OUR Research Grants Program
No longer accepting travel grant applications for Spring 2025.
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) provides financial assistance for undergraduates undertaking research projects and for students traveling to present their results at conferences.
OUR Research Semester Grants Program
The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) invites undergraduate students from all colleges and academic disciplines to apply for an OUR Undergraduate Research Grant. The purpose of the grant is to support the growth and development of original, independent research or creative scholarship activities during a given semester. The grant of $1,000 will fund materials and supplies, project-related travel expenses, etc., . Two funding cycles exist: one for fall semester grants and one for spring semester grants. For more information, visit Undergraduate Research Grant Guidelines (PDF) and Undergraduate Research Grant Cover Sheet (PDF).
Please note: Posters printed after the grant end date cannot be charged against the grant.
Application Deadline for spring Semester Awards: Nov. 1, Student will be notified by Dec. 15
Application Deadline for fall Semester Awards: April 15, Student will be notified by May 30
OUR Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
OUR invites undergraduate students from all disciplines at University of Idaho to apply for a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF). The SURF Program is a 10-week summer program running June through early August that allows students to work full-time on faculty-mentored projects in any field of study. Each award includes a $5,000 student fellowship given as a stipend and $1,000 in research funds to help cover the cost of materials and supplies, project-related travel expenses, etc. For more information, view the SURF Program Application Guidelines (PDF) and SURF Program Cover Sheet (PDF).
Application Deadline for Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships: Feb. 15, Student will be notified by March 10
OUR Travel Grants
Travel Grant Applications are accepted August 1 through April 1. Travel must occur during the academic year.
OUR offers a limited number of Travel Grants (up to $800) to U of I undergraduate students to defray the cost of travel to present results of their research, scholarly or creative activities at a professional conference in their field. This grant does not fund salary or other personnel expenses.
OUR Travel Grant Requirements
All currently enrolled undergraduate students who are in good academic standing are eligible to apply. The travel must occur while the student is still enrolled at U of I and the research must be conducted under the supervision of a U of I faculty research advisor. The conference to be attended must be considered a “professional conference.” Each student presenter can receive a maximum of $800 from the OUR Travel Grant program in each academic year. This grant does not fund salary or other personnel expenses. Priority will be given to students who have not previously received an OUR Travel Grant.
Students must submit an OUR Travel Grant Application along with a letter of support from the U of I faculty advisor who mentored the student’s research project. Requests for funding must be made 45 days prior to the expected travel start date. In the detailed budget, provide your best estimate of the cost of your transportation and registration fees. Applications received by the 15th of each month will be reviewed prior to the end of the month.
Please note: Applications received in December will be reviewed with the January applicant pool.
A letter of support from the U of I faculty member who mentored the student’s research project is required. The OUR seeks to support research by undergraduates at U of I mentored by faculty at U of I. The OUR cannot support student conference presentations that are based on research conducted at other universities or with a mentor who is not a U of I faculty member. This letter should include name, location and date of conference; confirmation that this is a professional conference or meeting; a brief statement confirming the faculty member’s mentorship and supervision of the student’s research; a brief statement about the student and their work; a short assessment of the potential significance of the student being invited to the conference; and whether or not this research is supported by a grant (if so, include the funder’s name). The faculty advisor statement needs to be emailed on department letterhead (PDF format) to our@uidaho.edu or delivered to the Office for Undergraduate Research.
While financial need is a consideration for selection, it is not the only criterion. We welcome applications that reflect presentations from diverse disciplines as represented in the arts and humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and the professional schools. We also encourage applications from diverse student populations such as first-time and experienced presenters.
OUR can help with the costs of transportation to the conference, hotel expenses and registration fees for the professional conference. OUR funds cannot be used to defray meal expenses. Successful applicants will be reimbursed for up to $800 of their travel, accommodation and/or meeting registration expenses. ORIGINAL receipts and a conference program will be required for reimbursement. The travel must be completed and the request for reimbursement must be made while the student is still enrolled. The request for reimbursement must be submitted within 15 days after the conference.
Recipients of OUR Travel Grants are required to present their work at the U of I Undergraduate Research Symposium, held in April. Recipients are also required to acknowledge support from the Office of Undergraduate Research on their posters or during their presentations. Please see our guidelines for acknowledging OUR support.