Production and Storage
Cumulative growing degree days (GDD) for the 2024 Idaho potato crop in three locations compared to historical GDD. (Source of GDD from Agrimet with 50 degree Fahrenheit as a minimum and 86 degree Fahrenheit as a maximum.) Growing degree day cumulation begins April 1 and ends Oct. 1.

Below are a list of downloadable publications on topics related to production and storage.
Cost of production
- Costs and Returns for Irrigated Organic Russet Burbank Potato Production in Southern Idaho, BUL 876
- Potato Cost of Production for Idaho: 2016 With Comparisons to 2015, BUL 917
Seed production and planting
- Potato Seed Certification and Selection in Idaho, BUL 983
- Potato Seed Management: Seed Size and Age, CIS 1031
- Uniform Plant Stand Is Key to Crop Yield and Quality, BUL 951
Field, crop rotation, soil, irrigation and nutrient management
- Agronomics of Leasing Fields for Potato Production, BUL 1038
- Nitrogen Management in Field Crops with Reference Strips and Crop Sensors, BUL 896
- Nitrogen Uptake and Utilization by Pacific Northwest Field Crops, PNW 513
- Nutrient Management Guidelines for Russet Burbank Potatoes, BUL 840
- Organic Potato Production in Idaho: Nutrient Management and Variety Selection, BUL 885
- Evaluating LESA Irrigation Systems in Potato Production in Southern and Eastern Idaho, BUL 933
- Potato Production with Limited Water Supply, CIS 1122
- Potato Irrigation Management, BUL 789
- Impact of Freezing Temperatures on Potato Tubers, BUL 1073
Organic production
- Conduct Your Own Garden Research, CIS 1041
- Organic and alternative methods for potato sprout control in storage, CIS 1120
- Organic Potato Production in Idaho: Nutrient Management and Variety Selection, BUL 885
- Potato Production in the Home Garden, CIS 1000
Storage management
- Cleaning and Disinfecting Potato Equipment and Storage Facilities, CIS 1180
- Cull and Waste Potato Management, CIS 814
- Diagnosis and Management of Potato Storage Diseases, CIS 1131
- Measuring Potato Dry Matter Content on the Farm, CIS 1219
- Best Practices for CIPC Residue Sampling of Potatoes and Storage Facilities, BUL 907
- Commercial application of sprout inhibitor of CIPC to storage potatoes, CIS 1059
- Organic and alternative methods for potato sprout control in storage, CIS 1120
- Handling Potato Waste for Beef Cattle Feeding, CIS 425
- Options for Storing Potatoes at Home, CIS 1153
- Portable test kits for diagnosing potato diseases, BUL 883
- Respiration of Potatoes During Storage, BUL 1061
- Superficial Growth on Potatoes, CIS 1191