Accommodated Testing
Welcome to CDAR Testing Services. We provide students with the ability to take course assessments with CDAR approved testing accommodations in a secure environment while maintaining exam integrity. Students with approved testing accommodations may elect to take course assessments (quizzes, exams, midterms and/or finals) with CDAR Testing Services. Testing accommodations are based on the specific barriers in a course. For simplicity and consistency, CDAR Testing Services references Exam Administrators for the courses at University of Idaho. An Exam Administrator is typically the instructor of the course. For College of Law students, the Exam Administrator is the Law Exams Team.
All students must submit an Exam Scheduling Request in order to take a course assessment with CDAR Testing Services via the CDAR Access Portal. Exams taken with CDAR Testing Services must be scheduled at least 7 calendar days prior to the exam date.
Final Exams for Spring 2025 must be scheduled by April 18, 2025.
By testing with CDAR Testing Services, students acknowledge that they have reviewed the [CDAR Testing Services Policies & Procedures], and agree to abide by them in full in addition to the University of Idaho Student Code of Conduct; College of Law students will additionally adhere to the College of Law Honor Code.
CDAR Testing Services FAQ
In order for a student to schedule their exams, the Exam Administrator must first submit Exam Proctoring Instructions (EPI). These are required to be entered within 48 hours of receiving the Faculty Notification Letter. Within the Faculty Notification Letter, for convenience, a red box will appear with a link to enter the EPI. This will appear only once, the first time you receive the letter. If you are unable to access the link on the Faculty Notification Letter, log into the CDAR Instructor Portal to enter the EPI information.
EPI’s are the most effective and efficient method for course Exam Administrators to provide instructions to CDAR Testing Services on proctoring course assessments while maintaining exam integrity. University of Idaho has over 1000 different courses, each with their own EPI. CDAR Testing Services is unable to accept EPI information via email. The exam file is NOT needed until the week of the exam. The Exam Proctoring Instructions Guide is a good tool to assist with entering the EPI. We recommend reviewing that document prior or during entering the EPI.
It is best practice to update the EPI via the CDAR Instructor Portal. This allows yourself, CDAR Testing Services and students receiving accommodations in your course to view the most up to date EPI, at any time. Maintaining an updated EPI will reduce the number of emails you will receive.
Exam Administrators can use CDAR Instructor Portal to see an overview of the students in their class with eligible accommodations, enter and update Exam Proctoring Instructions, securely upload an exam file, receive the completed exam returned in the same manner and a myriad of other actions.
If a student is unable to take their exam during class time or during the times provided in the Flexible Scheduling Parameters, written permission of an alternate date and time from you is required. Students will typically email you with their request, and then forward your response to CDAR Testing Services. CDAR Testing Services cannot proctor an exam past the deadline set by the Exam Administrator without their explicit written permission. CDAR Testing Services is unable to schedule any exams without explicit confirmation from the Exam Administrator while in adherence with the student’s CDAR approved accommodations. Accommodations are typically NOT retroactive.
To help ensure students start their exam on time, CDAR encourages everyone to arrive 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time. If a student arrives late to the scheduled exam, their reservation will be held for up to 15 minutes with no adjustment for lost time. Arriving more than 15 minutes late may be considered a “No Show” and their exam reservation may be cancelled with a notification sent to both the Exam Administrator and student. Students will need to contact and work with their Exam Administrator regarding missing their exam. In extenuating circumstances, students are encouraged to call CDAR Testing Services at 208-885-9004 prior to the exam start time.
CDAR Testing Services works with Exam Administrators and the assistive technology team to provide accessible exam materials. Exam Administrators will need to remove browser lock down functionality if a student has a speech-to-text accommodation to allow the software to transcribe the student’s dictation. For assistance, email
The Exam Administrator is responsible for applying time extensions and any other applicable CDAR approved testing accommodations to exams in the online platform. If a student has an accommodation that cannot be implemented by the exam administrator, contact CDAR Testing Services for assistance at Students are expected to confirm CDAR approved testing accommodations are in place PRIOR to taking EACH online exam. Starting an exam without accommodations indicates the student does not wish to receive accommodations on the exam. CDAR Testing Services does not proctor online exams unless the Exam Administrator proctors the in-class students. The University of Idaho Library has two individual study rooms on the third floor, a quiet floor, available for student reservations. Per the U of I Library, students must complete a Library Room Reservation to use these spaces.
CDAR approved accommodations on exams open for more than 24 hours (typically called a take-home exam) are determined on a case-by-case basis. Students and/or Exam Administrators should contact CDAR to discuss disability related need for CDAR approved testing accommodations on these assessments before taking them. Please call 208-885-6307 or email for assistance. Additionally, students that are needing an alternative format for online or take-home exams should email
Memory aids provide students with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their competence, knowledge and understanding of course content. They are approved only for those students who have a well-documented functional limitation related to memory. It is essential to consider whether or not you are evaluating your students’ ability to memorize or apply the material. A memory aid is a resource that is used during test-taking. It is designed by and for the student to support the recall of information that has already been learned. Its main purpose is to allow a student to access their learning. A memory aid does not replace the need to study or the mastery of a course learning outcome. We encourage you to review the Memory Aid Guidelines if you have a student with this accommodation in your course.
Student Responsibilities
- Submit the memory aid to the Exam Administrator for review at least 3 days before the exam date.
Exam Administrator Responsibilities
Complete one of the following options:
- Approve the memory aid and deliver it, along with the exam to CDAR Testing Services.
- Return the memory aid to the student with suggestions and feedback for revision.
Questions and Assistance
For questions about CDAR accommodations, email or call 208-885-6307.
For questions or assistance with accommodated exams, please contact CDAR Testing Services at or call 208-885-9004.
CDAR Testing Hours of Operation
Summer Term: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday
Fall/Spring Terms: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday
Closed during academic breaks and university holidays.
Hours may be extended during finals week. Updated hours will be posted on the CDAR website and on the door to CDAR Testing Services.
- Student Policies and Procedures pdf
- Viewing Accommodations Guide pdf
- Exam Proctoring Instructions Guide pdf
- Updating Proctoring Instructions pdf
- Memory Aid Guidelines pdf
- Uploading Exams to CDAR Portal pdf
- Providing Supplemental Exam Instructions pdf
- Student Code of Conduct
- College of Law Honor Code
- Registrar — Finals Exam Schedule
Kevin Ferry
Testing Coordinator

Center for Disability Access & Resources (CDAR)