Dams, Fishways and Research Technology
The adult salmon, steelhead, and Pacific lamprey research conducted by FERL has often been driven by efforts to improve the effectiveness of fishways and fish ladders at hydroelectric dams. We have used a variety of technologies (radiotelemetry, acoustic telemetry, PIT telemetry, optical video, acoustic video and fish challenge experiments) to evaluate fish behavior at and near dams in the Columbia, Snake and Willamette rivers. Our research provides guidance on improving the design and operation of fish passage systems at these dams. These projects have been collaborative efforts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA-Fisheries and Pacific Northwest Tribal groups.
Study topics include:
- Identifying passage problem (bottlenecks) inside fishways
- Evaluating the effects of fishway and dam operations on fish passage behavior and success
- Design of new fish passage systems
- Fish challenge experiments inside an artificial fishway
- Passive fish monitoring at passage problem areas using underwater optical and acoustic video
- Use of archival telemetry tags to record fish depth and temperature during passage at dams and through reservoirs