The Office of Technology Transfer facilitates the licensing and distribution of agricultural technologies including wheat, potato, canola, rapeseed and mustard cultivars to support agribusiness in Idaho and worldwide.
Alpine Russet is a high yielding, medium to late maturing potato variety with oblong tubers, light russet skin and good processing quality following long-term storage. It has moderately high specific gravity, resistances to sugar ends, tuber malformations and most internal and external defects. It is notable for a tuber dormancy most like that of Russet Burbank, making it an excellent candidate for long-term storage, with processing characteristics superior to that of Russet Burbank. Alpine Russet produces oblong tubers with medium thickness and light russet skin. The eyes are shallow in depth and intermediate in number and are predominately apical. Tuber set is low, and tuber size is medium large.
Alpine Russet has moderate resistance to scab and Verticillium wilt. It has a high early yield with large percentage of U.S. No.1 tubers. Its weaknesses include a light russet skin and susceptibility to PVY.

Alpine Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Alturas is used primarily for processing, with its light russeting limiting its use for fresh pack; however, it has been rated highly for its culinary quality. It is notable for its high yields and solids and cold sweetening resistance. Alturas has resistance to Verticillium wilt and early blight. Weaknesses include short tuber dormancy, late maturity in areas with short growing seasons and higher water requirements than Russet Burbank.
A release article for Alturas was published in the American Journal of Potato Research in 2003, volume 80. In addition, an interpretive summary and technical abstract of “Alturas: a Multi-Purpose Russet Potato Cultivar with High Yield and Specific Gravity” is available on the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) site.

Alturas is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Blazer Russet is an early-maturing, dual-purpose potato variety. Its attractive appearance and excellent culinary qualities also make it a good candidate for fresh pack. It is resistant to tuber external defects, sugar ends, common and powdery scab of the tuber and PVX. It is moderately resistant to blackspot bruise and tuber late blight. Blazer Russet has moderate susceptibility to hollow heart.
Blazer Russet with its early maturity, it is a strong replacement possibility for Shepody. It has oblong, medium to large tubers that average 8 ounces with excellent culinary qualities. The characteristic light russeting means the tubers have tan to light brown skins with firm, creamy white flesh. Blazer Russet provides higher yields of No. 1 and has excellent specific gravity, making it a good dual-purpose variety.
Blazer Russet is resistant to scab and moderately resistant to net necrosis, dry rot and soft rot. It is susceptible to Verticillium wilt and moderately susceptible to PVY. Blazer Russet weaknesses are that it has short dormancy and is prone to hollow heart.

Blazer Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Classic Russet has had high fresh merit in Tri-State and Western Regional Potato Variety Trials. It is an early maturing, russeted clone that produces a high percentage of U.S. No. 1 tubers. Its attractive tubers make it very suitable for use by the fresh-pack industry and could also be used as an early processor.
Classic Russet is resistant to external and internal tuber defects and is resistant to common scab. Classic Russet also has moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt and dry rot. Weakness includes lower specific gravity, and some shatter bruise was noted. Based on four years of evaluations by taste panels, Classic Russet has shown excellent culinary qualities that are comparable to Russet Burbank, the industry standard for culinary quality.

Classic Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Clearwater Russet is medium-late maturing, with oblong-long tubers that have medium russet skin. Tubers exhibit excellent fry color out of storage and their attractiveness make this variety suitable for both processing and fresh market usage. It has high specific gravity and is resistant to sugar ends as well as most internal and external tuber defects. This potato variety is notable for having a higher protein content than those of standard potato varieties, with 38% greater concentration than Russet Burbank.
Clearwater Russet produces oblong tubers with brown, medium-heavy russet skin. The eyes are shallow in depth and intermediate in number and are evenly distributed. Tuber set is low, and tuber size is medium. Total yields for Clearwater Russet ranged from about 92% to 97% of Ranger Russet and 88% to 105% of Russet Burbank in 26 yield trials conducted in eastern Idaho, central and western Idaho, Washington and Oregon. U.S. No. 1 yields for Clearwater Russet ranged from 105% to 111% of Ranger Russet yields in Idaho and Oregon but only 86% of Ranger Russet yields in Washington. By comparison, U.S. No. 1 yields for Clearwater Russet were 47%, 25%, 51% and 20% higher than Russet Burbank in eastern Idaho, western and central Idaho, Oregon and Washington, respectively.

Clearwater Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Galena Russet is a medium to late maturing potato variety with both high early and full season yields of oblong-long, medium-russeted tubers having higher protein content than those of the standard potato varieties. Galena Russet is cold-sweetening resistant and maintains acceptable reducing sugar concentrations (<0.10% fresh weight) and fry color (≤ USDA 1) when stored at 42-48°F for six months and maintains good internal and external fry texture in storage. Fry color, fry color uniformity and post-harvest processing merit for Galena Russe’ were consistently superior to Ranger Russet and Russet Burbank. The dormancy length of Galena Russet is approximately 20 days shorter than Russet Burbank. Galena Russet is more resistant to the viruses PVY, PLRV and tuber net necrosis (associated with tuber PLRV infection) than Russet Burbank and Ranger Russet but is slightly more susceptible to foliar early blight.

Galena Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Gem Russet is a medium to late maturing, medium to high yielding potato variety with long tuber type and medium russet skin. It is useful for both the fresh and processing markets with high specific gravity; excellent fry color from 45°F storage and will often fry acceptably following 40°F storage.
Strengths include excellent tuber shape and appearance, high grade out, long dormancy, high solids and good fry color. Weaknesses include late emergence and mediocre yields in some environments and susceptibility to PVY. Although highly susceptible to PVY, the Gem Russet variety shows only mild symptoms that can be masked in many field situations. Because of mild symptom expression, it is sometimes considered a symptomless carrier of PVY. Gem Russet is also susceptible to early dying and late blight. It has moderate resistance to scab.
Gem Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
GemStar Russet is a dual-purpose potato variety suitable for processing and fresh-pack usage. It has high U.S. No. 1 yields with extremely attractive tubers having few external defects and higher concentrations of Vitamin C and protein than other potato cultivars. GemStar Russet is cold-sweetening resistant making it exceptional for use in processing. It is resistant to PVX, common and powdery scab and soft rot, and has moderate resistance to Verticillium wilt, net necrosis and corky ringspot. GemStar Russet is notable for its tolerance to water stress. It is very susceptible to PVY and dry rot, and late-season hollow heart can be problematic as well. A release article for GemStar Russet was published in the American Journal of Potato Research in 2006, volume 83.
The plant has a semi-erect vine that matures in the middle of the season and produces oblong tubers with heavily russeted skin. The eyes are intermediate in number and not well distributed. Tuber set is low, with average size typically medium, although large tubers are common with medium dormancy. GemStar Russet produced higher total yields than Russet Burbank in eastern Idaho, but slightly lower yields in the longer season areas of western Idaho and Oregon. In 27 trials in Idaho, Oregon and Washington, GemStar Russet produces tubers with higher specific gravity than those of Russet Burbank and produced much better fry color out of both 40- and 45-degrees Fahrenheit storage.
GemStar Russet has demonstrated less susceptibility to growth cracks and secondary growth, but slightly more susceptibility to shatter bruise and much greater susceptibility to hollow heart than Russet Burbank. Blackspot bruise susceptibility is slightly less or like that of Russet Burbank.

GemStar Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Highland Russet is a mid- to late-season potato variety notable for its high yield of uniform, oblong-long, lightly russeted tubers. The variety has moderately high specific gravity and resistances to second growth and most internal defects. Highland Russet shows good potential for the processing market, although its light skin may limit its acceptance on the fresh market.
Highland Russet is moderately resistant to common scab, powdery scab, early and late tuber blight and PVY. It is resistant to infection by PVX.

Highland Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
IdaRose is a medium to late maturing potato variety with bright red skin and round tuber type for the fresh market. It is high yielding and has excellent eye appeal and good culinary quality. It has long dormancy and can be used directly from the field or sold after storage. It is an excellent variety for home garden use. Strengths include high yield, good appearance and lack of internal defects. The skin has shown russeting in light soils, and it tends to skin when immature.
IdaRose is moderately resistant to early dying and net necrosis. It is moderately susceptible to scab and susceptible to late blight. It stores well and has a low fertilizer requirement.

IdaRose is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Ivory Crisp is an early chipping potato variety with a high specific gravity and medium to high yield. It has good cold chipping potential and long-term storage capability. With spreading vines that mature in mid-season, it produces numerous white flowers and netted round tubers with white skin with eyes that are intermediate in number and not well distributed. Tuber set is medium as is the tuber size.
Ivory Crisp has similar yields to Atlantic in Idaho and produced tubers with similar specific gravity and slightly lower tuber solids than Atlantic. It produced better chip color both out of 40°F and 50°F storage It is less susceptible to hollow heart than Atlantic with other internal and external quality characteristics fairly similar.
Ivory Crisp is generally like Atlantic with respect to disease resistance, except that Atlantic is immune to PVX, while Ivory Crisp is susceptible. Atlantic is also somewhat more resistant to PVY infection.

Ivory Crisp is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
La Belle Russet is a new early to medium maturing potato variety with good early-season yields of oblong-long, medium-russeted tubers. It has greater resistance to tuber malformations and most internal and external defects than Russet Burbank, and its susceptibility to most diseases is like the standard varieties Russet Burbank and Russet Norkotah. La Belle Russet’ maintains acceptable reducing sugar concentrations and fry quality directly from the field and when stored up to 9 months at 48°F. It also has tuber dormancy like Russet Burbank, thereby extending its long-term storage potential. La Belle Russet’s high early-season U.S. No. 1 yields, coupled with excellent culinary and nutritional qualities, also make it an excellent candidate for fresh market production.

La Belle Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Premier Russet is dual-purpose potato variety that is most notable for its resistance to the accumulation of reducing sugars following long-term storage at temperatures as low as 42˚F. Premier Russet is high yielding and has tubers with high specific gravity and few external defects. It is resistant to PVY, common and powdery scab and early dying and is tolerant of water stress. It is also moderately resistant to tuber early blight and soft rot. Weaknesses include susceptibility to blackspot bruise, Fusarium dry rot, and early season hollow heart. Premier Russet also has short tuber dormancy but its ability to store at 42˚F can help to prolong dormancy.
Premier Russet tastes good and makes a fine-looking tuber. It is a mid- to late-season variety notable for its high yield of oblong-long, medium russeted tubers, high specific gravity, excellent fry color from cold storage and resistances to sugar ends, tuber malformations and most internal and external defects.

Premier Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Summit Russet as late maturity and is a high yield potato variety. It was selected for superior tuber quality and has shown good performance for both French fry processing and table stock market characteristics. Tubers of this variety have produced consistent and high tuber specific gravity and excellent fry color following storage. It was intended to replace Russet Burbank and/or Russet Norkotah produced for storage. Summit Russet matures late in the season and produces tubers typically long in shape and somewhat flattened, with moderately russeted skin. The skin russeting has usually been very uniform from stem to bud end. The eyes have shown a tendency to be relatively low in number and not well distributed. Tuber number is typically low and has longer dormancy, 140 days when stored at 45°F, as compared to 145 days for Russet Burbank.
In comparative trials in Idaho, Oregon and Washington Summit Russet has produced total tuber yields like or less than Russet Burbank but it produced higher yields and percentages of U.S. No. 1 tubers than Russet Burbank in all regions of the northwest. In quality evaluations, tubers had much higher tuber solids (specific gravity) than did those of Russet Burbank. It also produced better fry color following storage at both 40°F and 45°F.
Summit Russe’ has shown less susceptibility than ‘Russet Burbank’ to all major external and internal defect problems. Tubers have shown good resistance to growth cracks and second growth, moderate resistance to shatter and blackspot bruise, and moderate susceptibility to hollow heart. On average, it has shown less hollow heart than Russet Burbank. It has demonstrated more resistance to Verticillium wilt, foliar and tuber early blight, foliar and tuber late blight and tuber net necrosis than Russet Burbank.

Summit Russet is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.
Yukon Gem is a round-oblong, yellow-fleshed potato variety that is remarkably like its parent, Yukon Gold. Yukon Gem is higher yielding (12% higher in Idaho) than Yukon Gold and is resistant to PVY, common scab, tuber blight (early and late), net necrosis, blackspot and shatter bruise. It is moderately resistant to dry rot and foliar late blight. Its resistances make it a good candidate for organic production. It also makes acceptable chips, but its lower specific gravity may limit its use for this purpose.
Yukon Gem has an erect, medium vine that matures relatively early in the season. It produces medium red-purple flowers that tend to abort. It produces round to oval, light yellow skin with pink splash around the eyes. The eyes are intermediate in depth and number and are evenly distributed. Tuber set is low to medium and tuber size is medium.

Yukon Gen is exclusively licensed to the Potato Variety Management Institute (PVMI). Please contact PVMI directly for sub-licensing.