Courses Offered
Featured Course
COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication
Sign up for a special section of COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Oral Communication developed specifically for Dual Credit students.
Course Highlights:
- YOU can take a class with other high school students from across the state.
- The professor has customized the class with YOU in mind! Practice public speaking by delivering presentations to YOUR high school classmates or YOUR college classmates!
- Aligns with the high school calendar.
- Offered entirely online (no required Zoom meetings)!
- Complete coursework on YOUR schedule.
- Counts as a General Education course (GEM) so it transfers easily!
To enroll, click here and search for COMM 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication, Section 171.
Not enrolled in U of I's Dual Credit Program? Register here!
Questions about the course? Contact instructor Stacy Hudson at
Courses Offered at the High School Campus
- AGED 101 - Verbal Communication in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
- AGED 251 - Principles of Agricultural Communications and Leadership
- AGED 258 - Experiential Learning and SAE Programs
- AVS 110 - Science of Animal Husbandry
- ARCH 151 - Introduction to the Built Environment
- ART 111 - Drawing I
- ART 122 - Art & Design Process
- ART 261 - Ceramics I
- CTE 298- Career and Technical Education Internship
- CTE 415- Productivity Software in Business Education
- CS 112 - Computational Thinking and Problem Solving
- EDCI 201 - Contexts of Education
- COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- ENGL 101 - Writing and Rhetoric I
- ENGL 102 - Writing and Rhetoric II
- ENGL 175 - Literature and Ideas
- ENGL 257 - Literature of Western Civilization
- ENGL 258 - Survey of Western World Literature II
- IFIT 106 – Idaho Fitness and Wellness
- IFIT 107 – Individual and Team Sports
- HIST 111 - United States History I
- HIST 112 - United States History II
- HIST 310 - The Civil War and Reconstruction
- MATH 123 – Math in Modern Society
- MATH 143 - College Algebra
- MATH 144 - Analytic Trigonometry
- MATH 170 - Calculus I
- STAT 251 - Statistical Methods
- MS 101 - Introduction to the Army and Critical Thinking
- MS 102 - Introduction to the Profession of Arms
- CHIN 101 – Elementary Chinese I
- CHIN 102 – Elementary Chinese II
- CHIN 201 – Intermediate Chinese I
- CHIN 202 – Intermediate Chinese II
- FREN 102 - Elementary French II
- FREN 201 - Intermediate French I
- FREN 202 - Intermediate French II
- FREN 301 - Advanced French Grammar
- GERM 102 – Elementary German II
- SPAN 101 – Elementary Spanish I
- SPAN 102 - Elementary Spanish II
- SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II
- SPAN 301 - Advanced Grammar
- SPAN 302 - Advanced Composition
- MUSA 117- University Choir
- MUSA 121 - Concert Band
- MUSA 122 - Orchestra
- THE 101 - Introduction to the Theatre
- ENVS 101 - Introduction to Environmental Science
- ENVS 102 - Field Activities in Environmental Sciences
- FISH 102 - The Fish and Wildlife Professions
- FOR 102 - Introduction to Forest Management
- POLS 101 - American National Government
- PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology
- BIOL 102 - Biology and Society
- BIOL 102L – Biology and Society Lab
- BIOL 114 - Organisms and Environments
- BIOL 115 - Cells and the Evolution of Life
- BIOL 115L - Cells and the Evolution of Life Laboratory
- CHEM 101 - Introduction to Chemistry I
- CHEM 101L - Introduction to Chemistry Laboratory
- CHEM 111 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 111L - General Chemistry I Laboratory
- GEOG 165 - Human Geography
- PHYS 100 - Fundamentals of Physics
- PHYS 100L - Fundamentals of Physics Lab
- PHYS 111 General Physics I
- PHYS 111L General Physics I Lab