National Alliance Concurrent Enrollment Partnership Standards and Evidence

The National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) works to ensure that college courses offered in high schools are as rigorous as courses offered on the sponsoring college campus. As the sole national accrediting body for concurrent enrollment partnerships, NACEP helps these programs adhere to the highest standards so students experience a seamless transition to college and teachers benefit from meaningful, ongoing professional development. To advance the field and support our national network of members, we actively share the latest knowledge about best practices, research, and advocacy. Our national conference is the premier destination for college officials, high school leaders, policymakers, and researchers interested in creating an effective academic bridge between high school and college.
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National Concurrent Enrollment Partnership Standards
Partnership Standards
- Partnership – P1: The concurrent enrollment program aligns with the college/university mission and is supported by the institution’s administration and academic leadership.
- Partnership – P2: The concurrent enrollment program has ongoing collaboration with secondary school partners.
Faculty Standards
- Faculty – F1: All concurrent enrollment instructors are approved by the appropriate college/university academic leadership and must meet the minimum qualifications for instructors teaching the course on campus.
- Faculty – F2: Faculty liaisons at the college/university provide all new concurrent enrollment instructors with course-specific training in course philosophy, curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment prior to the instructor teaching the course.
- Faculty – F3: Concurrent enrollment instructors participate in college/university provided annual discipline-specific professional development and ongoing collegial interaction to further enhance instructors’ pedagogy and breadth of knowledge in the discipline.
- Faculty – F4: The concurrent enrollment program ensures instructors are informed of and adhere to program policies and procedures.
Assessment Standards
- Assessment – A1: The college/university ensures concurrent enrollment students’ proficiency of learning outcomes is measured using comparable grading standards and assessment methods to on campus sections.
Curriculum Standards
- Curriculum – C1: Courses administered through a concurrent enrollment program are college/university catalogued courses with the same departmental designations, course descriptions, numbers, titles, and credits.
- Curriculum – C2: The college/university ensures the concurrent enrollment courses reflect the learning objectives, and the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of the respective college/university discipline
- Curriculum – C3: Faculty liaisons conduct site visits to observe course content and delivery, student discourse and rapport to ensure the courses offered through the concurrent enrollment program are equivalent to the courses offered on campus.
Student Standards
- Student – S1: Registration and transcripting policies and practices for concurrent enrollment students are consistent with those on campus.
- Student – S2: The concurrent enrollment program has a process to ensure students meet the course prerequisites of the college/university
- Student – S3: Concurrent enrollment students are advised about the benefits and implications of taking college courses, as well as the college’s policies and expectations
- Student – S4: The college/university provides, in conjunction with secondary partners, concurrent enrollment students with suitable access to learning resources and student support services.
Program Evaluation Standards
- Evaluation – E1: The college/university conducts end-of-term student course evaluations for each concurrent enrollment course to provide instructors with student feedback.
- Evaluation – E2: The college/university conducts and reports regular and ongoing evaluations of the Concurrent Enrollment Program effectiveness and uses the results for continuous improvement.