Teaching Requirement
Ph.D. students are required to have at least one semester of teaching experience by the end of their fourth year.
There are a number of ways to fulfill the teaching requirement, including:
- Acting as a Teaching Assistant in your major professor’s home department,
- Assisting with Data Carpentry workshops or other focused workshops,
- Teaching courses in their area of expertise
- Other teaching activities, as designed by the student and their graduate committee.
Many BCB students rely on teaching assistantships for funding support, even for multiple semesters. Ph.D. students need only receive BCB 597 credit for one of these semesters to fulfill the requirement.
Prior approval is required to receive credit for your teaching requirement, and students should describe their plans on the BCB Teaching Requirement Form. This must be submitted to bcb@uidaho.edu prior to the term in which the teaching experience will take place. If the Program Director approves it, a section of BCB 597: Practicum will be created for you to register into.
NOTE TO CURRENT STUDENTS: If you have already met the teaching requirement in the past and do not plan to teach again, but did not register for BCB 597 during the semester you were teaching, please reach out to bcb@uidaho.edu to inquire about getting retroactive credit.

I am grateful to have had a TA opportunity teaching a Carpentries workshop. Not only was it fun to work with fellow BCB’ers to discuss, plan, and teach together, it was an experience to grow my skills at being an effective teacher and mentor. BCB Ph.D. student Yesol Sapozhnikov