, Peery CA. 2012. Use of night video to enumerate adult Pacific lamprey passage at hydroelectric dams: Challenges and opportunities to improve escapement estimates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:687-695
Hyun S-Y, Keefer ML, Jepson MA, Caudill CC, Fryer JK, Sharma R, Whiteaker JM, Naughton GP. 2012. Population-specific escapement of Columbia River fall Chinook salmon: Tradeoffs among estimation techniques. Fisheries Research 129-130:82-93
Johnson EL, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Moser ML. 2012. Movement of radio-tagged adult Pacific lampreys during a large-scale fishway velocity experiment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:571-579
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Helms C, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2012. Reservoir entrapment and dam passage mortality of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Middle Fork Willamette River. Ecology of Freshwater Fish: 21:222-234
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2011. Influence of pinniped-caused injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:1615-1624
Moser ML, Keefer ML, Pennington HT, Ogden DA, Simonson JE. 2011. Development of Pacific lamprey fishways at a hydropower dam. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:190-200
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Lee SR, Daigle WR, Johnson EL, Moser ML. 2011. Behaviour of adult Pacific lamprey in near-field flow and fishway design experiments. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:177-189
Griffith DW, Peery CA, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Wright N. 2010. Development of a multipurpose telemetry and habitat survey instrument platform for small boats. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 2:299-303
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2010. Prespawn mortality in adult spring Chinook salmon outplanted above barrier dams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19:361-372
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Richmond MC. 2010. Migration depths of adult steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation in a regulated river system. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1520-1528
Keefer ML, Daigle WR, Peery CA, Pennington HT, Lee SR, Moser ML. 2010. Testing adult Pacific lamprey performance at structural challenges in fishways. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:376-385
Jepson MA, Keefer ML, Naughton GP, Peery CA, Burke BJ. 2010. Population composition, migration timing, and harvest of Columbia River Chinook salmon in late summer and fall. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:72-88
Naughton GP, Jepson MA, Peery CA, Brun CV, Graham JC. 2009. Effects of temporary tributary use on escapement estimates of adult fall Chinook salmon in the Deschutes River,Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1511-1518
Keefer ML, Peery CA, High B. 2009. Behavioral thermoregulation and associated mortality trade-offs in migrating adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): variability among sympatric populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1734-1747
Keefer ML, Moser ML, Boggs CT, Daigle WR, Peery CA. 2009. Effects of body size and river environment on the upstream migration of adult Pacific lampreys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1214-1224
Keefer ML, Moser ML, Boggs CT, Daigle WR, Peery CA. 2009. Variability in migration timing of adult Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) in the Columbia River, U.S.A. Environmental Biology of Fishes 85:253-264
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Lee SR. 2008. Transporting juvenile salmonids around dams impairs adult migration. Ecological Applications 18:1888-1900
Evans AF, Wertheimer RH, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Collis K. 2008. Transportation of steelhead kelts to increase iteroparity in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1818-1827
Keefer ML, Wertheimer RH, Evans AF, Boggs CT, Peery CA. 2008. Iteroparity in Columbia River summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): implications for conservation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2592-2605
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Wright N, Daigle WR, Caudill CC, Clabough TS, Griffith DW, Zacharias MA. 2008. Evaluating the NOAA coastal and marine ecological classification standard in estuarine systems: A Columbia River estuary case study. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78:89-106
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2008. Migration timing of Columbia River spring Chinook salmon: effects of temperature, river discharge, and ocean environment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1120-1133
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2008. Overwintering distribution, behavior, and survival of adult summer steelhead: variability among Columbia River populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:81-96
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Heinrich MJ. 2008. Temperature-mediated en route migration mortality and travel rates of endangered Snake River sockeye salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:136-145
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Boggs CT. 2008. Non-direct homing behaviours by adult Chinook salmon in a large, multi-stock river system. Journal of Fish Biology 72:27-44
Parsley MJ, Wright CD, van der Leeuw BK, Kofoot EE, Peery CA, Moser ML. 2007. White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) passage at The Dalles dam, Columbia River, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23:627-635
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Peery CA, Bennett DH, Bjornn TC, Caudill CC, Richmond MC. 2007. Estimating adult Chinook salmon exposure to dissolved gas supersaturation downstream of hydroelectric dams using telemetry and hydrodynamic models. River Research and Applications 23:963-978
Caudill CC, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Jepson MA, Burke BJ, Zabel RW, Bjornn TC, Peery CA. 2007. Slow dam passage in Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:979-995
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2007. Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on passage behaviour of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite dam, Snake River, USA. River Research and Applications 23:99-111
Parker, JD, Caudill CC, Hay ME. 2007. Beaver herbivory on aquatic plants. Oecologia 151:616-625
Burke BJ, Jepson MA. 2006. Performance of passive integrated transponder tags and radio tags in determining dam passage behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:742-752
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2006. Route selection in a large river during the homing migration of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:1752-1762
Goniea TM, Keefer ML, Bjornn TC, Peery CA, Bennett DH, Stuehrenberg LC. 2006. Behavioral thermoregulation and slowed migration by adult fall Chinook salmon in response to high Columbia River water temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:408-419
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2006. Fallback by adult sockeye salmon at Columbia River dams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:380-390
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2006. Long distance downstream movements by homing adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Fish Biology 68:944-950
High B, Peery CA, Bennett DH. 2006. Temporary staging of Columbia River summer steelhead in coolwater areas and its effect on migration rates. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:519-528
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Daigle WR, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Boggs CT, Tolotti KR, Burke BJ. 2005. Escapement, harvest, and unknown loss of radio-tagged adult salmonids in the Columbia River - Snake River hydrosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:930-949
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC, Peery CA. 2005. Late-season mortality during migration of radio-tagged sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Columbia River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:30-47
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Bennett DH, Bjornn TC, Peery CA, Caudill CC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2005. Migration depths of adult spring and summer Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1213-1227
Boggs CT, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Fallback, reascension, and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake River dams . Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:932-949
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Hydrosystem, dam and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1413-1439
Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2004. Interactions between natural and hatchery Chinook salmon parr in a laboratory stream channel. Fisheries Research 66:311-324
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Ringe RR, Bjornn TC. 2004. Regurgitation rates of intragastric radio transmitters by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead during upstream migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:47-54
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Tolotti KR, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Stock-specific migration timing of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1145-1162
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Upstream migration rates of radio-tagged adult Chinook salmon in riverine habitats of the Columbia River basin. Journal of Fish Biology 65:1126-1141
Peery CA, Kavanagh KL, Scott JM. 2003. Pacific salmon: setting ecologically defensible recovery goals. Bioscience 53:622-623
Reischel TS, Bjornn TC. 2003. Influence of fishway placement on fallback of adult salmon at the Bonneville dam on the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1215-1224
Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2000. Dispersal of hatchery-reared Chinook salmon parr following release into four Idaho streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:19-27
Chinook salmon
Keefer ML, Stansell RJ, Tackley SC, Nagy WT, Gibbons KM, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2012. Use of radiotelemetry and direct observations to evaluate sea lion predation on adult Pacific salmonids at Bonneville Dam. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 141:5, 1236-1251
Hyun S-Y, Keefer ML, Jepson MA, Caudill CC, Fryer JK, Sharma R, Whiteaker JM, Naughton GP. 2012. Population-specific escapement of Columbia River fall Chinook salmon: Tradeoffs among estimation techniques. Fisheries Research 129-130:82-93
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Helms C, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2012. Reservoir entrapment and dam passage mortality of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Middle Fork Willamette River. Ecology of Freshwater Fish: 21:222-234
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2011. Influence of pinniped-caused injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:1615-1624
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2010. Prespawn mortality in adult spring Chinook salmon outplanted above barrier dams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19:361-372
Jepson MA, Keefer ML, Naughton GP, Peery CA, Burke BJ. 2010. Population composition, migration timing, and harvest of Columbia River Chinook salmon in late summer and fall. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:72-88
Naughton GP, Jepson MA, Peery CA, Brun CV, Graham JC. 2009. Effects of temporary tributary use on escapement estimates of adult fall Chinook salmon in the Deschutes River, Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1511-1518
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Lee SR. 2008. Transporting juvenile salmonids around dams impairs adult migration. Ecological Applications 18:1888-1900
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2008. Migration timing of Columbia River spring Chinook salmon: effects of temperature, river discharge, and ocean environment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1120-1133
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Boggs CT. 2008. Non-direct homing behaviours by adult Chinook salmon in a large, multi-stock river system. Journal of Fish Biology 72:27-44
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Peery CA, Bennett DH, Bjornn TC, Caudill CC, Richmond MC. 2007. Estimating adult Chinook salmon exposure to dissolved gas supersaturation downstream of hydroelectric dams using telemetry and hydrodynamic models. River Research and Applications 23:963-978
Caudill CC, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Jepson MA, Burke BJ, Zabel RW, Bjornn TC, Peery CA. 2007. Slow dam passage in Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:979-995
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2007. Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on passage behaviour of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite dam, Snake River, USA. River Research and Applications 23:99-111
Burke BJ, Jepson MA. 2006. Performance of passive integrated transponder tags and radio tags in determining dam passage behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:742-752
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2006. Route selection in a large river during the homing migration of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:1752-1762
Goniea TM, Keefer ML, Bjornn TC, Peery CA, Bennett DH, Stuehrenberg LC. 2006. Behavioral thermoregulation and slowed migration by adult fall Chinook salmon in response to high Columbia River water temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:408-419
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2006. Long distance downstream movements by homing adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Fish Biology 68:944-950
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Daigle WR, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Boggs CT, Tolotti KR, Burke BJ. 2005. Escapement, harvest, and unknown loss of radio-tagged adult salmonids in the Columbia River - Snake River hydrosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:930-949
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Bennett DH, Bjornn TC, Peery CA, Caudill CC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2005. Migration depths of adult spring and summer Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1213-1227
Boggs CT, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Fallback, reascension, and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake River dams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:932-949
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Hydrosystem, dam, and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1413-1439
Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2004. Interactions between natural and hatchery Chinook salmon parr in a laboratory stream channel. Fisheries Research 66:311-324
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Ringe RR, Bjornn TC. 2004. Regurgitation rates of intragastric radio transmitters by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead during upstream migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:47-54
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Tolotti KR, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Stock-specific migration timing of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1145-1162
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Upstream migration rates of radio-tagged adult Chinook salmon in riverine habitats of the Columbia River basin. Journal of Fish Biology 65:1126-1141
Reischel TS, Bjornn TC. 2003. Influence of fishway placement on fallback of adult salmon at the Bonneville dam on the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1215-1224
Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2000. Dispersal of hatchery-reared Chinook salmon parr following release into four Idaho streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:19-27
Sockeye salmon
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Heinrich MJ. 2008. Temperature-mediated en route migration mortality and travel rates of endangered Snake River sockeye salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:136-145
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2006. Fallback by adult sockeye salmon at Columbia River dams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:380-390
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC, Peery CA. 2005. Late-season mortality during migration of radio-tagged sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Columbia River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:30-47
Reischel TS, Bjornn TC. 2003. Influence of fishway placement on fallback of adult salmon at the Bonneville dam on the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1215-1224
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2011. Influence of pinniped-caused injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:1615-1624
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Richmond MC. 2010. Migration depths of adult steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation in a regulated river system. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1520-1528
Keefer ML, Peery CA, High B. 2009. Behavioral thermoregulation and associated mortality trade-offs in migrating adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): variability among sympatric populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1734-1747
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Lee SR. 2008. Transporting juvenile salmonids around dams impairs adult migration. Ecological Applications 18:1888-1900
Evans AF, Wertheimer RH, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Collis K. 2008. Transportation of steelhead kelts to increase iteroparity in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1818-1827
Keefer ML, Wertheimer RH, Evans AF, Boggs CT, Peery CA. 2008. Iteroparity in Columbia River summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): implications for conservation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2592-2605
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2008. Overwintering distribution, behavior, and survival of adult summer steelhead: variability among Columbia River populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:81-96
Caudill CC, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Jepson MA, Burke BJ, Zabel RW, Bjornn TC, Peery CA. 2007. Slow dam passage in Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:979-995
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Bjornn TC, 2007.Stuehrenberg LC. Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on passage behaviour of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite dam, Snake River, USA. River Research and Applications 23:99-111
Burke BJ, Jepson MA. 2006. Performance of passive integrated transponder tags and radio tags in determining dam passage behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:742-752
High B, Peery CA, Bennett DH. 2006. Temporary staging of Columbia River summer steelhead in coolwater areas and its effect on migration rates. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:519-528
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Daigle WR, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Boggs CT, Tolotti KR, Burke BJ. 2005. Escapement, harvest, and unknown loss of radio-tagged adult salmonids in the Columbia River - Snake River hydrosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:930-949
Boggs CT, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Fallback, reascension, and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake River dams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:932-949
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Hydrosystem, dam, and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1413-1439
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Ringe RR, Bjornn TC. 2004. Regurgitation rates of intragastric radio transmitters by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead during upstream migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:47-54
Pacific lamprey
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Johnson EL, Peery CA, Higgs MD, Moser ML. 2013. Fishway passage bottleneck identification and prioritization: a case study of Pacific lamprey at Bonneville Dam[U1] . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:1551-1565
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Moser ML. 2013. Context-dependent diel behavior of upstream-migrating anadromous fishes. [U2] Environmental Biology of Fishes 96:691-700
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2013. Factors affecting dam passage and upstream distribution of adult Pacific lamprey in the interior Columbia River basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2013: 22:1-10
Clabough TS, Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Johnson EL, Peery CA. 2012. Use of night video to enumerate adult Pacific lamprey passage at hydroelectric dams: Challenges and opportunities to improve escapement estimates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:687-695
Johnson EL, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Moser ML. 2012. Movement of radio-tagged adult Pacific lampreys during a large-scale fishway velocity experiment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:571-579
Moser ML, Keefer ML, Pennington HT, Ogden DA, Simonson JE. 2011. Development of Pacific lamprey fishways at a hydropower dam. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:190-200
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Lee SR, Daigle WR, Johnson EL, Moser ML. 2011. Behaviour of adult Pacific lamprey in near-field flow and fishway design experiments. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:177-189
Keefer ML, Daigle WR, Peery CA, Pennington HT, Lee SR, Moser ML. 2010. Testing adult Pacific lamprey performance at structural challenges in fishways. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:376-385
Keefer ML, Moser ML, Boggs CT, Daigle WR, Peery CA. 2009. Effects of body size and river environment on the upstream migration of adult Pacific lampreys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1214-1224
Keefer ML, Moser ML, Boggs CT, Daigle WR, Peery CA. 2009. Variability in migration timing of adult Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) in the Columbia River, U.S.A. Environmental Biology of Fishes 85:253-264
White sturgeon
Parsley MJ, Wright CD, van der Leeuw BK, Kofoot EE, Peery CA, Moser ML. 2007. White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) passage at The Dalles dam, Columbia River, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23:627-635
Sea lions
Keefer ML, Stansell RJ, Tackley SC, Nagy WT, Gibbons KM, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2012. Use of radiotelemetry and direct observations to evaluate sea lion predation on adult Pacific salmonids at Bonneville Dam. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1236-1251
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2011. Influence of pinniped-caused injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:1615-1624
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Helms C, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2013. High-head dams affect downstream fish passage timing and survival in the Middle Fork Willamette River[U3]. River Research and Applications 29:483-492
Caudill CC, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Jepson MA, Burke BJ, Zabel RW, Bjornn TC, Peery CA. 2007. Slow dam passage in Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:979-995
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2007. Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on passage behaviour of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite dam, Snake River, USA. River Research and Applications 23:99-111
Burke BJ, Jepson MA. 2006. Performance of passive integrated transponder tags and radio tags in determining dam passage behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:742-752
Boggs CT, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Fallback, reascension, and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake River dams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:932-949
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Hydrosystem, dam, and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1413-1439
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Ringe RR, Bjornn TC. 2004. Regurgitation rates of intragastric radio transmitters by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead during upstream migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:47-54
Peery CA, Kavanagh KL, Scott JM. 2003. Pacific salmon: setting ecologically defensible recovery goals. Bioscience 53:622-623
Reischel TS, Bjornn TC. 2003. Influence of fishway placement on fallback of adult salmon at the Bonneville dam on the Columbia River North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1215-1224
Behavioral thermoregulation
Keefer ML, Peery CA, High B. 2009. Behavioral thermoregulation and associated mortality trade-offs in migrating adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): variability among sympatric populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 1734-1747
Goniea TM, Keefer ML, Bjornn TC, Peery CA, Bennett DH, Stuehrenberg LC. 2006. Behavioral thermoregulation and slowed migration by adult fall Chinook salmon in response to high Columbia River water temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:408-419
High B, Peery CA, Bennett DH. 2006. Temporary staging of Columbia River summer steelhead in coolwater areas and its effect on migration rates. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:519-528
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2013. Factors affecting dam passage and upstream distribution of adult Pacific lamprey in the interior Columbia River basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2013: 22:1-10
Hyun S-Y, Keefer ML, Jepson MA, Caudill CC, Fryer JK, Sharma R, Whiteaker JM, Naughton GP. 2012. Population-specific escapement of Columbia River fall Chinook salmon: Tradeoffs among estimation techniques. Fisheries Research 129-130:82-93
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2011. Influence of pinniped-caused injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:1615-1624
Naughton GP, Jepson MA, Peery CA, Brun CV, Graham JC. 2009. Effects of temporary tributary use on escapement estimates of adult fall Chinook salmon in the Deschutes River, Oregon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1511-1518
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Lee SR. 2008. Transporting juvenile salmonids around dams impairs adult migration.Ecological Applications 18:1888-1900
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Daigle WR, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Boggs CT, Tolotti KR, Burke BJ. 2005. Escapement, harvest, and unknown loss of radio-tagged adult salmonids in the Columbia River - Snake River hydrosystem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:930-949
Fisheries technology
Clabough TS, Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Johnson EL, Peery CA. 2012. Use of night video to enumerate adult Pacific lamprey passage at hydroelectric dams: Challenges and opportunities to improve escapement estimates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:687-695
Griffith DW, Peery CA, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Wright N. 2010. Development of a multipurpose telemetry and habitat survey instrument platform for small boats. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 2:299-303
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Wright N, Daigle WR, Caudill CC, Clabough TS, Griffith DW, Zacharias MA. 2008. Evaluating the NOAA coastal and marine ecological classification standard in estuarine systems: A Columbia River estuary case study. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 78:89-106
Burke BJ, Jepson MA. 2006. Performance of passive integrated transponder tags and radio tags in determining dam passage behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:742-752
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Ringe RR, Bjornn TC. 2004. Regurgitation rates of intragastric radio transmitters by adult Chinook salmon and steelhead during upstream migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:47-54
Fishways and dams
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Johnson EL, Peery CA, Higgs MD, Moser ML. In press. Fishway passage bottleneck identification and prioritization: a case study of Pacific lamprey at Bonneville Dam[U1] . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Helms C, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2013. High-head dams affect downstream fish passage timing and survival in the Middle Fork Willamette River[U2]. River Research and Applications 29:483-492
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2013. Factors affecting dam passage and upstream distribution of adult Pacific lamprey in the interior Columbia River basin. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2013: 22:1-10
Clabough TS, Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Johnson EL, Peery CA. 2012. Use of night video to enumerate adult Pacific lamprey passage at hydroelectric dams: Challenges and opportunities to improve escapement estimates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:687-695
Johnson EL, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Moser ML. 2012. Movement of radio-tagged adult Pacific lampreys during a large-scale fishway velocity experiment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:571-579
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Helms C, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2012. Reservoir entrapment and dam passage mortality of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Middle Fork Willamette River. Ecology of Freshwater Fish: 21:222-234
Moser ML, Keefer ML, Pennington HT, Ogden DA, Simonson JE. 2011. Development of Pacific lamprey fishways at a hydropower dam. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:190-200
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Lee SR, Daigle WR, Johnson EL, Moser ML. 2011. Behaviour of adult Pacific lamprey in near-field flow and fishway design experiments. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:177-189
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Richmond MC. 2010. Migration depths of adult steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation in a regulated river system. Journal of Fish Biology 76:1520-1528
Keefer ML, Daigle WR, Peery CA, Pennington HT, Lee SR, Moser ML. 2010. Testing adult Pacific lamprey performance at structural challenges in fishways. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:376-385
Parsley MJ, Wright CD, van der Leeuw BK, Kofoot EE, Peery CA, Moser ML. 2007. White sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) passage at The Dalles dam, Columbia River, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 23:627-635
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Peery CA, Bennett DH, Bjornn TC, Caudill CC, Richmond MC. Estimating adult Chinook salmon exposure to dissolved gas supersaturation downstream of hydroelectric dams using telemetry and hydrodynamic models. 2007. River Research and Applications 23:963-978
Caudill CC, Daigle WR, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Jepson MA, Burke BJ, Zabel RW, Bjornn TC, Peery CA. 2007. Slow dam passage in Columbia River salmonids associated with unsuccessful migration: delayed negative effects of passage obstacles or condition-dependent mortality? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:979-995
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2007. Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on passage behaviour of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite dam, Snake River, USA. River Research and Applications 23:99-111
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2006. Fallback by adult sockeye salmon at Columbia River dams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:380-390
Johnson EL, Clabough TS, Bennett DH, Bjornn TC, Peery CA, Caudill CC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2005. Migration depths of adult spring and summer Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1213-1227
Boggs CT, Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Fallback, reascension, and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake River dams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:932-949
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Hydrosystem, dam, and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1413-1439
Reischel TS, Bjornn TC. 2003. Influence of fishway placement on fallback of adult salmon at the Bonneville dam on the Columbia River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:1215-1224
Homing and straying
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Lee SR. 2008. Transporting juvenile salmonids around dams impairs adult migration. Ecological Applications 18:1888-1900
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Boggs CT. 2008. Non-direct homing behaviours by adult Chinook salmon in a large, multi-stock river system. Journal of Fish Biology 72:27-44
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Bjornn TC. 2006. Route selection in a large river during the homing migration of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:1752-1762
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2006. Long distance downstream movements by homing adult chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Fish Biology 68:944-950
High B, Peery CA, Bennett DH. 2006. Temporary staging of Columbia River summer steelhead in coolwater areas and its effect on migration rates. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:519-528
Evans AF, Wertheimer RH, Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Collis K. 2008. Transportation of steelhead kelts to increase iteroparity in the Columbia and Snake rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1818-1827
Keefer ML, Wertheimer RH, Evans AF, Boggs CT, Peery CA. 2008. Iteroparity in Columbia River summer-run steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss): implications for conservation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65:2592-2605
Migration rates
Keefer ML, Moser ML, Boggs CT, Daigle WR, Peery CA. 2009. Effects of body size and river environment on the upstream migration of adult Pacific lampreys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:1214-1224
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Bjornn TC, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Hydrosystem, dam, and reservoir passage rates of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia and Snake rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1413-1439
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Upstream migration rates of radio-tagged adult Chinook salmon in riverine habitats of the Columbia River basin. Journal of Fish Biology 65:1126-1141
Migration timing
Keefer ML, Caudill CC, Peery CA, Moser ML. 2013. Context-dependent diel behavior of upstream-migrating anadromous fishes. [U3] Environmental Biology of Fishes 96:691-700
Jepson MA, Keefer ML, Naughton GP, Peery CA, Burke BJ. 2010. Population composition, migration timing, and harvest of Columbia River Chinook salmon in late summer and fall. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:72-88
Keefer ML, Moser ML, Boggs CT, Daigle WR, Peery CA. 2009. Variability in migration timing of adult Pacific lamprey (Lampetra tridentata) in the Columbia River, U.S.A. Environmental Biology of Fishes 85:253-264
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2008. Migration timing of Columbia River spring Chinook salmon: effects of temperature, river discharge, and ocean environment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:1120-1133
Keefer ML, Boggs CT, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2008. Overwintering distribution, behavior, and survival of adult summer steelhead: variability among Columbia River populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:81-96
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Jepson MA, Tolotti KR, Stuehrenberg LC. 2004. Stock-specific migration timing of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon in the Columbia River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1145-1162
Keefer ML, Stansell RJ, Tackley SC, Nagy WT, Gibbons KM, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2012. Use of radiotelemetry and direct observations to evaluate sea lion predation on adult Pacific salmonids at Bonneville Dam. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 14:1236-1251
Naughton GP, Keefer ML, Clabough TS, Jepson MA, Lee SR, Peery CA, Caudill CC. 2011. Influence of pinniped-caused injuries on the survival of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Columbia River basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:1615-1624
Prespawn and en route adult mortality
Keefer ML, Taylor GA, Garletts DF, Gauthier GA, Pierce TM, Caudill CC. 2010. Prespawn mortality in adult spring Chinook salmon outplanted above barrier dams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19:361-372
Keefer ML, Peery CA, Heinrich MJ. 2008. Temperature-mediated en route migration mortality and travel rates of endangered Snake River sockeye salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:136-145
Naughton GP, Caudill CC, Keefer ML, Bjornn TC, Stuehrenberg LC, Peery CA. 2005. Late-season mortality during migration of radio-tagged sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the Columbia River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:30-47
Technical Reports
2020-03 Evaluating swimming behavior and performance of upstream migrating Pacific lamprey using experimental flumes and accelerometer biotelemetry, 2019
2020-02 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers: 2019 radiotelemetry and half-duplex PIT tag studies
2020-01 Adult Pacific lamprey passage at the four lower Columbia river dams and lamprey behaviors in relation to nighttime fishway velocity reductions at Bonneville and The Dalles dams and the new UMTJ-LPS at Bonneville Dam - 2019
2019-04 Potential effects of changes to temperature targets in the North Santiam River on adult Chinook salmon behavior and survival
2019-03 Evaluating the influence of past experience on swimming behavior and passage success in adult Pacific lamprey using experimental flumes and accelerometer telemetry, 2018
2019-02 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the Columbia and Snake rivers: 2018 radiotelemetry and half-duplex PIT tag studies
2019-01 Adult Pacific lamprey passage at the four lower Columbia river dams and lamprey behaviors in relation to nighttime fishway velocity reductions at Bonneville and The Dalles dams and the new UMTJ-LPS at Bonneville Dam - 2018
2018-03 Evaluation of adult Chinook salmon behavior at the Foster Dam adult fish facility and in Foster Dam reservoir on the South Santiam River, 2017
2018-02 Adult salmonid and Pacific lamprey behavior near the new Washington-shore upstream migrant tunnel junction lamprey passage structure (UMTJ-LPS) at Bonneville Dam, 2017
2018-01 Evaluation of the migration behaviors of radio-tagged adult summer steelhead in the Upper-Columbia River, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
2017-03 Evaluation of adult Chinook salmon behavior at the Foster Dam adult fish facility on the South Santiam River - 2016
2017-02 Migrations of adult salmonids in the federal Columbia River hydrosystem: a summary of radiotelemetry studies, 1996-2014
Appendix A Generalized FCRPS dam antenna mapsAppendix B Main stem and tributary antenna maps
Appendix C Bonneville to John Day antenna photos
Appendix D McNary to Lower Granite antenna photos
Appendix E Main stem and tributary antenna photos
Databases Tag, migration, and fate data
2017-01 Assembly and analysis of radiotelemetry and temperature logger data from adult Chinook salmon and steelhead migrating through the Columbia River Basin
Appendix A Fish origin and final detection locationsAppendix B Annotated fish thermal histories
Appendix C Complete DST histories (2000)
Appendix D Complete DST histories (2002)
2016-03 An Evaluation of temperature and precipitation data for parks of the Mojave Desert Network
2016-02 Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall Creek, The North Fork Middle Fork Willamette, and the Santiam Rivers: Relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors, 2015
2016-01 Adult steelhead passage behaviors and survival in the Federal Columbia River Power System
2015-15 Overwintering distribution and fallback behavior by adult radio-tagged steelhead in the Federal Columbia River Power System, migration years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
2015-12 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the Columbia and Snake Rivers: 2014 radiotelemetry and half-duplex PIT tag studies and retrospective summaries
2015-11-Draft Use of Passage structures at Bonneville and John Day dams by Pacific lamprey, 2013 and 2014
2015-10 Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey passage at lower Columbia River dams and behavior in relation to fishway modifications at Bonneville and John Day Dams-2014
2015-08 Reach conversion rates of radio-tagged Chinook and sockeye salmon and steelhead in the lower Columbia River, 2013-2014
2015-07 Passage evaluation of radio-tagged Chinook and sockeye salmon after modifications at The Dalles and John Day Dams, 2014
2015-06 Evaluation of salmon passage behavior in relation to fishway modifications at Bonneville Dam-2013-2014
2015-05 Design guidelines for Pacific lamprey passage structures
Appendix A
2015-04 Evaluations of Pacific lamprey swimming behavior and performance in relation to velocity, slot length, and turbulence in vertical slot fishway weirs, 2014
2015-03 Adult Pacific lamprey migration behavior and survival in the Bonneville reservoir and lower Columbia River monitored using the Juvenile Salmonid Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS), 2011-2014
2015-02 Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall Creek, the North Fork Middle Fork Willamette and Santiam Rivers: Relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors, 2014.
2015-01 Migratory behavior, run timing, and distribution of radio-tagged adult winter steelhead, summer steelhead, spring Chinook salmon, and coho salmon in the Willamette River: 2011-2014
2014-12 Reach conversion rates of radio-tagged Chinook and sockeye salmon in the lower Columbia River - 2013
2014-11 Passage evaluation of radio-tagged Chinook and sockeye salmon after modifications at The Dalles and John Day Dams – 2013
2014-10 Evaluation of adult salmon passage behavior in relation to fishway modifications at Bonneville Dam – 2013
2014-08 Evaluating Pacific lamprey behavior in fishways at Bonneville and John Day Dams using Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) – 2013
2014-07 Adult Pacific lamprey migration behavior and escapement in the Bonneville Reservoir and Lower Columbia River monitored using the Juvenile Salmonid Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) – 2013
2014-06 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the Columbia and Snake Rivers: 2013 Half-duplex PIT tag studies - 2013
2014-05 Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall Creek, The North Fork Middle Fork Willamette and South Santiam Rivers: Relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors - 2013
2014-04 Migratory behavior, run timing, and distribution of radio-tagged adult winter steelhead, summer steelhead, and spring Chinook salmon in the Willamette River - 2013
2014-03 Radio-tagged Chinook salmon and steelhead passage behavior at Lower Monumental, Little Goose, and Lower Granite Dams - 2013
2014-02 PIT-Tagged adult salmon and steelhead conversion from McNary Dam to Lower Granite Dam, 2002-2013
2014-01 Estimating iteroparity in Columbia River steelhead using records archived in the Columbia River PIT tag information system (PTAGIS) database
2013-07 Comparative growth, survival, and life history of reservoir and tributary reared spring chinook salmon in the Willamette River basin: implications for otolith and scale methodologies.
2013-05 Evaluation of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON) for monitoring Pacific lamprey passage behavior at fishways of Bonneville and John Day Dams, 2012
2013-04 Adult Pacific lamprey migration behavior and escapement in the Bonneville reservoir and lower Columbia River monitored using the Juvenile Salmonid Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS), 2012
2013-03 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the lower Columbia River: 2012 half-duplex PIT tag studies
2013-02 Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall Creek and the North Fork Middle Fork Willamette River: Relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors, 2012
2013-01 Migratory behavior, run timing, and distribution of radio-tagged adult winter steelhead, summer steelhead, and spring Chinook salmon in the Willamette River – 2012
2012-08 Adult Pacific Lamprey passage: data synthesis and fishway improvement prioritization tools
2012-8 Appendices to Adult Pacific Lamprey passage: data synthesis and fishway improvement prioritization tools
2012-06 A review of adult salmon and steelhead straying with an emphasis on Columbia River populations
2012-05 Evaluation of dual frequency identification sonar (Didson) for monitoring Pacific lamprey passage behavior at fishways of Bonneville dam, 2011
2012-04 Adult Pacific lamprey migration behavior and escapement in the Bonneville reservoir and lower Columbia river monitored using the Juvenile Salmonid Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS), 2011
2012-03 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the lower Columbia river: 2011 half-duplex pit tag studies
2012-02 Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall Creek and the North Fork Middle Fork Willamette River: relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors, 2011
2012-01 Migratory behavior, run timing, and distribution of radio-tagged adult spring Chinook salmon in the Willamette River - 2011.
2011-09 Adult Pacific lamprey migration and behavior at McNary dam 2005 – 2010
2011-08 Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall creek and the North Fork Middle Fork Willamette river: relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors, 2010
2011-06 Evaluation of the Juvenile Salmon Acoustic Telemetry System (JSATS) for monitoring adult Pacific lamprey in the Bonneville reservoir and at Bonneville dam, 2010
2011-05 General passage and fishway use summaries for adult Pacific lamprey at Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day dams, 2010
2011-04 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the lower Columbia river: 2010 radiotelemetry and half-duplex pit tag studies
2011-03 Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey passage at the Cascades Island fishway after entrance modifications, 2010
2011-02X Draft Downstream fish passage above and below dams in the Middle Fork Willamette River: a multi-year summary
2011-02 Behavior of radio-tagged adult spring-summer Chinook salmon at The Dalles dam in relation to spill volume and the presence of the bay 8/9 spill wall and at John Day dam in relation to north shore ladder modifications, 2010
2011-01 Passage behavior of adult spring Chinook salmon at Bonneville dam including evaluations of passage at the modified Cascades Island fishway, 2010
2010-X Evaluation of factors affecting migration success and spawning distributions of adult Pacific lamprey in the Snake river, Washington and Idaho; a progress report. 2010
2010-11 Evaluation of radiotelemetry studies of adult spring Chinook salmon and winter steelhead in the Hood river, 2008-2010
2010-09 Analysis of juvenile fall Chinook salmon use of shallow water habitat sites in Snake river reservoirs. 2010
2010-08 A review of adult salmon and steelhead life history and behavior in the Willamette river basin: Identification of knowledge gaps and research needs
2010-07 Draft Migration behavior and spawning success of spring Chinook salmon in Fall Creek and the North Fork Middle Fork Willamette river: relationships among fate, fish condition, and environmental factors. 2008-2009
2010-06 Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey migration and behavior at McNary dam with effects of night-time fishway flow reduction, 2009 and detection and behavior of transported adult Pacific lamprey
2010-05 General passage and fishway use summaries for adult Pacific lamprey at Bonneville, The Dalles and John Day dams, 2009
2010-04 Effects of lowered fishway water velocity on fishway entrance success by adult Pacific lamprey at Bonneville dam, 2007-2009
2010-03 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the lower Columbia river: 2009 radio-telemetry and half-duplex pit tag studies 2010
- 2009-10 Effects of lowered nighttime velocities on fishway entrance success by Pacific lamprey at Bonneville dam and fishway use summaries for lamprey at Bonneville and The Dalles dams, 2008
- 2009-09 Use of night video to quantify adult lamprey passage at Bonneville and The Dalles dams in 2007-2008
- 2009-08 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the lower Columbia river: 2008 radio telemetry and half-duplex PIT tag studies
- 2009-07 Influence of water temperature on adult salmon and steelhead passage and behavior at Lower Granite dam, 2008
- 2009-06 Adult Chinook salmon passage at Little Goose dam in relation to spill operations, 2008
- 2009-05 Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey migration and behavior at McNary and Ice Harbor dams, 2008
- 2009-04 Energy use, migration times, and spawning success of adult spring–summer Chinook salmon returning to spawning areas in the South Fork Salmon river in central Idaho, 2002–2007
- 2009-03 Evaluation of fishway modifications to improve passage of adult chinook salmon and steelhead through the transition pool at Lower Granite dam, 2008
- 2009-02 Effects of lowered nighttime velocities on fishway entrance success by Pacific lamprey at Bonneville dam and fishway use summaries for lamprey at Bonneville and The Dalles dams, 2007
- 2009-01 Adult Pacific lamprey migration in the lower Columbia river: 2007 radio telemetry and half-duplex PIT tag studies
- 2008-13 A multi-year summary of steelhead kelt studies in the Columbia and Snake rivers
- 2008-12 Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey passage rates and survival through the lower Columbia river hydrosystem: 2005-2006 PIT-TAG studies
- 2008-11 A literature review relevant to juvenile fall Chinook salmon habitat use, migration behavior, and survival in the lower Snake River
- 2008-10 Adult Pacific lamprey bypass structure development: Tests in an experimental fishway, 2004-2006
- 2008-09 Draft Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey migration and behavior at McNary and Ice Harbor dams, 2007
- 2008-07 Direct and indirect effects of barriers to migration - Pacific lamprey at McNary and Ice Harbor dams in the Columbia river basin
- 2008-06 Behavior and survival of radio-tagged sockeye salmon during adult migration in the Snake and Salmon rivers
- 2008-05 Adult salmon and steelhead passage through fishways and transition pools at Bonneville dam, 1997-2002
- 2008-04 Adult salmon and steelhead passage through fishways and transition pools at John Day dam, 1997-2001
- 2008-03 Body temperature during migration in adult Chinook salmon and steelhead through the lower Columbia and Snake rivers, 2000 and 2002
- 2008-02 Migration depths of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers in relation to dissolved gas exposure, 2002
- 2008-01 Migration depths of adult steelhead in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers in relation to dissolved gas exposure, 2000
- 2007-04 Draft An evaluation of adult Chinook salmon behavior in the presence of pinniped exclusion gates, hazing, and acoustic deterrents at Bonneville Dam, 2005-2006
- 2007-03 Associations between adult salmon and steelhead body temperature during upstream migration and estimated water temperatures in Lower Granite reservoir during cold water releases from Dworshak reservoir, 2004
- 2007-02 Adult salmon and steelhead passage through fishways and transition pools at The Dalles dam, 1997-2001
- 2007-01 Evaluation of fishway modifications to improve passage of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead through the transition pool at Lower Granite dam, 2006
- 2006-10 Draft Fishway entrance use and passage times of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon at Lower Monumental Dam, with an emphasis on effects of spillway deflectors, 2000-2004
- 2006-9 Adult Chinook salmon and steelhead passage times and behaviors in the south-shore ladder at John Day Dam, with special reference to ladder modifications: 1996-1998 and 2000-20004
- 2006-08 Run-timing, escapement, and estimated harvest of upriver bright fall Chinook salmon in the Columbia river, 1998 and 2000-2005
- 2006-07 Effects of transport during juvenile migration on behavior and fate of returning adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia-Snake hydrosystem, 2000-2003
- 2006-06 Experimental evaluation of fishway modifications on the passage behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Lower Granite dam, Snake river, 2000-2002
- 2006-05 Adult Chinook salmon and steelhead dam passage behavior in response to manipulated discharge through spillways at Bonneville dam
- 2006-04 Associations between adult salmon and steelhead body temperature during upstream migration and estimated environmental temperatures in Lower Granite reservoir during cold water releases from Dworshak reservoir, 2001-2002
- 2006-3 Water temperatures in adult fishways at mainstem dams on the Snake and Columbia rivers: Phase 2 biological effects
- 2006-02 Non-direct homing by adult spring-summer Chinook salmon: Tributary overshoot, overshoot fallback, and temporary nonnatal tributary use in the Columbia river basin, 1996-2003
- 2006-01 An evaluation of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead behavior at the north-shore counting window of Lower Monumental dam using radiotelemetry, 2004
- 2005-08 Draft Energy use, migration times, and spawning success of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon returning to spawning areas in the South Fork Salmon River in central Idaho, 2002 and 2003
- 2005-07 Adult steelhead passage through fishways and transition pools at Bonneville, Mcnary and Lower Granite dams, 1996
- 2005-06 Fallback, reascension and adjusted fishway escapement estimates for adult Chinook salmon and steelhead at Columbia and Snake river dams, 1996-2003
- 2005-05 Straying rates of known-origin adult Chinook salmon and steelhead within the Columbia river basin, 2000-2003
- 2005-03 Adult salmon and steelhead passage times through hydrosystem and riverine environment
- 2005-02 Escapement, harvest, and unaccounted-for loss of radio-tagged adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Columbia-Snake river hydrosystem, 1996-2002
- 2005-01 Evaluation of adult Pacific lamprey passage and behavior in an experimental fishway at Bonneville dam
- 2004-11 Draft An evaluation of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead behaviour at counting windows of McNary Dam during 2002 & 2003 and the north shore counting window at Ice Harbor Dam during 2003
- 2004-10 Migration of Sockeye salmon past Columbia river dams, through reservoirs and distribution into tributaries, 1997
- 2004-08 Migration depths of adult spring-summer Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia and Snake rivers in relation to dissolved gas supersaturation
- 2004-07 Migration behavior of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead released in the forebay of Bonneville dam, 2000-2001
- 2004-06 An evaluation of the effects of spill basin drilling on salmon and steelhead passage at Lower Monumental dam in 2002 using radio telemetry
- 2004-04 Adult Chinook salmon and steelhead fallback at Bonneville dam, 2000-2001
- 2004-03 Evaluation of fallback of adult salmon and steelhead via juvenile bypass systems at Bonneville, John Day, McNary, and Ice Harbor dams, 2000-2001
- 2004-02 An evaluation of adult Chinook salmon and steelhead behavior at counting windows and through vertical-slot weirs of Bonneville dam using radiotelemetry, 2001-2002
- 2003-06 Draft Temperature influenced migratory behavior and use of thermal refuges by upriver bright fall Chinook salmon, 1998 and 2000
- 2003-05 Adult spring and summer Chinook salmon passage through fishways and transition pools at Bonneville, McNary, Ice Harbor
- 2003-04 Effects of the shad fishery on passage of adult Chinook salmon through the Oregon-shore fishway ladder at The Dalles Dam 2002
- 2003-02 Water temperatures and passage of adult salmon and steelhead in the lower Snake River
- 2003-01 Passage of radio-tagged adult salmon and steelhead at John Day dam with the emphasis on fishway temperatures, 1997-1998, 2002
- 2002-02 Migration of adult steelhead past Columbia and Snake river dams, through reservoirs and distribution into tributaries, 1996
- 2002-01 Water temperatures and passage of adult salmon and steelhead in the lower Snake River
- 2001-03 Adult Chinook salmon and steelhead fallbacks versus spill at Bonneville dam in 2000
- 2000-01 Adult Chinook and Sockeye salmon, and steelhead fallback rates at Bonneville dam, 1996-1998
1999-06 Evaluation of running turbine 1 at maximum capacity on passage of adult salmon and steelhead at John Day dam -1997
1999-05 Effects of spill in fall on passage of adult steelhead at John Day dam, 1997
1999-04 Effects of a shad fishery on passage of adult Chinook salmon through the Oregon-shore fishway ladder at The Dalles dam -1996
1999-02 Distribution and movements of Northern Pikeminnow and Smallmouth bass during operation of a surface-bypass and collection system for juvenile salmonids at Lower Granite dam, 1996-1997
1999-1 Radio telemetry assessments of migration patterns and fallbacks of adult salmon and steelhead in the forebay of Bonneville dam, 1997-1998
1998-5 Evaluation of adult Chinook and Sockeye salmon at Priest Rapids and Wanapum dams -1997
1996 Evaluation of adult Chinook salmon at Priest Rapids dam with orifice gates open and closed
1992-1 A review of literature related to the movements of salmon and steelhead past dams and through reservoirs in the lower Snake River
Part I Passage of Chinook salmon through the lower Snake River and distribution into the tributaries, 1991-1993
Part II Migration of adult steelhead past dams and through reservoirs in the lower Snake River and into the tributaries, 1991-1995
Part III Entrances used and passage through fishways for adult Chinook salmon and steelhead
Part IV Turbine priority and its effects on passage of steelhead at Snake River dams
Part V Movements of steelhead in fishways in relation to transition pools
Part VI Evaluation of fishway fences (1991-1998) and spill for adult salmon and steelhead passage (1994) at Snake River dams
Part VII Effects of zero versus normal flow at night on passage of steelhead in summer and fall