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LOD Master’s Curriculum and Sequencing

For Adult, Organizational Learning and Leadership master’s program, a minimum of 30 semester credits for the non-thesis option, or a minimum of 39 semester credits for the thesis option, is required. Up to 12 credits taken as a non-degree student may be used in this graduate program with approval from a Major Professor. Additionally, up to 12 credits from qualifying institutions may be transferred into the graduate program with approval from a Major Professor (please read the College of Graduate Studies policies regarding transfer credits). Students considering transferring credits from other universities into a graduate program must contact their Major Professors for early advising and degree planning.

Program Core (24 credits)

  • AOLL 507 (3 cr) Future of Education and Work
  • AOLL 510 (3 cr) Foundations of Human Resource Development
  • AOLL 570 (3 cr) Introduction to Research in AOLL 
  • AOLL 574 (3 cr) Adult and Transformational Learning
  • AOLL 577 (3 cr) Organizational Development
  • AOLL 581 (3 cr) Theory, Practice and Challenges of Leadership
  • AOLL 583 (3 cr) Organizational Leadership
  • AOLL 526 (3 cr) Instructional Design and Curriculum or AOLL 528 (3 cr) Program Planning, Development and Evaluation

Electives (Choose 6 credits)

  • AOLL 560 (3 cr) Career Development in Organizations
  • AOLL 573 (3 cr) Adult Learners: Foundations and Characteristics
  • AOLL 575 (3 cr) Strategies for Facilitating Adult Learning
  • AOLL 504, 597, 598, 599 (1-6 variable cr) Special Topics, Practicum, Internship, Non-thesis Master’s Research

Comprehensive exam: Your final requirement will be a 25-page APA formatted paper. The paper should primarily be a literature review of theories that you have learned in the master’s program and how you plan to apply each of them to your future professional goals. You should also share how specific classes and experiences within the program have prepared you to accomplish your professional goals and aspirations. The paper needs to be completed by a designated date each semester to meet the deadline for graduation for that specific semester.

Program Core (21 credits)

  • AOLL 507 (3 cr) Future of Education and Work
  • AOLL 510 (3 cr) Foundations of Human Resource Development
  • AOLL 574 (3 cr) Adult and Transformational Learning
  • AOLL 577 (3 cr) Organizational Development
  • AOLL 581 (3 cr) Theory, Practice and Challenges of Leadership
  • AOLL 583 (3 cr) Organizational Leadership
  • AOLL 526 (3 cr) Instructional Design and Curriculum or AOLL 528 (3 cr) Program Planning, Development and Evaluation

Electives (Choose 6 credits)

  • AOLL 560 (3 cr) Career Development in Organizations
  • AOLL 573 (3 cr) Adult Learners: Foundations and Characteristics
  • AOLL 575 (3 cr) Strategies for Facilitating Adult Learning
  • AOLL 504, 597, 598 (1-6 variable cr) Special Topics, Practicum, Internship

Research Credits (12 credits with advisor approval)

  • ED 571 (3 cr) Introduction to Quantitative Research
  • ED 574 (3 cr) Survey of Qualitative Research
  • ED 584 (3 cr) Univariate Quantitative Research in Education
  • ED 589 (3 cr) Theoretical Applications and Designs of Qualitative Research
  • AOLL 500 (6 cr) Thesis credits (required)

Thesis: your final requirement will be a formal thesis paper. Please review the College of Graduate Studies’ website for thesis resources.


Mailing Address:
College of Education, Health and Human Sciences
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive
Moscow, Idaho 83844-3087

Phone: 208-885-1149

