The Office of Technology Transfer facilitates the licensing and distribution of agricultural technologies including wheat, potato, canola, rapeseed and mustard cultivars to support agribusiness in Idaho and worldwide.
UI Platinum | PVP certificate number 201400419
UI Platinum is a hard white spring wheat with high grain yield, desirable end-use quality and resistance to stripe rust, with short plant height that can be produced under irrigated and high rainfall production areas in southeastern Idaho and other regions of the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, Washington and Oregon). UI Platinum is also early and short, which is desirable in the areas with potato — wheat rotation.

UI Platinum is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI Gold | PVP application filed
UI Gold, a hard white spring wheat, was developed by University of Idaho’s Aberdeen Wheat Breeding program. Its combination of high yield and excellent bread baking quality sets this variety apart from other hard white spring wheat varieties.
UI Gold is adapted for irrigated, high rainfall and dryland areas in southern Idaho, and suitable for irrigated production having a strong stem for good standability and medium height (36 inches). It has high yield potential consistently meeting or exceeding yield of top yielding hard wheats. The grain protein content of UI Gold averages 12.5-13%. Test weight averaged 68.25 lbs./ac in both irrigated and dryland environments. UI Gold has maintained its yield potential and baking quality in dryland and rainfed environments.
UI Gold carries High Temperature Adult Plant resistance to these races of stripe rust: PSTv-14, PSTv-37 and PTSv-40 based on greenhouse tests. Under field conditions, UI Gold scored resistant to moderately resistant to Strip Rust, but does not carry resistance or tolerance to Fusarium Head Blight.
UI Gold is available for non-exclusive licensing.
Contact ott@uidaho.edu.
UICF-Grace | PVP certificate number 201000086
UICF-Grace is a Clearfield hard white winter wheat that has good bread baking quality, resistance to stripe rust and dwarf bunt and good yield potential. The most similar variety of UICF-Grace is Golden Spike.

UICF-Grace is available for non-exclusive licensing. Contact ott@uidaho.edu.
UI Stone | PVP certificate number 201300342
UI Stone is a soft white spring wheat cultivar. It possesses resistance to Fusarium head blight, a disease that is increasing in the Pacific Northwest with increased acreage of maize. The resistance to Fusarium head blight was obtained from a common source of resistance, FHB1 plus an additional gene. UI Stone also has desirable end use quality and moderate resistance to stripe rust. It has performed competitively with other cultivars in breeding trials throughout the region.

UI Stone is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI Cookie | PVP certificate number 20200098
UI Cookie is a soft white spring wheat cultivar with high grain yield and excellent end-use quality. It possesses a tolerance to Fusarium head blight and good field resistance to stripe rust and stem rust. UI Cookie was evaluated in 13 irrigated field trials in southeastern Idaho over four growing seasons from 2015 to 2018. The average yield was 108 Bu/A. Grown dryland during this same period, UI Cookie had an average yield of 37.4 Bu/A.

UI Cookie is exclusively licensed to the Idaho Wheat Commission (IWC). Please contact Casey Chumrau at IWC wheat@idahowheat.org for seed availability and sub-licensing.
UICF-Brundage | PVP certificate number 201100031
UICF-Brundage is a Clearfield soft white winter wheat intended for the irrigated and rain-fed areas of the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, Washington and Oregon), and is most like Brundage 96. In terms of height UICF-Brundage is slightly taller than Brundage and slightly shorter than Brundage 96.
UICF-Brundage is available for non-exclusive licensing. Contact ott@uidaho.edu.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI Castle | PVP certificate number 201600014

UI Castle Cl+ is a 2-gene IMI herbicide tolerant soft white winter wheat. UI Castle CL+ has shown the best dryland performance. It is characterized by high test weight, full-season maturity, a medium-tall plant height and good resistance to stripe rust.
UI Castle CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UICF-Lambert | PVP certificate number 201100008
UICF-Lambert is a Clearfield soft white winter wheat intended for the rain-fed areas of the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, Washington and Oregon) and is most like the soft white winter wheat Lambert.
UICF-Lambert is available for non-exclusive licensing. Contact ott@uidaho.edu.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI Magic | PVP certificate number 201600300

UI Magic Cl+ is a 2-gene IMI herbicide tolerant soft white winter wheat. The top-end yield potential of UI Magic CL+ continues to create an increasing demand for seed of this cultivar year after year across the Pacific Northwest region. It has excellent test weight grain and a shorter overall plant height.
UI Magic CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI Palouse | PVP certificate number 201600306

UI Palouse Cl+ is a 2-gene IMI herbicide tolerant soft white winter wheat. It has good winter hardiness and excellence tolerance to Ceph stripe. Like, Brundage 96, its awnless and has mid-season maturity. It will be a great choice if your wanting to re-crop stubble or on two-year rotation ground. Like any awnless wheat, it can be a little tougher to thrash.
UI Palouse CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI Sparrow | PVP certificate number 201700189

UI Sparrow is a soft white winter wheat with strong straw, brown chaff, and long awns. It has excellent resistance to dwarf bunt, all‐stage resistance to all tested predominant races of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici except for PSTv‐40, moderate to high levels of high‐temperature adult‐plant resistance to stripe rust, and high level resistance to snow mold. UI Sparrow is a good choice for organic producers who cannot apply fungicides or seed treatments. The strong straw reduces lodging in irrigated or high rainfall production environments.
UI Sparrow is available for non-exclusive licensing. Contact ott@uidaho.edu.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
VI Presto CL+ | PVP certificate number 202100361

VI Presto CL+ is a common soft white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with 2 genes for tolerance to Imidazolinone (Beyond®) herbicide. VI Presto CL+’s kernels are white, soft and ovate, with rounded cheek, and the brush length is medium. It is adapted to lower rainfall areas of SE Washington and Oregon, including drier areas of the Palouse. VI Presto CL+ has shown higher yield potential, higher test weight, and improved stripe rust resistance as compared with UI Magic CL+. It has taller plant height and is photoperiod insensitive, suggesting it is better for later, dryland seedings. It has shown MS/MR response to cephalosporium stripe, like the variety Madsen. End-use quality is like UI Magic CL+ in terms of break flour yield and cookie diameter.
VI Presto CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
VI Shock| PVP certificate number 202100363

VI Shock is common soft white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). VI Shock’s kernels are white, soft, and ovate, with rounded cheek, and the brush length is medium. It performs well in irrigated production areas in southern Idaho and dryland production areas in northern Idaho. VI Shock has high yield potential, consistently good test weight, excellent stripe rust resistance and excellent end-use quality.
VI Shock exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
VI Voodoo CL+ | PVP certificate number 202100362

VI Voodoo CL+ is a common soft white winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with 2 genes for tolerance to Imidazolinone (Beyond®) herbicide. VI Voodoo CL+’s kernels are white, soft, and elliptical, with rounded cheek, and the brush length is medium. It is best adapted to intermediate to high rainfall conditions and areas where LCS Artdeco has performed well. Yields are higher than for UI Magic CL+ but has a slightly lower test weight as compared to UI Magic CL+ in dryland conditions. It is 1-2 days later in heading and 1-2 cm shorter than Magic CL+ and has superior resistance to stripe rust. It is susceptible to cephalosporium stripe, like the variety Stephens. VI Voodoo CL+ has superior end-use quality as compared with UI Magic CL+, in terms of break flour yield and cookie diameter.
VI Voodoo CL+ is exclusively licensed to Limagrain Cereal Seeds (LCS). Please contact LCS directly for seed availability and sub-licensing.
» Certificate issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture
UI-WSU Huffman | PVP certificate number 201500295

UI-WSU Huffman is a soft white winter wheat selected for high adaptation to the intermediate to high rainfall dryland environments of the Pacific Northwest (Idaho, Washington and Oregon). It was named as a tribute to University of Idaho alumnus Bradley Huffman who passed away suddenly in June 2013 at only 22-years of age. Royalties collected from certified seed sales of UI-WSU Huffman go towards a scholarship to assist other students obtain an agricultural degree at the university.
UI-WSU Huffman is available for non-exclusive licensing. Contact ott@uidaho.edu.