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Native Plants Guide

According to the Palouse Land Trust, the native Palouse Prairie is the most endangered ecosystem in the continental U.S, with less than 1% of the native habitat remaining. As a Land Grant institution, we are committed to preserving the natural beauty of the region through native landscaping and habitat restoration. Do your part to restore the native roots of the Palouse with our Native Gardening Guide.

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Small butterfly icon - Butterfly Host Plant

Acer glabrum.   Common name: Rocky Mountain Maple.   Flowering time: Spring.   Easy care.   Image above.

Acer sapindales.   Common name: Boxelder Maple.   Flowering time: Early spring.   Images above.

Alnus.   Common name: Alder.   Flowering time: Early spring.   Not drought tolerant.   Image above.

Betula.   Common name: Birch.   Flowering time: Spring.   Not drought tolerant.   Image above.

Pinus.   Common name: Pine.   Flowering time: Spring.   Image above.

Populus tremuloides.   Common name: Quaking Aspen.   Flowering time: Spring.   Not drought tolerant.   Image above.

Populus trichocarpa.   Common name: Black Cottonwood.   Flowering time: Spring.   Not drought tolerant.   Image above.

Rosales.   Common name: Plum, Cherry.   Flowering time: Late winter, early spring.   Somewhat drought tolerant.   Image above.

Salix spp.   Common name: Willow.   Flowering time: Early spring, spring.   Easy care.   Not drought tolerant.   Image above.


Small butterfly icon Amelanchier alnifolia.   Common name: serviceberry, Saskatoon.   Flowering time: spring.   Easy care.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: full to partial sun.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 6-15 ft.   Value to wildlife: Good cover and food source.   Image above.

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi.   Common name: bearberry, Kinnikinnik.   Flowering time: spring/early summer.   Easy care.   Bloom color: white or pink.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 6-12 in.   Ground cover. Image above.

Berberis aquifolium.   Common name: shiny Oregon grape.   Flowering time: spring.   Easy care.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: Full to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 3-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Berries and cover   Tall growing. Image above.

Berberis repens.   Common name: creeping Oregon grape.   Flowering time: spring.   Easy care.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: Full to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 1-3 ft.   Value to wildlife: Berries and cover   Low growing. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Ceanothus sanguineus.   Common name: red-stem ceanothus.   Flowering time: summer.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 2-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Elk browse and berries for bird.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Clematis ligusticifolia.   Common name: western white clematis.   Flowering time: summer.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: Climbs up to 20 ft.   Woody vine.

Small butterfly icon Cratageus douglasii.   Common name: black hawthorn.   Flowering time: spring/early summer.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: High.   Mature Height: 12-30 ft.   Value to wildlife: Food and cover.   Rhizomatous.

Dasiphora fruiticosa.   Common name: shrubby cinquefoil.   Flowering time: late spring-early summer.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 2-4 ft.   Value to wildlife: Food and cover. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Eriogonum heracleoides.   Common name: parsnip-flrd buckwehat.   Flowering time: spring/early summer.   Easy care.   Bloom color: White or pink.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 4-16 in.

Eriogonum niveum.   Common name: snow buckwheat.   Flowering time: fall.   Bloom color: White or pink.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 16-24 in.

Eriogonum ovalifolium.   Common name: cushion buckwheat.   Flowering time: late spring/summer.   Bloom color: White, red, yellow or purple.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 1-1.5 ft. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Eriogonum umbellatum.   Common name: sulphur-flower buckwheat.   Flowering time: late spring/summer.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 0.5-2 ft.   Value to wildlife: Cover, fall forage. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Holodiscus discolor.   Common name: ocean spray.   Flowering time: summer.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Cream.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 3-9 ft.   Value to wildlife: Browse and cover. Image above.

Penstemon fruticosus.   Common name: shrubby penstemon.   Flowering time: late spring.   Bloom color: purple.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirement: Low to Medium.   Mature Height: 6-15 in.

Philadelphus lewisii.   Common name: Lewis' mock orange.   Flowering time: summer.   Easy care.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 4-8 ft.   Value to wildlife: Food (berries). Image above.

Physocarpus malvaceus.   Common name: ninebark.   Flowering time: late spring.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: Partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 1.5-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Food and cover.   Rhizomatous.

Small butterfly icon Prunus virginiana.   Common name: chokecherry.   Flowering time: summer.   Easy care.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 10-20 ft.   Value to wildlife: Excellent food and cover.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Purshia tridentata.   Common name: Antelope bitterbrush.   Flowering time: Late spring-early summer.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 2-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Cover and fall forage.

Small butterfly icon Ribes aureum.   Common name: golden currant.   Flowering time: spring.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 4-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Nesting, cover and fruit.   Vigorous. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Ribes cereum.   Common name: wax currant.   Flowering time: spring.   Bloom color: White, greenish-white, or pink.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 3-4 ft.   Value to wildlife: Berries and cover. Image above.

Rosa nutkana.   Common name: Nootka rose.   Flowering time: summer.   Bloom color: Pink.   Lighting: Full to partial sun.   Watering requirement: Low.   Mature Height: 3-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Nesting, cover and excellent food.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Rosa woodsii.   Common name: Woods' rose.   Flowering time: summer.   Bloom color: Pink.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 3-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Nesting, cover and excellent food.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Salix spp.   Common name: willows.   Flowering time: spring.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 15-30 ft.   Rhizomatous.   Image above.

Sambucus nigra ssp.   Cerulea.   Common name: blue elderberry.   Flowering time: early-mid summer.   Bloom color: White to cream.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 6-15 ft.   Value to wildlife: Nesting and food. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Spiraea douglasii.   Common name: Douglas' spiraea.   Flowering time: summer.   Bloom color: Pink.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium to high.   Mature Height: 3-6 ft.   Value to wildlife: Browse.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Symphoricarpos albus.   Common name: snowberry.   Flowering time: summer.   Easy care.   Bloom color: White or Pink.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirement: Medium.   Mature Height: 2-4 ft.   Value to wildlife: food, berries, browse and cover.   Rhizomatous. Image above.


Small butterfly icon Achillea millifolium.   Common name: western yarrow.   Flowering time: June-July.   Easy care.   Bloom color: White to yellow.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 0.5-1.5 ft.   Insect support: medium, specialist (beetle: Cleridae).   Value to wildlife: Forage.   Rhizomatous.   Image above.

Agastache urticifolia.   Common name: nettleleaf giant hysop.   Flowering time: July-August.   Bloom color: White, pink or purple.   Lighting: Full to partial sun.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 0.3-5 ft.   Insect support: medium, specialist (bee: Bombus). Image above.

Ambrosia.   Common name: ragweed.   Flowering time: July-August.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: partial sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 1-4 ft.   Insect support: medium. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Asclepias speciosa.   Common name: showy milkweed.   Flowering time: June-July.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Pink, green or purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1.5-5 ft.   Rhizomatous; larval host for monarch.   Image above.

Small butterfly icon Astragalus canadenis.   Common name: Canada milvetch.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Cream to white.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1-2.5 ft.   Value to wildlife: Forage and seed food source.   Host larvae (butterfly: Pieridae).

Balsamorhiza sagittata.   Common name: arrowleaf balsamroot.   Flowering time: mid April-May.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: full sun Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1-2 ft.   Insect support: high.   Value to wildlife: Fair forage. Image above.

Camassia quamash.   Common name: camas.   Flowering time: mid April-May.   Bloom color: Blue to purple.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: High.   Mature height: 1-3 ft.   Insect support: medium, specialist (bee: Osmia). Image above.

Campanula rotundifolia.   Common name: harebells.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Blue or purple.   Lighting: full sun to shade.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 6-15 in. Image above.

Chamaenerion angustifolium.   Common name: fireweed.   Flowering time: June-July.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Pink.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 2-4 ft.   Value to wildlife: Fair to good forage.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Cirsium brevifolium.   Common name: palouse thistle.   Flowering time: July-August.   Bloom color: White or purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 2-4 ft.   Insect support: medium.

Delphinium nuttallinum.   Common name: larkspur.   Flowering time: mid April-May.   Bloom color: Light blue to purple.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 12-30 in.   Insect support: low, specialist (bee: Bombus). Image above.

Drymocallis arguta.   Common name: tall cinquefoil.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Pale yellow to white.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1.5-3 ft.   Value to wildlife: Fair to good forage. Image above.

Erigeron filifolius.   Common name: threadleaf fleabane.   Flowering time: June-August.   Bloom color: Blue, pink, yellow or white.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 4-20 in. Image above.

Erigeron pumilus.   Common name: shaggy daisy.   Flowering time: May-June.   Bloom color: White, blue or pink.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 2-20 in.   Image above.

Erigeron speciosus.   Common name: showy daisy.   Flowering time: June-August.   Bloom color: Purple, white.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 6-32 in. Image above.

Erigeron speciosus.   Common name: showy fleabane.   Flowering time: summer (June-August).   Easy care.   Bloom color: white, yellow, blue, purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 1-3 ft.

Eriophyllum lanatum.   Common name: Oregon sunshine.   Flowering time: summer (June-July).   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 4-24 in.   Value to wildlife: Food and cover. Image above.

Erythronium grandiflorum.   Common name: glacier lily.   Flowering time: mid March-mid April.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: full to partial sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 4-7 in.   Insect support: low. Image above.

Fritillaria pudica.   Common name: yellow bell.   Flowering time: mid March-mid April.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: full to partial sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 4-12 in. Image above.

Gaillardia aristata.   Common name: blanketflower.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Orange, yellow.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1-1.5 ft.   Insect support: medium.   Value to wildlife: Excellent food and cover. Image above.

Gentiana affinis.   Common name: gentian.   Flowering time: August.   Bloom color: Blue or purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 8-16 in.   Insect support: medium, specialist (bee: Osmia). Image above.

Geranium viscosissimum.   Common name: sticky geranium.   Flowering time: June-July.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Pink, purple.   Lighting: full sun or partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 2-3 ft.   Insect support: high, specialist (bee: Eucera, Agapostemon).   Value to wildlife: Good forgage. Image above.

Geum triflorum.   Common name: prairie smoke.   Flowering time: spring (mid April-May).   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1 ft. Image above.

Helianthella uniflora.   Common name: little sunflower.   Flowering time: April-May.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: full to partial sun.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 1-3 ft.   Insect support: medium.   Value to wildlife: Good grazing. Image above.

Hieracium scouleri.   Common name: western hawkweed.   Flowering time: July-August.   Bloom color: yellow to orange.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 1-2.5 ft.   Insect support: high. Image above.

Hydrophyllum capitatum.   Common name: ballhead waterleaf.   Flowering time: mid April-May.   Bloom color: Purple.   Lighting: Full to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1 ft.   Insect support: low, specialist (beetle: Melyridae).   Dies back. Image above.

Iliamana rivularis.   Common name: streambank hollyhock.   Flowering time: summer (June-July).   Bloom color: red, pink, purple.   Lighting: Partial shade.   Watering requirements: High.   Mature height: 1.5-6 ft. Image above.

Linum lewisii.   Common name: Lewis flax.   Flowering time: summer (June-July).   Easy care.   Bloom color: Light blue.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 1-2 ft.   Value to wildlife: Excellent food source. Image above.

Lithophragma spp.   Common name: prairie star.   Flowering time: mid April-May.   Bloom color: white or pink.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 12-20 in.   Insect support: medium, specialist (moth: Greya). Image above.

Small butterfly icon Lomatium spp.   Common name: biscuitroots mid.   Flowering time: March-mid April.   Bloom color: Yellow green.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 0.5-3 ft.   Insect support: low.   Value to wildlife: Good forage. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Lupinus polyphyllus.   Common name: large-leaved lupine.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Blue to purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Medium to High.   Mature height: 20-40 in.   Insect support: low, specialist (bee: Bombus). Image above.

Lupinus sericeus.   Common name: silky lupine.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Blue to purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 12-24 in.   Insect support: low, specialist (bee: Bombus). Image above.

Mertensia longiflora.   Common name: long-flowered bluebell.   Flowering time: mid March-mid April.   Bloom color: blue-purple, pinkish-white.   Lighting: partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium-High.   Mature height: 1-1.5 ft. Image above.

Monarda fistulosa.   Common name: beebalm; wild bergamot.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: purple, pink, white.   Lighting: partial sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 2-5 ft. Image above.

Olsynium douglasii.   Common name: grass widows.   Flowering time: mid March-mid April.   Bloom color: white, pink, purple.   Lighting: partial sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 8-10 in.   Insect support: high, specialist (bee: Habropoda). Image above.

Small butterfly icon Penstemon attenuatus.   Common name: taper leaved penstemon.   Flowering time: May-July.   Bloom color: Blue, purple, pink or yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 4-30 in.   Value to wildlife: Fair to good forage.

Small butterfly icon Penstemon confetus.   Common name: Yellow penstemon.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: Pale yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 8-20 in.   Value to wildlife: Fair to good forage. Image above.

Small butterfly icon Penstemon deustus.   Common name: hotrock penstemon.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: White to pale purple.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 0.75-2 ft.   Value to wildlife: Fair to good forage.

Penstemon spp.   Common name: beardstongues.   Flowering time: May-August.   Bloom color: blue-purple, pale yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 3-5 ft.

Perideridia gairdneri.   Common name: yampah.   Flowering time: August.   Bloom color: White.   Lighting: Shade.   Watering requirements: High.   Mature height: 1.5-4.5 ft.   Insect support: high. Image above.

Phacelia spp.   Common name: phacelia, scorpionweed.   Flowering time: summer (June-July).   Bloom color: pale purple, blue-purple.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 0.5-3 ft.   Seeds in. Image above.

Phlox spp.   Common name: phlox.   Flowering time: late spring (April-June).   Bloom color: pink, white.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low-Medium.   Mature height: 0.5-1.5 ft. Image above.

Potentilla gracilis.   Common name: slender cinquefoil.   Flowering time: June-July.   Easy care.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 2-4 ft.   Insect support: high (highest seen: bee candy). Image above.

Prunella vulgaris.   Common name: selfheal.   Flowering time: summer (June-July).   Bloom color: white, purple.   Lighting: Full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1-1.3 ft.   Hosts clouded sulphur butterfly. Image above.

Pyrrocoma liatriformis.   Common name: Palouse goldenweed.   Flowering time: August.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: partial sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 1.5 ft.   Insect support: medium.   Extremely rare in the wild.

Ranunculus glaberrimus.   Common name: sagebrush buttercup.   Flowering time: mid March-mid April.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: High.   Mature height: 3-4 in. Image above.

Sedum spp.   Common name: stonecrops.   Flowering time: summer/fall (June-August).   Bloom color: red, pink, yellow, white.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 2-30 in. Image above.

Senecio integerrimus.   Common name: western groundsel.   Flowering time: mid April-May.   Bloom color: yellow, white.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Low to Medium.   Mature height: 1-2 ft.   Insect support: low. Image above.

Sidalcea organa.   Common name: oregon-checker mallow.   Flowering time: July-August.   Bloom color: white, pink.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium-High.   Mature height: 2-4 ft.   Insect support: low, specialist (bee: Diadasia nigrifrons). Image above.

Solidago lepida.   Common name: Canada goldenrod.   Flowering time: August-October.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 3-5 ft.   Value to wildlife: Fair forage and seed food source for song birds.   Rhizomatous. Image above.

Solidago missouriensis.   Common name: Missouri goldenrod.   Flowering time: August-October.   Easy care.   Bloom color: Yellow.   Lighting: Full sun.   Watering requirements: Low.   Mature height: 0.75-3 ft.   Insect support: medium.   Value to wildlife: Fair forage and seed food source for song birds.   Rhizomatous.

Symphyotrichum jessicae.   Common name: Jessica's aster.   Flowering time: fall (late July-september).   Easy care.   Bloom color: yellow, purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low-Medium.   Mature height: 1-5 ft.   Rhizomatous.

Small butterfly icon Symphyotrichum spathulatum.   Common name: western aster.   Flowering time: fall (July-August).   Easy care.   Bloom color: Purple.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: Low-Medium.   Mature height: 0.5-3 ft.   Value to wildlife: Excellent food and cover.

Toxicoscordion venenosum.   Common name: death camas.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: cream to yellow.   Lighting: full sun to partial shade.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 2-3 ft.   Insect support: very specialist (bee: Andrena astralagi, specialist syrphids).   All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested. Image above.

Viola spp.   Common name: violets.   Flowering time: spring (April-June).   Bloom color: blue purple.   Lighting: full to partial sun.   Watering requirements: Medium.   Mature height: 2-8 in. Image above.

Wyethia amplexicaulis.   Common name: mule's ear.   Flowering time: June-July.   Bloom color: yellow.   Lighting: full sun.   Watering requirements: medium.   Mature height: 2-3 ft.   Insect support: low, specialist (bee: Bombus). Image above.



Acer glabrum. Public domain, iNaturalist, Patrick Alexander

Populus tremuloides. Public domain, Intermountain Forest Service, USDA Region 4 Photography

Populus trichocarpa. Public domain, author: Thereidshome

Salix spp. Public domain, iNaturalist, Étienne Lacroix-Carignan

Rosales. Public domain, USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab

Betula. Public domain, author: Роман Рябенко

Alnus. Public domain, author: Nicolas Weghaupt

Pinus. Public domain, author: Francisco Welter-Schultes

Acer sapindales. Public domain, author: Nicolas Weghaupt


Amelanchier alnifolia. Public domain, iNaturalist, Dezene Huber

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi. Public domain, author: Adrian198cm

Berberis aquifolium. Public domain, author: andrawaag

Berberis repens. Public domain, Denver Botanic Gardens

Butterfly icon. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, Author: Nicolas Mollet

Ceanothus sanguineus. Public domain, author: Dan Keck

Eriogonum ovalifolium. Public domain, author: aspidoscelis

Eriogonum umbellatum. Public domain, author: Stickpen

Holodiscus discolor. Public domain, U.S National Park Service, author: Steve Redman

Philadelphus lewisii. Public domain, iNatUralist, author: marek

Prunus virginiana. Public domain, National Park Service

Ribes aureum. Public domain, author: Aung

Rosa nutkana. Public domain, author: Hawkwing3141

Rosa woodsii. Public domain, author: Stickpen

Salix spp. Public domain, author: Аимаина хикари

Spiraea douglasii. Public domain, author: UpdateNerd

Symphoricarpos albus. Public domain, author: AnRo0002"

Dasiphora fruticosa. Public domain, author: Neelix

Ribes cereum. Public domain, author: U.S National Park Service

Sambucus nigra ssp. Cerulea. Public domain, author: U.S National Park Service


Achillea millifolium. Public domain, author: Cbaile19

Agastache urticifolia. Public domain, iNaturalist, author: Scott Loarie

Ambrosia. Public domain, author: Dan Horowitz

Asclepias speciosa. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Balsamorhiza sagittata. Public domain, author: Extemporalist

Butterfly icon. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, Author: Nicolas Mollet

Camassia quamash. Public domain, author: Gentry George, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Campanula rotundifolia. Public domain, author: AnRo0002

Chamaenerion angustifolium. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Delphinium nuttallianum. Public domain, National Park Service, author: S. Zenner

Drymocallis arguta. Public domain, iNaturalist, author: Scott Loarie

Erigeron speciosus. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Eriophyllum lanatum. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Erythronium grandiflorum. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Fritillaria pudica. Public domain, author: Neal Herbert

Gaillardia aristata. Public domain, author: Macdon

Gentiana affinis. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Geranium viscosissimum. Public domain, National Park Service, author: Jacob W. Frank

Geum triflorum. Public domain, author: Neal Herbert

Helianthella uniflora. Public domain, author: Jacob W. Frank

Hydrophyllum capitatum. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Iliamna rivularis. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Linum lewisii. Public domain, National Park Service, author: Diane Renken

Lithophragma spp. Public domain, author: stickpen

Lomatium spp. Public domain, author: aspidoscelis

Lupinus polyphyllus. Public domain, author: AnRo0002

Lupinus sericeus. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Mertensia longiflora. Public domain, iNaturalist, author: Spencer Quayle

Monarda fistulosa. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Olsynium douglasii. Public domain, iNaturalist, author: Spencer Quayle

Penstemon spp. Public domain, author: aspidoscelis

Perideridia gairdneri. Public domain, author: Alex Heyman

Phacelia spp. Public domain, author: aspidoscelis

Phlox spp. Public domain, author: Cbaile19

Potentilla gracilis. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Prunella vulgaris. Public domain, author: AnRo0002

Ranunculus glaberrimus. Public domain, author: National Park Service

Sedum spp. Public domain, iNaturalist, author: lanechaffin

Senecio integerrimus. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Sidalcea oregana. Public domain, iNaturalist, author: sgene

Solidago lepida. Public domain, National Park Service

Toxicoscordion venenosum. Public domain, author: Neal Herbert

Viola spp. Public domain, author: Patrick Alexander

Wyethia amplexicaulis. Public domain, U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, author: J. Jebousek

Erigeron filifolius. Public domain, author: National Park Service

All of the images are public domain and were found on either iNaturalist (indicated) or Wikimedia commons when not indicated.

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