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Borah Symposium

Physical Address:
338 Administration Building

Mailing Address:
Borah Foundation & Symposium
c/o The Martin Institute
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3177
Moscow, ID 83844-3177

Phone: 208-885-6527

Fax: 208-885-9464



Borah Symposium 1970-79

April 23-25

Committee Chair: Tony Skrbek

“Population Growth vs. Ecology: The Facts of Life in a Closed System”

  • John Hessel

Keynote Address: “World-wide Population and Pollution Problems”

  • Daniel Schorr


  • Ralph Lapp

“Ecological Effects of the War in Southeast Asia”

  • E. W. Pfeiffer

“Conservation and the Earth as an Ecosphere”

  • Gary Soucie

(An Inquiry into Cultural Conflict as a Cause of Domestic Violence and International War)

March 4-6

Committee Chair: Robert E. Hosack, Political Science

“The Scope and Nature of World Cultural Conflicts”

  • Alfred Lilienthal, Middle East expert
  • Col. Harry Jackson, US Army

“Cultures & Counter Cultures”

  • Robert Bellah, sociologist
  • Roderic Gorney, psychiatrist

“Education and Cultural Conflict”

  • Russell Kirk, conservative thinker
  • Nat Hentoff, social critic

“Resolution of Conflicts in America”

  • Saul Alinsky, professional radical
  • Russell Kirk

“Cultural Conflicts in Asia, Africa and the Middle East”

  • Thomas Molnar, political commentator on Africa
  • Alfred Lilienthal on the Middle East
  • Robert Bellah on Asia
  • Nat Hentoff on American foreign involvement
  • Col. Harry Jackson with a military view

“Cultural Conflicts as a Cause of War”

  • Roderic Gorney and Thomas Molnar

(A discussion of current world crises as a cause of World War III)

February 29 - March 1

Committee Chair: Robert E. Hosack, Political Science

“Changing American Foreign Policy”

  • Walter Judd

“How Can We Prevent Future Vietnams?”

  • Tran Van Dinh, former Vietnam Ambassador to the U.S.

“The Automated Battlefield and Air War”

  • Kenneth Kirkpatrick

“The Threat of Communism in the Americas”

  • Juanita Castro, sister of Fidel Castro

“Ideological and Religious Conflicts as Barriers to Peace”

  • Charles Frankel

“An Islamic View of the Middle East Conflict”

  • Mr. M. A. Rauf

“An Israeli View of the Middle East Conflict”

  • Samual Segev
  • Gen. Carl von Horn

“The Current Crises in World Organization”

“Strengthening Collective Security: An American View of the Crises”

  • Col. Amos Jordan

April 2-4

Committee Chair: Stanley W. Thomas, Campus Christian Center

“Senator William E. Borah and the Power of Congress in Policy Determination with Respect to War and Peace”

  • Sen. Len B. Jordan

“POW Comments”

  • John “Spike” Nasmyth

“Pressure Groups as Effective Expressions of Power in Policy Decisions with Respect to War and Peace”

  • H. R. Mahood and Majid Khadduri

“Society's Responsibilities with Respect to War and Peace”

  • Wilma Heide

“Economic Power and the Effect on War & Peace”

  • Steve Heimer
  • William Rusher
  • Robert Smith

“Major World Powers and the Role of the United Nations in Providing Resolution of Conflicts to Achieve a Peaceful World”

  • George L. Sherry
Other Participant:
  • Jerome Scolnick

February 5-7

Committee Chair: Harry Caldwell, Geography

“Presidential War-Making Powers”

  • Aaron Wildavsky
  • Elizabeth Haltzman
  • Sen. James McClure

“The Role of the Media as a Pressure on the Presidency”

  • Hugh Sidey
  • Bill Hall

Other Participants:

  • William A. Williams
  • Sen. Mark Hatfield
  • Raul Manglapus

January 18-23

Committee Chair: Harry Caldwell, Geography

  • Samuel Huntington, specialist in foreign affairs
  • Francis Fitzgerald, author
  • Victor Marchetti
  • Seymour Melman, Professor of Economics, Columbia Univ.
  • Adm. Elmo Zumwalt
  • Hon. Marjorie Holt, Congresswoman from Maryland
  • Hon. Les Aspin, Congressman from Wisconsin

“1975 Report from Hanoi”

  • Francis Fitzgerald

“The State of the U.S. Economy”

  • Seymour Melman & Les Aspin

March 30 - April 1

Committee Chair: Jeanette Driskell, Education

  • Eugene McCarthy, former Senator
  • G. Warren Nutter, conservative economist
  • Karl Hess, Libertarian, Goldwater speechwriter
  • William Kunstler, lawyer
  • Rep. Steve Symms (Idaho)
  • Carl Jacklin, psychologist
  • Benjamin Spock, pediatrician
  • David Halberstam, journalist

March 22-24

Committee Chair: Amos Yoder, Political Science

  • Senator Frank Church
  • Herbert Scoville
  • Bernard Feld
  • Theodore Taylor
  • Harold Agnew
  • Douglas DeNike
  • Philip Farley
  • Roger Batzel
  • R. J. Rummel
  • Ernest L. Stanger
  • Tommy Ambrose
  • Sam Day
  • Orval Hanson
  • Robert C. Lewis
  • Senator James McClure
  • Alden Meinel
  • Marjorie Meinel
  • John Peavey
  • Representative Steve Symms

April 10-11

Committee Chair: Raymond J. Miller, Agriculture

  • Godfrey Binaisa
  • Robert Moss
  • Robert Maxim
  • Igor S. Glagolev
  • Rose Styron
  • Eugenio Velasco

March 5-6

Committee Chair: Donald Haber, Civil Engineering

  • Mansur Kikhia
  • Richard Barnet
  • Frank LaRoux
  • Jacob Clayman
  • Walt Rostow
  • Hazel Denton
  • Koichi Matsuura
  • Senator Frank Church
  • Charles Kindleberger, moderator

Borah Symposium

Physical Address:
338 Administration Building

Mailing Address:
Borah Foundation & Symposium
c/o The Martin Institute
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3177
Moscow, ID 83844-3177

Phone: 208-885-6527

Fax: 208-885-9464

