Agriculture and Farm Management
Quagga Mussel Flyer (pdf)
- April 1 — Grasshopper/Mormon Cricket Program Presentation. Please see flyer for more information (pdf)
Explore essential farm financial skills, like marketing and risk management:
- Idaho Agriculture in the Classroom
- College of Southern Idaho Agriculture Department
- Idaho AgBiz Publications
- Leadership Idaho Agriculture
For specific information on farm business management, please visit the University of Idaho Extension Farm and Ranch Management website.
Explore research-based information that helps producers expand market opportunities, sustain profitability and enhance animal care and welfare.
- Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook
- Idaho Cattle Association
- Idaho Dairymen’s Association
- Idaho Hay and Forage Association
- Dairy West
- Idaho Beef Council
- Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission
- Idaho State Brand Inspector
- Idaho State Department of Agriculture
- Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
- Idaho Department of Fish and Game
- Idaho Department of Lands
- USDA United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA Farm Service Agency
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
- U.S. Forest Service
- U.S. Bureau of Land Management
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
- Idaho Wool Growers Association
For specific information on livestock and other animals, please visit the UI Extension Livestock and Other Animals website.
For specific information on forestry, range and water, please visit the UI Extension Forestry, Range and Water website.
Quagga Mussel Flyer (pdf)
Timely and research-based information to help growers control pests, market products and compare crop varieties.
- Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook
- Pacific Northwest Disease Management Handbook
- Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook
- Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission
- Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission
- Idaho Department of Water Resources
- State of Idaho Agriculture
- Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- USDA United States Department of Agriculture
- USDA Farm Service Agency
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Idaho Noxious Weed Control Association
For specific information on crops, please visit the UI Extension Crops website.
Harvested forage production is an important industry in Cassia County. To support the dairy industry, producers raise thousands of tons of high quality alfalfa hay for dairies in the Magic Valley.
Hay grown in Cassia County is known for its high protein and low fiber content, as well as the amount of milk that can be made with it.
Additional forage information can be found on the UI Extension Idaho Forage Crops and Pasture Publications & Resources.
Cereals are the usual rotational crops for forages in Cassia County. They are harvested for forage themselves, but are more often harvested for grain.
Additional information on cereals is available on the UI Extension South Central and South Eastern Extension Cereals Program website.
From the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Pesticides & Chemigation website:
The Idaho State Department of Agriculture, Division of Agricultural Resources works to promote, direct and ensure safe agricultural and environmental practices.
Through education and enforcement, the division ensures compliance with federal and state rules and laws governing pesticide use in Idaho.
Visit the Idaho State Department of Agriculture website for more information.
This program offers a series of courses that provide beginning and existing farmers with the planning and decision-making tools, production skills and support to develop a sustainable small acreage farm.
Online and in-person courses are available. Discover current class offerings through the Cultivating Success website.